Introvert Relationship: 10 Ways An Introvert Loves Differently


Love comes in all forms, degrees of intensity, and ways theyโ€™re expressed. But thereโ€™s nothing like introvert love and introvert relationship. In the context of love and romantic relationships, introverts are often terribly misunderstood for the mere reason of a lack of awareness among people about the true facts and intricacies of an introvertโ€™s behavior.

In a modern world full of blabbering mouths, introverts tend to feel more judged than accepted.ย For this reason, introverts develop a whole different idea of how they want to love and be loved.

Yes, they might not be dramatically exuberant in displaying and acknowledging their affection for you, but they are definitely very intimate and romantic in nature. Once you dive into the depth of their soul, you will be lost in them, forever. Thatโ€™s just the struggle and the beauty of introvert love.

Letโ€™s find out more about introvert relationships, and how an introvert loves differently from others.

Related: 11 Thoughtful Ways To Care For Introverts

Introvert Relationship: 10 Ways An Introvert Loves Differently

1. We need quiet time with our loved ones.

We are quiet, but inside we are screaming louder than ever. Sometimes loving us will simply mean respecting the silence we desire from time to time. We donโ€™t need a constant flow of words to feel loved.

Introverts just need you to be silently present with them, allowing them to be authentic yet vulnerable. We love to enjoy simple, quiet time together with you by our side. No chit -chats, no small talks โ€“ just silence.

introvert relationship

2. We can step out of their comfort zone for love.

Introverts can be flexible and stretch themselves to be a bit more fun-going, carefree and expressive about themselves. We can only do this for only a brief period of time for people who really matter to us. So, when we agree to go to the big wedding party with you, we would love it if you could balance this for us.

The next day we might need some solitude to recharge our social battery to function. Having our partnerโ€™s support for that time will make us more willing to step out of our comfort zone again. We tend to get better at it with time.

3. We only unlock their hearts for the most special of souls.

If we have picked you up and opened up to you, we have already determined youโ€™re worth the risk. So if you find us sharing intimate information about ourselves, trusting you, confiding in you our secrets, then, hell yes, consider yourself lucky enough to have caught our eyes.

You are special to us, for sure. You will come to realize how unique we are in our own way of opening up to you. Once you have gained our attention and our trust, make sure you take good care of our sensitive attitude.

Related: Introvert Love: 6 Reasons Why Introverts Make the Best Life Partners

4. We deeply value listening.

One of the most powerful abilities of an introvert is their ability to listen and understand. We will actively listen to you speak your heart out. And guess what? We will remember every detail of the conversation. Because we will not be merely staring at your face or fidgeting with our phones when you speak; we listen and absorb every word that comes out of your mouth.

Similarly, we also desire that you too listen mindfully when we share something. An introvert will plan and contemplate a conversation with you before we actually speak. So, when we express, we demand to be fully understood.ย At times, it may be hard to understand, but once you get used to the way we express ourselves, it gets easier to connect the dots to our thoughts.

If youre my friend you have to be ready

5. We do not intend to seem distant in love.

When you love an introvert you may always feel a tiny bit like an outsider in their little world, but thatโ€™s okay. You may be often left a little in the dark regarding where you stand in their hearts, and this might frustrate you a lot more than you can handle.

We are always in a little bubble of our own. Once you are granted a deep connection, know that that never goes away for us. Thereโ€™s nothing devilish going on in our minds and hearts. We are actually just observing, thinking, analyzing, and learning โ€“ a natural way of our being that you will get used to. It grows on you eventually, trust us.ย 

6. We often fall in love withย extroverts.

Sometimes we admire and envy you at the same time, which is a good thing. We are always in awe of your ability to woo others, and charm the room, fill the air with laughter, and spread your bubbling energy with other people. The ease with which you interact with strangers is dreamlike for us introverts!

Your happy-go-lucky nature of spreading smiles everywhere is immensely attractive to us. But it is also life-threatening to us. We see in you something we know we canโ€™t be, and we worry you will grow bored of our quiet nature. But nonetheless, once youโ€™ve caught our attention and struck a smooth conversation with us, the skyโ€™s the limit.

I want to be loved and left alone at the same time

7. We always think first, and then speak.

Introverts are slow at responding because we like to work things out in our heads first. We always try to choose our words with care. Diving head first into something never works well for us. Often when we go along with hashing it out before we are ready, we are never able to resolve the situation.

We like to take our time to process the entire context before talking about the right solutions. That way it becomes clear to both of us where we stand. It takes a lot of patience when you try to understand, but itโ€™s better than lashing out at us.

Related: Introvert Relationships: Love Me or Leave Me But Please Donโ€™t Need Me (Too Much)

8. We crave to be understood.

This is a given when it comes to being in a relationship with an introvert.

Introverts like people who give an effort to understand them. We love to have someone around who will understand our silence, body language, and facial expressions rather than judge us for coming off as being aloof, distant, and cold. If something about us bothers you, just talk to us about it, instead of jumping to conclusions.

We appreciate the fact that you have noticed and that you reached out to embrace our differences. Trust me, we will never forget you doing so and this makes us feel more comfortable and safe with you.

9. We love to have fun.

Just because we donโ€™t gain energy from large gatherings doesnโ€™t mean we donโ€™t love to laugh and have a blast. Introverts have sharp witty humor that reveals itself when we are with people we trust and are comfortable with. We enjoy having meaningful conversations and staying in to entertain ourselves with indoor activities like watching movies, listening to music together and the list goes on.

A quiet person doesnโ€™t necessarily need to be boring. In fact, introverts come up with the wildest references from movie lines to subtle shots โ€“ make sure you catch them at the right time. Responding to social cues may be a struggle for many of us but we get better at it with time and more exposure to social situations.

I Didnt Disappear I Traded

10. We loveย to know you are happy.

We know we are different, or at least we feel different from others. Some of us accept this happily, while some of us struggle doing so. Nonetheless, we need to know that you are happy with us and the way we are.

It is all about trying to understand and respect each otherโ€™s differences. We just need some reassurance sometimes that we are still capable of making you feel lucky to have us.

Related: Introvert Love: 5 Keys To Understanding And Loving An Introverted Man

Introverts are some of the most loyal, supportive, uplifting, peaceful souls among us. For an introvert to have picked you to share their life with, means you are one amazing person worthy of risking their heart and soul for. Thatโ€™s a bond you will never imagine ever breaking. You will definitely enjoy the thrill of unwrapping an introvert layer by layer before you are overwhelmed by their love.

If you are an introvert, try to openly communicate with your partner so as to reduce misunderstanding between you both. We all can learn a lot from each other if we can cultivate respect and understanding. With mutual understanding served at your table, letโ€™s hope for nothing less than a happily ever after.

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