How You Feel About Your Ex, Based On Your Zodiac Sign



Can you move on from a breakup quickly or does it take a while to get over it? How you feel about your Ex sometimes depends on your zodiac sign.

Astrology has long fascinated humanity, offering insights into our personalities, relationships, and even the way we navigate the complex realm of love and heartbreak.

When it comes to matters of the heart, the impact of our zodiac sign cannot be overlooked. Each zodiac sign carries its own distinct set of traits and tendencies, shaping our emotional responses and influencing the way we feel about our ex-partners.

Whether youโ€™re a fiery Aries, a practical Taurus, a charming Gemini, or any other zodiac sign, the cosmic forces at play have a profound impact on how you process the end of a romantic relationship.

Breaking up with someone you love is hard for everybody, but by delving into the unique characteristics associated with each sign, we can uncover fascinating insights into how each zodiac experiences and copes with the aftermath of a breakup.

So, letโ€™s seeย how you feel about your ex, based on your star sign!

How You Feel About Your Ex Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Hereโ€™s how you feel about your ex according to astrology:

1. Aries:

Treat Your Ex aries

Aries is the zodiac sign of highly radiant and intense people. It gets reflected in their relationships too. They put in their utmost effort when it comes to their love life and relationship. Hence they donโ€™t let them go easily.

It becomes difficult for them to cut off ties with someone they loved. They end up becoming friends with their exes.

So, if you are Aries, you will treat your ex in a positive way and may become friends after the breakup. If youโ€™re an Aries this is how you feel about your ex.ย 

Read Ways Each Zodiac Sign Keeps You Around Without Committing To You

2. Taurus:

Treat Your Ex taurus

How you feel about your ex depends on how fixated are you as a Taurus. Here we are talking about the obstinate but passionate beings.

They exemplify the concept of passionate love in relationships. Hence, their breakup takes them in either of two directions. The first direction leads them to sever all ties with their ex.

However, it doesnโ€™t let them move on easily. The other direction takes them to a state where they cling to the memories of their beloved.

No matter what they do, they, mostly, are trapped in the past affair. So, if your zodiac sign is Taurus you are highly likely to treat your ex in the same way and fail to overcome the breakup.

Read Your Love Style Based On Your Zodiac Sign

3. Gemini:

Treat Your Ex gemini

Gemini is the zodiac sign of sentimental people. The sentiments come into play when they break up with someone.

They donโ€™t find it easy to get rid of their feelings for their ex. They may not be in touch with their ex, yet the memory remains intact with them for some time.

However, this doesnโ€™t mean that a breakup can bother them for long. They find a distraction soon.

4. Cancer:

Treat Your Ex cancer

Cancer is a sensitive yet strong person. They donโ€™t open their hearts in front of too many people. Hence, when they break up you wonโ€™t find them crying ever. It isnโ€™t because they donโ€™t cry, but they cry in their own company.

However, their strength helps them in moving on too. So, if you are a Cancer you will treat your ex as an experience, take a lesson and try to move on.

Read Zodiac Signs Ranked In Order of Their Craziness As Exes.

5. Leo:

Treat Your Ex leo

Leo people are used to grabbing the limelight effortlessly. When they break up they donโ€™t leave being the center of attraction. They seek the attention of their exes by dating other singles.

They either get their ex back or move on and never look back!

6. Virgo:

Treat Your Ex virgo

They are intelligent and emotional people. Sometimes you will find them to be reserved too. This intellect and reserved nature signal that once they break up with someone, there is no going back.

Especially, if the reason is their ex, they will never go back to them ever again. They prefer cutting off all the ties at once. If you are a Virgo, you will treat your ex as a closed chapter.

7. Libra:

Treat Your Ex libra

Librans are loving, caring, and the nicest people you will come across. This nature is reflected in their relationship too. They care and love their beloved to the extent that it becomes difficult for them to move on.

They feel a void in their life when they break up. This causes lots of crying and depression too. Though, they donโ€™t express it ever in front of their exes. Instead, they behave politely with them.

8. Scorpio:

Treat Your Ex scorpio

The scorpions are born with a love for power. This power-hunger makes them a bit introverted when it comes to expressing their emotions.

They feel like losing strength in doing so. When they break up with someone, they put in their maximum effort to hide their hurting heart.

They are successful to the extent that people start believing that they never had any emotion for them in the first place.

Nonetheless, they behave pretty nicely with their exes. Yet their cool approach gives a sense of coldness, which makes it difficult for a person to know if they ever cared or not.

9. Sagittarius:

Treat Your Ex sagittarius

Here we are discussing the adventurous and high-spirited people. You will find them ever ready to try out new things.

They are well known for being commitment-phobic. When they break up, the affair doesnโ€™t bother them much. They take it rather easily. They are very optimistic people who donโ€™t lose hope easily. They believe in the concept of living life to its extreme.

This attitude makes them strong enough to handle their breakup without any hassle. As a Sag you will find new distractions soon after your break up, thatโ€™s how you treat your ex.

Read 3 Things He Does For You That Are Clues He Wants You As His Girlfriend Based on His Zodiac Sign

10. Capricorn:

Treat Your Ex capricon

These people are born with special needs. This is the need to feel worthy by the people who matter to them. Therefore, when they come into a relationship they give anything and everything to their partner.

This need to feel worthy causes them to be highly disturbed by the breakup. They donโ€™t find themselves able to accept that someone can leave them. This makes them one of those, who try incessantly to go back into the relationship.

Read What Each Zodiac Sign Finds More Attractive In A Partner Than Sex

11. Aquarius:

Treat Your Ex aquarius

They are proud people who will remain distant in the company of a crowd. This nature impacts their relationship as well.

They are seldom completely open to their partners. However, their detached way of approaching things helps them when they suffer from a breakup.

You will never find them to be trapped in an on-and-off relationship. They wipe out any possible trace of their exes from their lives.

12. Pisces:

Treat Your Ex pisces

Piscean are daydreamers and emotional people. They believe in making the utmost effort and sacrifices. They are compassionate people, which is why they behave very nicely to their exes.

Despite being friendly to their exes, they never let it slip even if the friendship hurts them.

So, that was all about how you feel about your ex according to your zodiac and all theย shenanigans done by zodiac signs after breakups. Did it resonate?

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