Astrology Reveals Your Best And Worst Zodiac Quality


What is your best and worst zodiac quality? Everyone has both good and bad in them, and sometimes the finest way to know your best and worst quality is by looking at your zodiac sign.

Your zodiac sign holds the key to knowing everything you want to know about yourself and then working on them the way you want to.

Someone might be extremely positive when they are in a good mood, but horribly mean when they feel down and depressed.

Knowing your best and worst qualities can help you work on your flaws and also feed the good parts in yourself. So, are you ready to know what your best and worst zodiac quality is?

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Best And Worst Zodiac Quality: Astrology Reveals Your Best And Worst Quality

Hereโ€™s the best and worst quality of each zodiac sign:

1. Aries (March 21 โ€“ April 19)

best and worst zodiac quality

Aries at their best: Optimistic and hopeful

They are full of life and adventures, and with a bright light in their eyes โ€“ a light bright enough to make all darkness disappear.

Challenging, caring, and with big smiles on their face, they admire all the beauty they can see, and their heads are filled with plans. Nothing could ever bring them down, nothing could come between them and whatever it is that they want.

Aries at their worst: Reckless and self-destructive

They doubt themselves in a very destructive way. They think itโ€™s all their fault and that they canโ€™t make anyone truly happy.

Theyโ€™re reckless and cannot be reached by anyone; no one knows whatโ€™s going on inside their head. Theyโ€™re harsh and donโ€™t care if they hurt someoneโ€™s feelings or not. They donโ€™t care at all.

Related: Aries Personality: 15 Things You Need To Know About The Ram Sign

2. Taurusย (April 20 โ€“ May 20)

best and worst zodiac quality

Taurus at their best: Witty and confident

Absolute sweethearts with great wit. Their heart is only open wide for people they choose carefully because they know itโ€™s for their own good.

They know whatโ€™s good for them and theyโ€™re confident because they know what theyโ€™re capable of. A true and fair winner; caring, charming, funny, intelligent, and affectionate.

Taurus at their worst: Hurtful and self-doubting

They seem cold and careless. They know how to use words to inflict pain and they do that. Doubting themselves, suddenly they lose all their confidence.

Canโ€™t really control their feelings and tend to explode. Not looking after themselves and their loved ones because theyโ€™re busy being stuck in a bad mood but deep down theyโ€™re very very sorry for it.

Related: 10 Secrets About Taurus You Probably Know Nothing About

3. Geminiย (May 21 โ€“ June 20)

best and worst zodiac quality

Gemini at their best: Cheerful and energetic

A head full of ideas, a chest full of life. Theyโ€™re up to something great; smiling, laughing, telling jokes, telling the greatest stories.

Theyโ€™re caring, motivating, inspiring, freedom-loving, passionate about life, and creative. Theyโ€™re helpful and know how to cheer you up. They donโ€™t run out of energy, they keep going.

Gemini at their worst: Cold and insulting

There is no sparkle in their eyes. Their hands are cold and their look is empty. Everything bores them, bothers them, or sucks the life out of their bones.

They donโ€™t see or hear anything, theyโ€™re lost in thoughts. Get mean easily, say things they donโ€™t mean. Hurt others on purpose but end up hurting themselves. Self-pitying, over-emotional, or not showing any emotion.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of The Misunderstood Gemini

4. Cancerย (June 21 โ€“ July 22)

best and worst zodiac quality

Cancer at their best: Kind and caring

Brave people of good hearts. Kind and caring, spreading love and good vibes. They fight for what they want, they always have something to say.

Generous, understanding, shining as bright as the sun. A smile that makes others smile. They are very strong and handle their emotions wisely. Not to be underestimated.

Cancer at their worst: Close themselves off and manipulate others

They say or do things they regret immediately. They forget to take care of themselves. They donโ€™t talk to anyone, donโ€™t reply. They tend to put themselves under enormous emotional pressure. May manipulate others or completely lock themselves away.

Related: 12 Personality Traits Of Cancer, The Cardinal Water Sign

5. Leo (July 23 โ€“ August 22)

best and worst zodiac quality

Leo at their best: Joyful and humorous

The literal sun. They shine so brightly even when theyโ€™re not smiling. Their laugh echoes, everybody hears it.

Very proud, ambitious, kind, fair, and loving. Bring happiness wherever they go, bring light into the dark. Full of dreams and very intelligent. The one that makes a boring evening a perfect one. Protective and they have a great sense of humor.

Leo at their worst: Harsh and frustrated

Believing themselves to be not good enough, doubting themselves, and suffering from it. Harsh and kind of cold. Their look is still powerful and you dare not to speak to them.

They drift away, may get mean, or change their mind really quickly because they just donโ€™t know what they want and it frustrates them so much.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Leo, The Untamed Fire Sign

6. Virgoย (August 23 โ€“ September 22)

best and worst zodiac quality

Virgo at their best: Generous and gentle

Really good at doing what they love to do. Happy to spend time with people they like, generous and gentle, wise, and give great advice.

Takes hints, makes great surprises and knows how to comfort people. Full of life and they have great wit. The one that keeps you grounded. Honest and fair.

Virgo at their worst: Manipulative and self-pitying

Causing pain or worries to others to release themselves from it. They may be manipulative and self-pitying, exaggerating, and not really speaking up.

They tend to make decisions they will regret later. They forget how clever they are or they doubt their skills and their intelligence and make themselves smaller than they are.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Virgo, The Mercurial Earth Sign

7. Libraย (September 23 โ€“ October 22)

best and worst zodiac quality

Libra at their best: Charming and spontaneous

A great supporter. Someone with an eye for beauty, a charming smile, and an amazing aura. They are funny, full of ideas, and spontaneous.

They remember little things and can easily make others happy about what they love to do. Very creative and honest and they have a wild soul.

Libra at their worst: Moody and cold

Moody, not seeing themselves as the masterpiece they are. Letting everybody know how they feel. Cold and feeling incredibly bad about it.

They just hide away from the world and wonโ€™t let anything come close to them. In pain just because they see all the flaws in their lives although there may not even be some.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Libra, The Idealistic Air Sign

8. Scorpioย (October 23 โ€“ November 21)

best and worst zodiac quality

Scorpio at their best: Passionate and strong-willed

Passionate, strong, strong-willed, skilled, and loving. They are full of secrets which is why they can keep secrets like no one else.

They have an entire universe for themselves. They donโ€™t care about limits but in a good way. They share their ideas and dreams and cheer others up.

Scorpio at their worst: Neglect others and reckless

Neglecting their friends, their family, their duties, and themselves. Reckless and not saying much about it.

Things that usually fascinate them do not fascinate them anymore and they feel like nothing could ever make them smile again. Everything they love starts seeming so irrelevant to them.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Scorpio, The Ambitious Water Sign

9. Sagittariusย (November 22 โ€“ December 21)

best and worst zodiac quality

Sagittarius at their best: Open-minded and positive

Funny, uplifting, full of life, and good energy. They donโ€™t care what anyone thinks of them, they will dance to loud music whenever they feel like it. They are open-minded and interested in things, prepared to stand up for what they believe in at any time.

Sagittarius at their worst: Depressed and angry

Feeling depressed and not able to explain it, express it, or talk about it. Over emotional and hot-tempered, about to explode although they donโ€™t always know why. About to yell at someone for little things although they donโ€™t want to. Tired of everything.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Sagittarius, The Fiery Archer Sign

10. Capricornย (December 22 โ€“ January 19)

best and worst zodiac quality

Capricorn at their best: Helpful and motivating

A guardian angel. Always there when you need them and glad to help. Theyโ€™re caring for themselves and really moving things.

They know how to use words and what to say in any situation. Working on something great, motivating others, and taking care of people.

Capricorn at their worst: Sarcastic and bitter

Sarcastic and they just shut everything down. Maybe bitter over something, maybe making others upset, too. Seem to have given up. Not sure what to do or what to say. Doubting themselves deep down but not willing to admit it. Not showing any emotions.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Capricorn, The Disciplined Soul

11. Aquariusย (January 20 โ€“ February 18)

best and worst zodiac quality

Aquarius at their best: Curious and uplifting

An actual source of energy. Always have the greatest plans and ideas, and dislike boredom. They love communicating and meeting new people and seeing new places. Curious about life, wanting to explore the world. They can lift others up with their presence only.

Aquarius at their worst: Complaining about everything and low on energy

Complaining over everything and annoying others with it. They donโ€™t care about anything anymore, and they become reckless

They donโ€™t care anymore and do their own thing even though it might not be good for them. Ignoring others and feeling empty deep down. Like they ran out of energy.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Aquarius, The Progressive Air Sign

12. Piscesย (February 19 โ€“ March 20)

best and worst zodiac quality

Pisces at their best: Supportive and productive

Supporting others, taking care of others but also of themselves. Very clever, know what to say, funny. Their fantasy knows no limits and theyโ€™re very productive.

They do art or listen to music. They make others smile and fascinate them; playing their own little games. Inspired.

Pisces at their worst: Stubborn and revengeful

Feeling incredibly sad because of how the world is. Theyโ€™re manipulative and stubborn and can be actually dangerous because you just canโ€™t tell what theyโ€™re up to.

They get revengeful when they have no energy and feel powerless, underestimated, and not treated how they think they should be treated.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Pisces, The Gentle Water Sign

Those were the best and worst quality of zodiac signs. Could you identify your best and worst zodiac quality by learning about the best and worst quality of star signs?

Related: What Is Spirituality?

Do you have anything to add to your best and worst zodiac quality? Let us know in the comments down below!

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