Do You See A Concave Or Convex Mask? Try This Hollow Face Illusion Test To Detect If You’re A Genius or Schizophrenic



Only a genius can solve this! Here is a quick hollow face illusion test to find out! No, this is not a psychiatric or medical test, but an out-of-the-box quiz with two questions you need to answer.

Sounds interesting? So, are you ready to take this rotating face mask illusion?

We at MInd Journal are fond of mind games and have got plenty of fun, personality, love, trivia, lifestyle, and intelligence quizzes; to entertain our readers, help them in time pass, assess their personality, find their talent, test their intelligence, and much more. All our quizzes are mind-blowing and reveal results in just a few seconds.

Today’s quiz is specifically designed to have two questions that can be answered only by a schizophrenic or a genius person. 

Are you ready to find who you are? Do you think you can answer these questions?

Please note, this quiz is not scientifically proven, however visual illusions involve deception of the eyes and tricking the brain, so you need to observe the gif below each question and observe what you see.

Be attentive, but don’t over analyse the questions or your responses. Answer in accordance with your feelings, if you want an accurate result.

Here are the questions for this rotating face mask illusion:

1. Is the mask convex on one side or two?

optical illusion - genius or schizophrenic?

2. Is the mask rotating in one direction or in two?

optical illusion test

Here are the answers for this hollow face illusion psychology:


1. The mask is convex only on one side.

2. The mask is rotating in the right direction.

This is called Hollow-Face illusion or Hollow-Mask illusion, an optical illusion that makes people perceive a concave mask of a face that appears as a normal convex face.

What It Means If…

1. You answered both the questions wrong? 

Then, you are a healthy person! Your brain inclines towards self-deceit. You can consider artificial forms and extra shadows or details correcting the picture. Whether you want or not you can swallow the hook of the illusion. 

2. You answered just one question correctly? 

Then it’s time for you to have a talk with a psychiatrist.

The reason you see the hollow mask illusion is because people with schizophrenia are unable to make a connection between what they know and what they see. Illusions play with our preconceived ideas, that a person with schizophrenia lacks. This is why they aren’t fooled

They think it is concave and rotates in one direction. People with schizophrenia and psychotic symptoms have a reduced tendency to interpret any kind of ambiguous 3D object as convex.

3. You answered both questions correctly? 

You may be a genius who can see through illusions. Those geniuses have both types of thinking i.e they can think like a normal healthy person as well as like a schizophrenic.

Genius personalities can switch between both types of thinking. So, they can see the illusion just like a normal or healthy person but also see the catch immediately. Their brain may stop perceiving the deceit if they want to. 

Are you a genius, schizophrenic, or someone ordinary? Let us know the results of this optical illusion test of this rotating face mask illusion in the comments below. And if you enjoyed taking this test, share it with your friends and folks 🙂

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