How To Emotionally Detach From Someone? 9 Things You Can Do To Move On



If you are struggling with the heartache of a broken bond, then you have come to the right place. Are you constantly wondering how to emotionally detach from someone? Are you struggling to break free from the grip of emotions that tie you to someone?

Today, in this article, we are going to talk about what does emotional detachment mean, and provide you some effective tips that can help you in detaching from a relationship. Itโ€™s time you break free from the chains that bind you and set yourself free.

Come on, first letโ€™s understand what does emotional detachment mean.

Related: What Is Positive Emotional Detachment and Itโ€™s Benefits

What Does Emotional Detachment Mean?

You know that feeling when youโ€™re stuck in an emotional rollercoaster, but no matter how hard you try, you are just not able to hit the brakes? Well, emotional detachment is like taking back control of that ride.

Itโ€™s about creating healthy space for your and your emotions, and allowing yourself to navigate relationship with freedom and clarity. Itโ€™s about empowering yourself to forge a deeper connection with yourself and others, by being emotionally independent and resilient.

how to emotionally detach from someone

Now that we have talked about what does emotional detachment mean, letโ€™s explore how to emotionally detach from someone.

How To Emotionally Detach From Someone? 9 Things You Should Do

1. Cut down on your interaction.

When you limit your communication with someone, you give yourself the space and perspective you need to break out of the dependency you feel. Itโ€™s completely up to you how you choose to communicate and how often.

Only you have the power to set boundaries and limitations on your interactions by reducing phone calls, text messages, and even cutting back on social media use. Dialing back on interaction eases the burden of constantly having to reply and react.

It frees you to concentrate on your personal growth, and what matters most. You can gently tell the other person why you need more space while still showing that you care about them.

2. Focus on responding instead of reacting.

Itโ€™s important to think before responding instead of just mindlessly reacting, be it positive moments or negative. When you react without thinking, you are giving the other person the license to use your behavior against you.

Also, you wouldnโ€™t want to get triggered so badly that you undo all the progress you have made along the way, by detaching from a relationship. When you react, it happens in the blink of an eye and often leaves you with regrets.

On the other hand, when you decide to respond, itโ€™s different because you stop for a second, take a deep breath, and think about your next move. This way, you allow yourself the time to make a decision thatโ€™s healthy for you.

3. Practice meditation.

Sometimes, life can feel really overwhelming and stressful and it can be tricky to figure out how to think and what to do. In situations like this, meditation can be your best friend, as it can help calm your mind and help you focus again.

By embracing the benefits of meditation, you can direct your thoughts toward fresh perspectives, release yourself from bad relationships and the anger they cause.

If youโ€™re less stressed and more relaxed mentally, decision-making becomes easier. This puts you in a better position to act against those who complicate your life.

Related: How To Detach And Let Go With Love

4. Work on your personal growth.

How to emotionally detach from someone? Instead of focusing on trying to change someone else, itโ€™s better to improve yourself. This can mean picking up new hobbies, improving your health, or chasing your goals and ambitions. By looking inside yourself, you will be better able to boost your own spirit.

The more you invest in what youโ€™re passionate about and your talents, the less youโ€™ll depend on others. You curb your progress when you look towards others to give you the validation you need.

Your joy should come from reaching your full potential rather than seeking approval. Itโ€™s always better to follow your own goals with commitment and let others choose their own ways without interfering.

how to emotionally detach from someone

5. Focus on having some physical distance between.

Being clingy and needy pushes people away, instead of bringing them close. In fact, when you put a lot of pressure on your loved ones to fulfill your desires, they might just drift apart from you. Thatโ€™s why itโ€™s important to have some distance and space between each other, that comes naturally.

Instead of trying to keep them close, let go for a bit, and take some time out for yourself too. Detaching from a relationship can sometimes work wonders, and may even bring you closer.

Just take it as it comes. Giving people their space can actually make your bond stronger because youโ€™re not holding on too tight. When things quiet down, you start seeing things more clearly.

6. Take a break from social media.

Most people these days have social media profiles and chances are, most of their time is spent on these social media handles. Even though social media can be entertaining, it can also add to your stress.

Maybe your feed is full of old memories with the person you are trying to detach from. Or maybe all your friends on social media are posting photos with them, and you are finding it hard to move on.

So, how to emotionally detach from someone? Take a much-needed social media break. When you are detaching from a relationship, you surely donโ€™t want stuff like that getting in your way. Theyโ€™ll just make you feel wistful and sad, and will end up making you second-guess yourself and your choice to distance yourself from the one you love.

7. Share your feelings with someone close to you.

Detaching from a relationship can be a lot to handle, so opening up to someone trustworthy might help a lot. It can be a close friend, a sibling, or even your mom and dad, if you are really close to them.

Just pick wisely who you spill your guts to, and make sure they are open-minded enough to understand your decision. They shouldnโ€™t criticize you nor should they try to change your mind for trying to emotionally detach from someone.

Your journey of figuring out how to pull away from someone is tough enough as it is. The last thing you need is someone else to judge you and your emotions.

Related: 10 Signs That Your Partner Is Becoming Emotionally Detached

8. Grieve and let yourself be sad.

Just because youโ€™re emotionally detaching from a relationship, that doesnโ€™t mean you are not allowed to feel anything. You are still human, you havenโ€™t turned into stone.

There will be times when you might question yourself, or feel very sad about the whole thing. But always remember that this is normal and part of the process.

So, go ahead and grieve. It means that your heart is open, and one day, when the right person comes along, youโ€™ll be ready to love again. Still, donโ€™t let your sorrow keep you from doing whatโ€™s necessary for a fresh start.

9. Set strict boundaries so no one can come and manipulate you.

If you donโ€™t establish strict boundaries, then everything you did would be for nothing. Boundaries are everything if youโ€™re wondering how to emotionally detach from someone, and it can make or break your efforts.

Think about what behaviors you wonโ€™t ignore from now on. Is there anything that has become a complete deal-breaker for you? What are those things where you expect them to put more effort? Make sure you know the answers to these and make sure they do too.

Once thatโ€™s settled, have an honest discussion with them, unless youโ€™re fine with ending things right away. At this point, whatever decision you make is completely up to you and on you.

how to emotionally detach from someone


Emotionally detaching from a relationship is sometimes easier said than done, but in certain circumstances, that might be the only option left. If you are on this journey, then be strong and resilient and stick to your beliefs. If you feel in your heart you are doing the right thing, then stand by that.

Related: How To Emotionally Detach From A Narcissist? 8 Steps To Protect Your Emotional Well-Being from Narcissists

What does emotional detachment mean to you? Have you ever tried emotionally detaching from a relationship? Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below!

what does emotional detachment mean

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