7 Tips To Stop You From Worrying About Things You Can’t Control



Worrying about things that you can’t control is the root cause of your ineffectiveness and inefficiency. How to overcome self-doubt? How to stop the vicious cycle of negative thoughts? Here’re 7 tips to stop you from worrying about things not in your control. 

1. Control the way you respond

Shit happens! And things are never in your control. All that you can control is the way you respond to things. You’re not stressed because of the way life is. Are you? Think again. Most of your stress comes directly from the way you think about situations and problems in your life. The way you respond is your power! Work on it and you will feel relaxed. 

2. Don’t worry about problems

Problems may come and go, but you will go on forever! Remember as long as you live, there will be problems. You can’t stop them or avoid them. Problems are inevitable! All you have to do is work your way through every one of them. 

3. Imagine the best

Stop From Worrying

Do you keep thinking – what if it was like this? Or If only I could say no? What if the deal gets cancelled? Sometimes we imagine negative situations that have never occurred or we assume that they will occur. And we constantly worry about the outcomes. While worrying about what might be and what might have been, aren’t you ignoring or missing what exactly it is? Isn’t it wasting your creative energy? Why not imagine something positive, something creative and make it true? 

Related: 30+ Dalai Lama Quotes to Enrich Your Life With Wisdom

4. Today is a choice.

You can’t change what happened yesterday and what’s going to happen tomorrow. So, today is a choice! Today, choose grace over impatience, beauty over negativity, and presence over panic.

5. Keep moving forward

Nothing in your present situation, not even the things you can’t control can prevent you from making progress, step by step. You’re unstoppable! Take one tiny step each day and keep moving forward. Learn, accept, explore, create and experience, every single day. This will boost your confidence and surely stop you from worrying!

Related: Ancient Wisdom Revealed: 5 Hidden Magical Knowledge That Can Transform Your Life

6. Let it go

let it go

Live in the moment. If you’re alive and breathing, act like it. Let go the grudges, resentments, everything that is wrong, and all the toxic people in your life. Think right, do right! Don’t wait for the right time, because there isn’t one. So, make thing happen, and then let things happen. 

7. Be mindful


You run into a problem only when you are absented minded. Keep being mindful, because mindfulness reduces anxiety, improves cognition, increase satisfaction, help your brain reduce distractions,  and improve your emotional regulation. Things ultimately turn out best for people who make the best out of the way things turn out.

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7 Tips To Stop You From Worrying About Things You Can’t Control
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