7 Surefire Signs Of Love At First Sight


Ever looked into someoneโ€™s eyes and felt like youโ€™ve just been hit hard by a wave of love? That right there, is one of the many signs of love at first sight. Itโ€™s one of the many ways to explain that you may be falling in love.

However, before you start daydreaming about them and picking out your future wedding dress, we need to first understand what is love at first sight really is, all the other signs of love at first sight and is love at first sight real.

Letโ€™s first talk about what is love at first sight, shall we?

Related: Reality Check: Debunking Love at First Sight โ€“ 4 Mind Tricks Explained

What Is Love At First Sight?

To put it simply, love at first sight happens when you see someone for the first time and immediately feel a strong attraction. Itโ€™s like a sudden jolt โ€“ you think they could be โ€˜the oneโ€™.

Your heart races, your hands might get clammy, and all of a sudden, itโ€™s as if thereโ€™s an invisible force pulling you toward them. Youโ€™re almost sure you sensed their presence before actually locking eyes with them.

When you finally do turn around and see them, your eyes meet as if there was a magnetic connection drawing you together. Itโ€™s an incredible feeling, almost as though youโ€™re choosing that special someone from thousands of others.

Even though the whole concept of love at first sight may sound very romantic and dreamy, the million-dollar question remains: is love at first sight real?

Is Love At First Sight Real?

So, what is love at first sight? Is love at first sight real? Science actually tells us, that itโ€™s more complicated than what we give it credit for. Yes, the initial attraction you feel towards someone can be strong due to chemicals such as dopamine and oxytocin being released in your brain.

However genuine love requires time to bloom between two people. Love can never be genuine if thereโ€™s no compatibility, trust and communication between two people, and these things take time.

What we may call love at first sight is often an extreme physical or emotional attraction that we have for the other person. Moreover, our minds are wired in such a way that it tends to idealize the person we have a crush on.

Signs of love at first sight

So, now that we are done talking about is love at first sight is real, letโ€™s talk about the signs of love at first sight.

7 Signs Of Love At First Sight

1. You canโ€™t stop looking at them.

Once you have that special person on your mind, it is like theyโ€™ve suddenly become the star of the show whenever you go out. Everyone you look at, you compare with them. Every little thing reminds you of them.

Every time you see a tall guy in a white shirt, you think of him. Every time you see a girl ordering a caramel latte, it reminds you of her.

It feels as if your eyes have been equipped with an inbuilt GPS that has been set to find only one person; the person you are nuts about. Yet, itโ€™s not just the ability to see them but also an intense yearning to be close to them and share everything together.

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2. You feel like you have always had a connection.

Have you ever met someone for the first time and felt like you have known them forever? This is one of the biggest signs of love at first sight. Although you may be virtual strangers, still there is this strange familiar feeling that wraps you up like a warm blanket.

Itโ€™s almost as though your hearts were best buddies in the previous life or something. And yeah, okay, talking to them might make your stomach do flips, but itโ€™s the good kind of nervousness, you know?

3. You notice that you are always thinking about them.

You just canโ€™t stop thinking about them, can you? Your brain is literally stuck on replay showing different scenes involving them over and over again. Theyโ€™re stealing the limelight whether you are at work or hanging out with your friends or even trying to sleep.

You keep on daydreaming about various romantic scenarios with them by your side, and more often than not, you drift into your la-la land with them. Itโ€™s like they have got you hooked, lined, and sinker and thereโ€™s no way for you to escape from your thoughts.

4. You can feel that your body language has changed.

When you first met them, try to remember how your body language was. You were a bit stiff, and you were probably breathing heavily as if you just walked for 3 miles, but then something interesting happens! The moment you start talking to them, itโ€™s as if all the tension is melting from your body.

Suddenly your body has taken a chill pill and before you know it, the conversation is flowing like water. You feel lighter and more relaxed and all those warm, fuzzy feelings threaten to burst out of your chest.

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5. You feel comfortable being your real self in front of them.

One of the major signs of love at first sight is this right here.

Have you ever noticed that your jokes, which many people might not understand, seem hilarious when youโ€™re with them? Itโ€™s as if youโ€™ve transformed into a comic superstar. Theyโ€™re one of those few people who actually get a kick out of your odd comments and your unique brand of humor that usually flies over everyone elseโ€™s head.

When youโ€™re in their company, youโ€™re free to be your eccentric self without fear of being judged or receiving disapproving glances. Itโ€™s almost as if they have a special talent for coaxing out the authentic you โ€“ the version thatโ€™s unabashedly silly, clever, and delightfully strange.

And letโ€™s face it, having someone like that is like striking gold. Itโ€™s a truly win-win situation.

Signs of love at first sight

6. You experience a sense of familiarity with them.

When you spend time with them, you feel like you know them forever; they might be a stranger, yet you feel like you are best friends. You feel comfortable and open, and naturally trust them.

Opening up to them and having easy conversations comes naturally. They have a charm that dissolves any unease, making you feel as though youโ€™re talking to someone you have known for a very long time.

7. You donโ€™t care whether theyโ€™re your type or not, or whether you match.

Why bother with a checklist when you know that Cupid has hit you hard? Who bothers about compatibility when you canโ€™t stop your heart from flipping at the mere thought of them?

Youโ€™re so far gone, youโ€™re imagining wedding locations and dreamy trips together. Okay, maybe you donโ€™t know what color they like best, but youโ€™re already thinking up grand gestures to impress them.

When you are caught in the whirlwind of love at first sight, stuff like compatibility feels less important as you leap into new adventures without thinking twice.

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So, these are all the signs of love at first sight? Have you ever experienced love at first sight yourself? Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below!

love at first sight

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