7 Signs You Are A Slave of The Modern World



Most people think that they are free individuals, but in reality, they are nothing but slaves.

To be a slave doesn’t necessarily mean that you are chained and your body is owned by someone. There are many other, more subtle forms of slavery, about which you are going to read now.

So here are 7 signs showing that you are a slave, along with helpful tips on how to become free from the constraints that are keeping you down:



television is monster

A clear sign that you are a slave is that you waste much of your daily life being manipulated by carefully programmed mainstream television.

TV is constantly trying to control your life, by selling you lies through advertising that only wants to convince you that you are not enough as you are and that you should spend money on products in order to make your life better.

In addition, TV is promoting propaganda through its so-called journalism, which is brainwashing you through the use of fearinstilling all sorts of beliefs in your mind, without providing any solid evidence for them. Television is also hypnotizing you with silly soaps and shows that turn you to nothing bad a lazy, passive person, that doesn’t move, think, or react to all the negative things that are happening to your life and the world.

Television is slowly transforming you into a zombie, and the sooner you escape from it, the more you will be able to live free, with less fear and superficial desires, and more passion.


Politicians don’t want to bring true positive change to the world we live in – on the contrary, they try to prevent any change from happening, so that they can continue sitting on the chair of power, pretending that they are caring for your problems.

Supporting politicians is a clear sign that you have a slave mentality, wanting others to lead you, and take responsibility for your life, no matter how many times history has proven that politicians are inadequate problem-solvers. Freedom and responsibility always go hand in hand, so if you want to become free, take responsibility in your hands, and stop blaming others.


Do you always feel that you don’t have enough material things? Do you follow fashion trends, always wanting to buy new stuff, and preferably expensive products of well-known brands, desiring to look like your favorite celebrities, believing that by possessing them you will look shiny and feel happy?

Manipulative advertising has made us believe that by buying stuff we will feel fulfilled and satisfied. The reality, however, is that material things can only provide us with mere substitutes for what we truly desire — that is, inner peace, love, and connection with people and nature — which material possessions can never satisfy, thus they will always leave us disappointed and emotionally thirsty.

Related: Contentment over Happiness: Why It’s Better To Be Content Than Happy


Another clear sign that you are a slave is that you have been indoctrinated by organized religion, blindly following its beliefs and dogmas, without ever casting a single doubt on them, afraid to rebel against them, out of fear that you might sin and be sent to hell.

Most religions do have important spiritual lessons to teach us, but to blindly follow them, without giving them critical thought, does nothing to improve the quality of your life — on the contrary, it suppresses you and fills you with a psychological burden that can only make you suffer.


mental slavery

We, humans, have the technological capacity to easily fulfill the needs and basic wants for each and every person alive on Earth, without them having to undergo the drudgery of work, as they do today. However, in the economic system that we have created, money is scarce, hence almost every person has to work and compete with other workers, so he or she can get food and a roof to live under, even if their work contributes nothing beneficial to society.

If more than half of your waking time every day is owned by a corporation, for which you work by doing things you hate doing, obeying to orders so as to earn a low wage that allows you to just survive, then you have to contemplate on whether you are actually free or just a slave.


The body is the temple of the soul, however, most people treat their body as space where they can throw garbage in.

The food corporations have turned us into food slaves, having convinced us to desire and buy their products, no matter how unhealthy and environmentally destructive they are, by making us believe that they are good for our body and mind, for no other reason than their economic gain.

Related: Diet & Depression: 6 Ways Food Impacts Your Mental Health

Take, for example, those food corporations that support the meat industry, which is treating animals inhumanely — torturing them, filling them with hormones and drugs, and then killing them just in order to sell us their corpses — when studies have proven again and again that meat consumption is messing up with our physical organism, not to mention the tremendous negative environmental impacts that the animal agriculture industry has on our planet.

A person can have a weak mind much easier if he or she first has a weak body — and the weaker the mind, the easier it can be manipulated. So rise up to freedom by choosing to eat healthy, taking care of your body and treating it like it’s sacred — because it is.


Do you feel sad? Take a pill and you’ll feel alright. Are you stressed? Don’t worry, consume this medication and you’ll be free of worries. Can’t you sleep easily at night? Just drink this drug and you’ll sleep like a baby.

Related: How Mindfulness Can Help You Let Go Of Past Hurts and Heal Yourself

Medication can be good if taken carefully in order to treat dis-ease, but when it comes to getting rid of the root causes of illnesses, it’s usually unable to achieve that just by itself, especially when psychosomatic issues come into play.

Always remember that medical companies are money-making machines that don’t truly care about your health. They — as well as many doctors who have been brainwashed by them — want you to remain unhealthy, just so you can continue filling their pockets.

Thanks to The Unbounded Spirit for this article

7 Signs You Are A Slave (And How To Become Free)
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