5 Signs You Are A Strong Yet Sensitive Person


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When we think of people with great strength of character who are able to come through difficult circumstances often seemingly unfazed, we donโ€™t generally think of those same people being very sensitive as well. It can and does occur though, that some incredibly strong people and personalities are also some of the most sensitive. The two traits are not mutually exclusive, as a society might push us to think.

Below are 5 signs you just might be one of these rare people yourself.

1. You find yourself overwhelmed at times.

The world is a wild and sometimes scary place, and life slows down for no one. You may sometimes feel overcome by the rush and weight of it all, but you never give up. Youโ€™re sensitive enough to feel those feelings deeply but strong enough not to be halted by them. You know better than anyone that what doesnโ€™t kill you only makes you stronger.

Read 7 Everyday Struggles Of Being Both Strong And Sensitive

2. You call it like it is.

Your sensitivity allows you to be attuned to the details and hard truths of reality, and whether itโ€™s the behavior of a friend or some small injustice that may go unnoticed by others, you arenโ€™t afraid to bring it to the forefront of attention. Youโ€™re in touch with the feelings of others, as most sensitive people are, but you donโ€™t sugarcoat or gloss over things that need to be addressed.

3. Youโ€™re only interested in real romantic connections.

Youโ€™ve got a lot going on inside of you and youโ€™re not interested in spending 5 dates talking about the weather and local sports or favorite bands. You want something honest and real from your partner and youโ€™re not afraid to wait it out a little longer in order to get that. You donโ€™t like to be alone, but you know what your company is worth and you wonโ€™t settle for less.

4. You have high standards for yourself and others.

Youโ€™re sensitive enough to know when something isnโ€™t quite right but youโ€™re also strong enough to know you shouldnโ€™t take that crap lying down. You wouldnโ€™t expect anything from others that you donโ€™t expect from yourself, so when something is unacceptable, itโ€™s important to you to let the proper people know so that the situation can be remedied. Basically, you donโ€™t take any bullshit and you donโ€™t allow yourself to dish it out, either.

Read 9 Signs You Have a Strong Personality but Are Actually Pretty Sensitive

5. You are an excellent listener.

Your natural sensitivity gives you a unique talent for listening and being compassionate to the troubles of others, while your strength helps to make you a great shoulder to cry on in times of need. Your presence is kind and warm but also firm and reassuring. Youโ€™re able to empathize and sit through the pain with a friend, but youโ€™re also there to help them stand back up and keep on moving forward. This is why anyone who gets to call you a friend should consider themselves lucky.

So, are you a highly sensitive yet emotionally strong individual? Let us know in the comments! Pass this post along to your friends to see if they relate!

5 Signs You Are An Extremely Strong Yet Highly Sensitive Person
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