35+ Tips On How To Have Fun At Work While Staying Productive


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Is work becoming drab and dull? Looking to have some serious fun at the workplace while meeting your deadlines? As they said, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” So let’s find out how to have fun at work while staying productive and why making work fun is important.

How to have fun at work while staying productive

Let’s face it, work can be a grind. You’ve got deadlines to meet, projects to complete, and never-ending emails to sort through. And let’s not even talk about the monotony of day-to-day tasks. 

But what if I told you that there are ways to make your workday not just bearable, but fun while staying on top of your productivity game? Yup, that’s right, fun! 

You see, learning how to have fun in the workplace is more than just a life hack; it’s an essential skill for a fulfilling career.

how to have fun at work while staying productive

Meet Jenny. 

She works in marketing and, like many of us, used to find her job routine and boring. But then Jenny discovered the secret to making work enjoyable and productive at the same time. 

Related: Taking Control Of Your Workday: 13 Tips For Setting Boundaries At Work

So what’s the secret? Well, it is not a secret anymore as you are about to find out 30 practical ways on how to have fun at work while staying productive, just like Jenny.

Buckle up, because you’re in for an enlightening ride! Here we go –

1. The Mini-Break Technique

For every hour of work, Jenny takes a five-minute break to do something enjoyable. Sometimes she listens to a favorite song, or she steps outside for a breath of fresh air.

Why It Works: 

These mini-breaks rejuvenate the mind, making it easier to focus and stay productive. It’s an excellent example of how to have fun in the workplace, as it incorporates small doses of enjoyment without disrupting workflow.

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2. Gamify Tasks

Jenny and her team turned their monthly sales target into a game. They set up a board with different milestones and rewards for hitting them, like a free lunch or a small cash bonus.

Why It Works: 

Gamification taps into our natural love for competition and achievement, making work more engaging. 

It helps you focus on goals and celebrate victories, teaching you that deadlines can fun and a motivating factor instead of making you feel stressed and anxious. This is an excellent ip on how to have fun in the workplace.

3. Desk Decor

Jenny keeps small potted plants and motivational quotes on her desk. She even has a picture of her pet dog, Sparky. These personal touches make her workspace a place she enjoys spending time in.

Why It Works: 

A pleasant work environment can significantly improve your mood and productivity. The plants add some natural life and purify the air, while the motivational quotes keep Jenny inspired.

4. Theme Days

Every Tuesday is “Tropical Tuesday” at Jenny’s workplace. She and her colleagues dress in Hawaiian shirts, enjoy tropical snacks, and even play island music softly in the background. The colorful environment lifts everyone’s mood and adds a sense of fun to the workday.

Why It Works: 

Theme days break the monotony and allow for creative expression. And let’s be honest, it’s hard not to smile when you’re dressed in a festive shirt, even during a mundane team meeting. 

Knowing how to have fun at work while staying productive often starts with a small but impactful change.

5. Office Snacks

Jenny keeps a stash of healthy snacks like fruits and granola bars in her drawer. Sometimes she shares them with her coworkers as an excuse to take a social break.

Why It Works: 

Having quick access to snacks helps maintain energy levels. The act of sharing also promotes team unity and adds a fun, social aspect to the day.

6. Exercise Breaks

Instead of just sitting around during her break, Jenny does a quick 10-minute workout routine near her desk. She finds this boosts her energy levels significantly.

Why It Works: 

Physical exercise releases endorphins, the ‘feel-good’ hormones, making it a practical way to have fun and stay productive. This a helpful tip on not just how to have fun in the workplace but on how to stay healthy while at work.

7. Lunchtime Walks

Instead of spending her entire lunch break in the cafeteria, Jenny goes for a 15-minute walk outdoors.

Why It Works:

A change in scenery and a bit of fresh air can refresh your mind and give you a new perspective on work problems. It’s a straightforward way to learn how to have fun at work while staying productive.

8. Appreciation Notes

Jenny keeps a stack of ‘Thank You’ notes in her drawer. Whenever she notices a colleague doing something praiseworthy, she writes a quick note and leaves it on their desk.

Why It Works: 

Acts of gratitude enhance the work atmosphere and make both the giver and the receiver feel good. This emotional uplift is a boost to productivity.

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9. Mini Contests

Every so often, Jenny initiates a ‘fastest typist’ or ‘best doodle’ contest among her colleagues. It’s a fun 10-minute diversion that everyone enjoys.

Why It Works: 

Small contests infuse a sense of competition and excitement into mundane tasks. They’re great ways to break the monotony and are perfect for building a stronger bond among team members.

10. Work Playlist

Jenny creates themed playlists for different kinds of tasks. For data-heavy tasks, she goes for instrumental music, while brainstorming sessions get fueled by upbeat tracks.

Why It Works: 

The right kind of music can significantly impact your mood and productivity levels. Tailoring your playlist to your tasks keeps work interesting and makes it more fun. This is how to have fun in the workplace while being more productive.

11. Skill-Sharing Lunches

Once a month, Jenny and her colleagues get together for a ‘Skill-Sharing Lunch.’ They take turns teaching something non-work-related, like a cooking tip or a photography trick.

Why It Works: 

Skill-sharing fosters team bonding and provides a welcome break from routine work discussions. Plus, learning something new is always fun and helps you stay productive through increased engagement with your coworkers.

12. The Laughter Jar

Jenny has a ‘Laughter Jar’ where she and her colleagues drop jokes or funny anecdotes written on small pieces of paper. Whenever someone feels stressed or down, they can pull out a random note for an instant mood boost.

Why It Works:

Laughter is a natural stress reliever. This simple idea adds an element of surprise and joy to the workday, showing how to have fun at work while staying productive.

13. Virtual Coffee Breaks

With remote colleagues, Jenny schedules brief ‘Virtual Coffee Breaks’ where they both grab a cup of coffee and have a quick catch-up call.

Why It Works: 

Remote work can sometimes feel isolating. Virtual coffee breaks maintain the social fabric, making work more enjoyable and thereby keeping everyone productive.

14. Gratitude Journal

Jenny maintains a work-related gratitude journal where she notes down positive experiences or things she’s thankful for at work.

Why It Works: 

Focusing on the positives improves mental well-being, which is crucial for productivity. It also adds a fun introspective element to your day, providing another path on how to have fun at work while staying productive.

how to have fun at work while staying productive

15. Team Huddles

Jenny and her team have quick, 10-minute ‘morning huddles’ to discuss something interesting or share a productivity tip.

Why It Works: 

Morning huddles create a sense of community, energize the team, and offer an enjoyable way to start the workday on a positive note.

16. DIY Office Supplies

Jenny enjoys customizing her office supplies. For instance, she wraps her stapler in colorful washi tape and adds stickers to her notebook.

Why It Works: 

Personalizing supplies adds an artistic and enjoyable dimension to your work environment. Plus, it’s a fantastic and simple way to express yourself while you stay productive.

17. Time-Blocking

Jenny uses time-blocking to allocate specific periods for particular tasks and includes slots for ‘fun activities’ like a quick game or reading an interesting article.

Why It Works: 

Time-blocking helps you stay organized and ensures that you allocate time for enjoyment. This tactic allows you to manage how to have fun at work while staying productive by structuring it into your day.

18. Social Media Moments

Jenny allots 5-10 minutes after completing a significant task to scroll through her social media feed or read a blog she enjoys.

Why It Works: 

While excessive social media use can be distracting, a few minutes can serve as a quick mental break. It’s a small but enjoyable reward for completing a task and staying productive.

Want more practical tips how to have fun in the workplace? Oh, we have got you covered. Keep reading to uncover more secrets to happiness at work.

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19. Office Scavenger Hunt

To add a dose of excitement, Jenny organizes an office scavenger hunt once a month. Each clue pertains to something work-related, combining fun and a refresher on company policy or industry facts.

Why It Works: 

The scavenger hunt engages the team intellectually and physically. It’s not only enjoyable but also a great way to reinforce work-related knowledge. 

It becomes a medium for team bonding while keeping everyone’s minds sharp. When you integrate fun and learning, you’re on the right track for staying productive.

20. Daily Affirmations

Jenny starts her day by reading a daily affirmation aloud. These affirmations are short, empowering statements that she keeps on sticky notes around her monitor.

Why It Works: 

Positive affirmations set the tone for the day. They act as small but effective morale boosters that can improve your outlook on work, helping you focus on tasks better. 

The fun aspect here lies in the ‘feel-good’ sensation that lasts throughout the day.

21. Podcast Power Hour

Jenny earmarks one hour a week to listen to a podcast related to her field. She finds it relaxing and educational at the same time.

Why It Works: 

This practice allows Jenny to break away from the routine tasks while still doing something beneficial for her career. Podcasts can be both entertaining and informative, offering a break that still contributes to work-related growth.

22. DIY Workspace Challenges

Jenny challenges herself to change one small thing about her workspace every week. Sometimes it’s rearranging the desktop icons in a fun pattern, and other times it might be creating a hand-drawn calendar.

Why It Works: 

These tiny changes keep her workspace fresh and engaging. Plus, the challenge aspect makes it fun and something to look forward to. This helps to break the routine and create a more dynamic, enjoyable work environment.

23. Dream Board

Jenny has a ‘Dream Board’ next to her workspace where she pins pictures, quotes, and other items that represent her professional and personal goals.

Why It Works: 

The board serves as a constant source of inspiration and a visual reminder of her goals, keeping her focused. It’s motivating and fun to update, making it an engaging way to remind herself of why she’s working hard in the first place.

24. Team Trivia

Once a month, Jenny hosts a short trivia game during a team meeting, featuring questions related to coworkers, company history, or even industry trends.

Why It Works: 

This is an excellent way for team members to learn more about each other and the company in a relaxed, enjoyable setting. It adds a layer of fun to otherwise monotonous meetings and promotes team cohesion.

25. Desk Yoga

how to have fun at work while staying productive

Jenny practices ‘desk yoga,’ performing simple stretches and poses without leaving her desk. She even invites her nearby colleagues to join her for a quick stretch.

Why It Works: 

These brief sessions break the monotony and refresh both body and mind. Exercise releases endorphins, which naturally elevates your mood and helps you refocus on tasks.

26. Weekly Recap Emails

At the end of each week, Jenny sends out a ‘Weekly Wins’ email to her team, celebrating small victories, funny moments, or even a colleague’s birthday.

Why It Works: 

This email serves as a digital pat-on-the-back for the team. Celebrating these small moments adds a layer of enjoyment to the work environment. This is a simple yet effective strategy for how to have fun at work while staying productive.

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27. Desk Mini-Garden

Jenny has a small collection of succulents and air plants on her desk. She takes brief moments during her day to water and care for them.

Why It Works: 

Gardening, even on a miniature scale, offers a meditative break from work. It allows Jenny to focus on a simple, natural task that calms her mind and indirectly boosts her productivity.

28. Daily Doodle

On a small notepad, Jenny makes it a point to doodle something every day. Sometimes it’s related to a project she’s working on, other times it’s just whimsical shapes or patterns.

Why It Works: 

Doodling stimulates creativity and can actually help focus. It’s a light-hearted, artistic way to engage your mind, making it a fabulous method for how to have fun at work while staying productive.

29. Email Bingo

Jenny and her colleagues play ‘Email Bingo.’ They create bingo cards with common phrases or subject lines seen in emails and mark them off as they come in.

Why It Works: 

This game adds a fun twist to the often monotonous task of email management. The prospect of getting a bingo keeps everyone attentive and adds a light, competitive spirit to mundane tasks. This is a unique tip on how to have fun in the workplace.

30. Cooking Challenges

Each month, Jenny and her coworkers choose a cuisine and take turns bringing homemade dishes to share. It becomes a much-anticipated lunchtime event.

Why It Works: 

This breaks the routine of standard lunches and brings a sense of community to the workplace. The challenge aspect adds excitement and something to look forward to, making mealtime a productive break.

31. Creative Meeting Notes

Instead of plain text, Jenny takes her meeting notes in a more creative format, using mind maps or adding small illustrations next to bullet points.

Why It Works: 

This engages both her artistic side and her analytical side, helping to cement the information in her memory. It also makes the process of note-taking much more enjoyable and stimulating.

32. The Joy of Giving

Jenny occasionally brings small, inexpensive gifts like stickers or funny magnets for her team. She places them in a ‘joy basket’ where anyone can take one.

Why It Works: 

Random acts of kindness boost the morale of the entire team. It adds a layer of community and enjoyment, and taking a minute to choose a small gift can be a delightful micro-break in a busy day.

33. Positive Feedback Cards

Jenny keeps a stack of ‘Positive Feedback Cards’ on her desk. Whenever a colleague does something commendable, she writes a quick note and hands it to them.

Why It Works: 

Acknowledging others’ hard work creates a positive environment. It’s not just fun for the receiver; the act of writing and giving the card uplifts Jenny’s spirits too.

34. Curiosity Hour

Jenny sets aside an hour each week to explore a topic unrelated to her work but that she’s curious about. She uses this time to read articles, watch videos, or even attend online webinars.

Why It Works: 

Nurturing her curiosity keeps Jenny engaged and mentally active, which in turn makes her more energized for her actual work tasks. Plus, you never know when your newfound knowledge could unexpectedly apply to your job!

35. Desk Decor Themes

Every month, Jenny changes the theme of her desk decor. Sometimes it’s seasonal, like autumn leaves in October, or thematic, like a space exploration setup in July to commemorate the moon landing.

Why It Works: 

Changing her desk decor keeps her workspace fresh and exciting. The process of setting it up offers a creative outlet and the final result brings joy every time she looks at it.

36. Virtual Team Games

Jenny coordinates short, 15-minute virtual games with her remote teammates, like Pictionary or trivia, at the end of the week.

Why It Works: 

These games offer a break that everyone can look forward to, boosting team cohesion and morale. It provides an excellent opportunity for team members to interact in a fun setting, adding to the overall productivity of the team.

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Implementing these tips into your own workday can help you understand how to have fun at work while staying productive. Whether you’re in a traditional office setting or working remotely, these suggestions can add an element of fun that not only makes your workday more enjoyable but also boosts your productivity. 

Just like Jenny, you’ll find that when work becomes fun, it doesn’t feel like work anymore.

how to have fun at work while staying productive

Why should you have fun at work?

Why, though? I mean the workplace is a professional setting where people come to work, learn and thrive. Why would you want to have fun at the office, especially when your boss is watching your every move? 

Well, why not?

Are you a robot? A cyborg? An AI-enabled employee? No, right? You are a human being with independent thoughts, emotions, passion, curiosity and creativity. You are a person who loves life and knows how to live. 

Then why would you want to work like a zombie stuck inside your cubicle or thinkpod or whatever fancy names they have now for your workstation to make you feel special?

We spend most of our day at the workplace and invest a lot of time interacting with our coworkers. Whether we like it or not, our work occupies a HUGE chunk of space in our lives. 

And that’s why it is crucial for us to have some fun and maintain positive relationships with our coworkers regardless of all the work pressure and issues that may emerge.

And staying glued to your laptop is not actually good for your mental and emotional health. So look up at times, smile at your coworker, exchange some friendly banter and get back to work again. 

This will not only keep things light and positive, but also motivate you and others to work harder and smarter. As long as you are sincere about your performance and targets, having a little fun can not only make you and others feel better, it can make work more enjoyable.

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Yes, it sounds ridiculously cliched, but taking short breaks at regular intervals and having a little fun is absolutely crucial for your success and happiness.

How? Let’s find out. 

Benefits of having fun in the workplace

Work doesn’t have to be mundane and monotonous. In fact, it can be an enjoyable and fulfilling experience if we know how to inject a little fun into our daily routine. Contrary to popular belief, having fun at work doesn’t mean compromising productivity. 

On the contrary, a fun-filled workplace can boost morale, enhance creativity, and increase overall productivity. Learning how to have fun at work while staying productive can bring about numerous benefits for both employees and organizations. 

Here are some key advantages of fostering a culture of fun and enjoyment at work –

1. Increased Job Satisfaction

When employees have fun at work, they generally experience higher levels of job satisfaction. Enjoyable work environments contribute to a positive emotional state, which can make employees feel happier and more fulfilled in their roles.

2. Improved Work-Life Balance

Incorporating fun activities into the workplace helps employees achieve a better work-life balance. It breaks the monotony of work and creates opportunities for relaxation, socialization, and personal enjoyment during working hours.

3. Enhanced Motivation and Engagement

Fun in the workplace can boost employee motivation and engagement. When employees enjoy their work environment, they are more likely to be actively involved, enthusiastic, and committed to their tasks and responsibilities.

4. Strengthened Relationships and Team Bonding

Fun activities promote social interactions and strengthen relationships among employees. Shared laughter and enjoyable experiences create bonds and a sense of camaraderie, leading to better teamwork, collaboration, and support among colleagues.

5. Reduced Stress and Improved Well-being

Fun and laughter have stress-reducing effects. Engaging in enjoyable activities at work helps employees relieve tension, recharge their energy, and maintain better overall well-being. It can contribute to lower levels of stress, anxiety, and burnout.

6. Increased Creativity and Problem-Solving Abilities

Fun environments stimulate creativity and encourage employees to think outside the box. When employees are relaxed and enjoying themselves, their minds are more open to new ideas and innovative solutions to challenges they might encounter in their work.

7. Personal and Professional Development

Fun activities can provide opportunities for personal and professional growth. Participation in team-building exercises, workshops, or games can help employees develop new skills, improve communication, and gain confidence in their abilities.

8. Recognition and Appreciation

Fun in the workplace often goes hand in hand with a culture of recognition and appreciation. When employees have fun, they feel valued and acknowledged for their contributions, which boosts their self-esteem and satisfaction with their work.

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9. Increased Job Retention and Loyalty

Employees who have fun in the workplace are more likely to stay with the company for the long term. A positive and enjoyable work environment contributes to higher levels of job retention and employee loyalty, reducing turnover rates.

10. Improved Mental Health

Fun and enjoyment at work contribute to better mental health outcomes for employees. Laughter and positive experiences release endorphins, reduce stress hormones, and promote a positive mindset, which can help prevent or alleviate mental health issues such as anxiety and depression.

Overall, having fun in the workplace creates a more positive and fulfilling experience for employees, fostering their well-being, motivation, and job satisfaction. It creates an environment where employees can thrive, grow, and enjoy their work while maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

It’s important to note that while incorporating fun and enjoyment into the workplace can bring about numerous benefits, it should be balanced with professionalism and respect. 

The key is to find the right balance that aligns with the organization’s values and goals while creating an environment where employees can thrive and enjoy their work.

how to have fun at work while staying productive


Having fun at work while staying productive is not an impossible task. By adopting some or all of these strategies, you too can discover how to have fun at work while staying productive. 

These tips aren’t just theoretical; they’re practical, easy-to-implement ways to transform your workday from a grind into a more enjoyable experience without compromising productivity. 

Like Jenny, you may find that incorporating fun into your work life can lead to not only increased job satisfaction but also greater success and wellbeing in your professional journey.

Try them out, and you’ll likely find yourself happier, more engaged, and ultimately, more successful in your career.

So, embrace the power of fun and watch your workplace transform into a vibrant and thriving hub of productivity and joy!

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

How can I make work more fun? 

Introduce team-building activities, celebrate achievements, encourage creativity, incorporate humor, and create a supportive, inclusive atmosphere.

How do you have fun at your current job? 

Engage with colleagues, seek tasks you enjoy, maintain a positive attitude, find humor in situations, and create a pleasant workspace.

What is important to have fun at work? 

A positive environment, supportive colleagues, engaging tasks, opportunities for creativity, and a healthy work-life balance are important for having fun at work.

how to have fun in the workplace

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