10 Ways For Introverts To Power Up At Work


Work settings can sometimes get overwhelming for introverts, but the good news is that a few, simple things can help you power up at work, and give your absolute best. Introverts can always successfully power up at work, but you need to know what can actually help you do that.

Introverts are really no different from everyone else. We have our strengths and our weaknesses. When we use our strengths like creativity, listening, thoughtfulness, and team loyalty, we can become great project managers, engineers, salespersons, artists, leaders, not to mention spouses and parents, just like extroverts. We just have different ways of doing things.

One of the starkest differences is that our energy can drain when we are called upon to be social or to be the center of attention. Extroverts often thrive in those same situations. It doesnโ€™t mean we canโ€™t do them, it just means itโ€™s often out of our comfort zone.

So how do introverts succeed when life, and work in particular, often involves working with others, making rapid decisions, and voicing our opinions?

We must learn to manage our personal battery each day.

Related: An Introvertโ€™s Guide To Being More Social In Your Work Environment

The Energy Equation

Your Battery Gauge = Energy Charged โ€“ Energy Drained

Each of our batteries is about the same size. When our battery is full, we have the physical energy and also mental space to do things. When our battery is getting low, we get more sluggish, tired, impatient, and even irritable. It is important to gauge where your battery level is during the day.

As your battery drains, you can gauge how much longer you have, like Cinderella at the Ball. When that energy drains, you better find shelter in your comfort zone or you may crash. Crashing can be ugly โ€“ totally removed from conversations, uncomfortable, short-tempered, or even panic mode.

Beware of the Danger Zone

The Danger Zone is that โ€œredโ€ level on your fuel gauge that indicates you are almost out of gas. You always want to avoid the danger zone.

What is so draining? I find that the further I get from my comfort zone, the quicker I get drained. Saying โ€œhiโ€ or chatting with a co-worker or school parents can be a slow drain. Being part of a contentious debate, being unprepared for a meeting, or leading a presentation in front of dozens drains my battery rapidly. Itโ€™s important to understand what drains you most so you can use the tools below to avoid the danger zone.

Recharge your Battery

How can you refill your battery? This can be through rest, reading, music, exercise, meditation, hobbies like art or writing, as well as through those solitary menial tasks that give your brain a bit of a rest while also providing a sense of accomplishment. Examples could be filing, planning your calendar, or sending some quick emails.

Not all activities recharge your battery at the same pace. Some activities are superchargers. They quickly recharge your battery. You may only need five minutes of reading or walking or journaling to boost your energy. Other activities may slowly elevate your energy level.

Introverts can recharge to power up at work

When to Recharge?

Find time to recharge. Regardless of whether you go to the office (at home these days) or are busy with your kids all day, you canโ€™t wait until 6 pm to recharge. By then, your battery is empty and you likely werenโ€™t happy or very productive in the afternoon.

Carve out some time throughout the day. Walk the floor or campus alone. Jot down a few thoughts in your journal. Spread out those menial yet satisfying tasks in between tense meetings or engagements.

Related: 7 Unique Ways Introverts Recharge Themselves

Donโ€™t schedule back-to-back meetings. Give yourself at least 15 minutes between meetings and split that time between preparing for the next meeting so it is less stressful, and just relaxing to collect yourself and recharge a bit. If you have to travel across campus or across town for meetings, provide ample time. Reserve sometime after meetings for a bit of solitude to bring your energy level back up.

You may also choose to grab lunch by yourself in your office, in the cafe, or off-campus. When I learned this trick, I initially felt strange. Are people watching me? Do they think Iโ€™m weird? Do they think Iโ€™m antisocial or pompous? But then I realized how valuable that time was for me, especially in the middle of a chaotic day. I recognized I had a lot more energy in the afternoon and others benefited too when I was full of energy.

Best ways to keep your battery going:

1. Plan your week on your calendar.

2. Remove items that are not necessary, especially on packed days. Donโ€™t overdo it.

3. Review your calendar the day before.

4. Ensure you have time between meetings.

5. Schedule time before meetings to prepare and reenergize.

6. Strategically place โ€œrecoveryโ€ time after draining meetings or social time.

7. Treat yourself to a lunchtime getaway โ€“ just you and your book, journal, or peace & quiet.

8. Boost your energy at the end of the workday. Review your next dayโ€™s calendar before you leave and seek a lower-stress commute.

9. Wind down at night and get some quality sleep (7-8 hours or more).

10. Grow your recharging toolkit: read, journal, music, art, menial tasks, walk, exercise, phone game, whatever you enjoyโ€ฆ

No More Leftovers

For years, I would come home drained. I slid into the couch and often was unable to join the family conversation. My family got whatever was leftover. Sound familiar?

Before the end of your workday, review your calendar for the next day. Be sure to create space. Schedule your walk or lunch out. This will give you some comfort that you have exerted control over your schedule and you have a manageable day ahead.

Related: 20+ Things That Make An Introvert Feel Stressed and How To Deal

Being aware of our energy level is half the battle. The other half is carving out small bits of time during the day to recharge. If you manage your energy battery during the day, your day and your night will be much more satisfying for everyone.

Check out more insights and tips for introverts atย www.BeyondIntroversion.comย andย The Beyond Introversion YouTube Channel. Their most popular quizzes includeย The Introvertโ€™s Superpower Quizย andย The Introvertโ€™s Leadership Quiz.ย  Both are quick, free, confidential, and provide personalized feedback to help you learn and grow.ย Steve hopes youโ€™ll make Beyond Introversion a part of your Introversion journey.

Written By Steve Friedman 
Originally Appeared In Beyond Introversion
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Introverts Power Up Work
Ways For Introverts To Power Up At Work PIN

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