Why Spiritual Awakening Hurts And What You Can Do About It


Experiencing a spiritual awakening sometimes hurts you and and can cause you a lot of excruciating pain, both mentally and physically.

If youโ€™re going through a spiritual awakening, welcome to the growing club of expanding consciousness.

This is such a good thing, but you already know itโ€™s not easy.

Iโ€™m going through the process right now and have had a โ€œdark night of the soulโ€ experience that almost sent me running back to the comfort and safety of my old ways.

But hereโ€™s the thingโ€ฆ

You canโ€™t unknow things.

Deep down, I knew that going back wasnโ€™t sustainable. So I had to face the pain and power through. There is a reason it hurts, and itโ€™s all completely worthwhile.

Related: The Dark Side of Spiritual Awakening

Why is spiritual awakening painful?

Everyoneโ€™s experience with a spiritual awakening will be different, but there are some common themes. Pain is one of them.

Pain seems to be part of the awakening process for everyone without exception.

Some hurt more than others and some feel physical pain in addition to the emotional torment.

But if youโ€™re going through this, you probably want answers. Why does something thatโ€™s ultimately good for you hurt so much?

Here are a few reasons.

1.ย Youโ€™re shedding the ego.

In order to fully understand the egoโ€™s role in this process, I urge you toย read this post. It will also help you get a feel for how strong of a hold the ego has on your life. And the stronger the hold, the more the spiritual awakening will hurt.

In summaryโ€ฆ

The ego is part of the mind that ultimately keeps you safe in our society. So the ego will naturally fight anything that goes against your beliefs about whatโ€™s โ€œthe norm.โ€

And although Iโ€™m talking about the ego as if itโ€™s a separate entity, itโ€™s not. This is part of you, so weโ€™re really talking about an internal struggle. The ego may have helped you suppress emotions that were painful, and it most definitely kept you in repeating (familiar) patterns that do not serve you.

And itโ€™s not going down without a fight.

2.ย Youโ€™re entering uncertain territory.

Itโ€™s always scary to go to new places, but itโ€™s also somewhat exciting. You donโ€™t know exactly where youโ€™re going, and you naturally fear that youโ€™re moving the wrong way. Again, this is the ego at play. Remember, the egoโ€™s job is to keep you safe, which means avoiding risks.

Related: 14 Unique Symptoms Of A Spiritual Awakening

3.ย Youโ€™re bucking societal norms.

This is a big one for many people. Even if youโ€™re certain youโ€™re on the right pathโ€ฆ even if you feel it intuitivelyโ€ฆ youโ€™re probably walking this path alone. And that can come with a host of unpleasant feelings. You worry about what other people will think if they find out whatโ€™s going on with you.

Spiritual Awakening

4.ย Youโ€™re afraid youโ€™ve gone crazy.

As you get deeper into your awakening, you may find youโ€™re open to learning about things that you once thought were crazy. You watch Youtube videos that you once would have made fun of โ€“ and theyโ€™re resonating with you. Itโ€™s natural to think youโ€™ve lost your mind. But in reality, youโ€™re just shedding your ego.

How to reduce the pain of a spiritual awakening?

The best way to get over the pain of awakening is to push through it. Iโ€™m talking about rolling up your sleeves and powering deep through the emotional baggage youโ€™ve been carrying around with you. Itโ€™s ugly and emotional, but you will come through the other side much stronger.

Here are a few tips to get through it:

1.ย Donโ€™t resist.

When I gave birth to my daughter, someone gave me this advice: The more you resist the pain, the more youโ€™ll feel it. And it was so true. Pain is an inevitable part of childbirth, and you canโ€™t will it away.

The same is true for a spiritual awakening. You are experiencing this pain for a reason. There are lessons in your pain that you need to learn. If you resist learning the lessons, the pain will remain.

2.ย Share cautiously.

You may love and respect someone immensely, but unless they have been through this, they cannot help you. And if you start talking about this stuff with someone who isnโ€™t awakened, theyโ€™re likely to think youโ€™ve lost your mind (and thatโ€™s probably one of your pain points). Instead of sharing in terms of awakening, share the emotional work youโ€™re going through. Everyone can understand this.

Once youโ€™ve made it to the other side of the pain, you can talk in terms of awakening if that feels right. Or, if you have someone who wonโ€™t react adversely, go ahead and share.

Related: 7 Stages Of Awakening You Have To Go Through To Achieve Enlightenment

3.ย Get out in nature.

You may be feeling depressed, fearful, angry or any combination of bad feelings right now. But youโ€™ll find clarity in nature. One of the reasons why youโ€™re hurting is that your ego is holding strong to all the rules of society. But these rules arenโ€™t present in nature. Here, thereโ€™s no judgment. Youโ€™re free to be your authentic self among the trees, bushes, and streams. Get outside every day if possible.

Now, I want to hear from you.

Where are you in the stage of spiritual awakening? Do you have any tips for reducing the pain that have worked for you?

Written By Common Ego 
Originally Appeared In Common Ego
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