What Magic Gift Was Given To You According To Your Birth Date?



Everyone is blessed with a magic gift, and in order to know what magic gift do you own, all you need to do is take into account when your birthday is. What do you think is your magic gift according to your birth date?

Witches do not believe in luck. I mean, weโ€™ve got tons of spells forย โ€˜good luckโ€™ย but this is exactly why we donโ€™t believe in random events. Witches conjure and materialize their wishes. We actually believe that energy attracts like. There is no such thing as a coincidence.

All happen on purpose.ย In terms of alchemy, occultism, and numerology, your birth date is not random, and out of luck. It can actually reveal your magic gift which you do not even suspect that you might possess.

Related: Godโ€™s Gift To Each Zodiac Sign

Your Birthday Reveals Your Magic Giftย 

It doesnโ€™t matter if you believe in magic. Not even if you know what the number corresponds to your birthday. Your Magic Gift is here whether you are aware of it or not. However, if you do find it out, then youโ€™ve got more chances to โ€˜cultivateโ€™ it and become master of its power.

To learn your secret gift, add the digits of your date, month, and year of birth until you have a one-digit number. For example, if you were born on September 1 1975, the one-digit sum would be 5. (1 + 9 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 5 = 32 = 5)

As you can see below, the importance of your single-digit number is invaluable. By learning which is your birth number, you will find yourself closer to the purpose of your life.

Readย How To Surprise Someone On Their Birthday: The Ultimate Guide To Making It Unforgettable

What Magic Gift Was Given To You According To Your Birth Date:

Number 1. The Magician

The first number is the number of Creation. It is believed, that those who are born under its influence make great Witches as they have the power to assert their will to this realm.

And you guys have a strong will. However, you should not try to manipulate and control those around you.

Your Magical Profession: Manifestation & Courage

Number 2.ย The Empath

You are very sensitive to the energies around you. Thus, as you grew up youโ€™ve learned to feel and sense what others do and this is why you became so compassionate.

Your magical gift is in your heart and your third eye as you constantly sense the energy currents around you. You should use them to relieve the pain of others, but also to quickly restore your energy by grounding yourself and by coming in contact with nature.

Your Magical Profession:ย Dreamsย &ย Intuition

Related: 8 Unexpected Benefits Of Being An Empath

Number 3. The Triple Moon

This number embodies the three phases of the moon. This is why Witches believe that you are an โ€˜instrumentโ€™ of theย โ€˜triple God and/or triple Goddessโ€™.ย Therefore, within you lie the forces of creation and destruction.

The old rule, โ€œbe careful what you wish for,โ€ applies to you, since your magical gift is that your thoughts and desires can quickly become reality.

Your Magical Profession:ย Creation & Destruction

Number 4.ย The Elementalistย 

The number 4 correlates to the 4 elements of the Earth: Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. Your essence is in balance with the four elements of the earth and this is why you are very rational with a strong mind.

As you constantly draw energy from the Elements, it is very difficult for anyone to put a curse on you. Since Fire, Water, Air and Earth create a magical force field around you, you deflect negativity.

Your Magical Profession:ย Elemental Magic

Number 5.ย The Spiritualist

As the number 4 symbolizes the four elements of Nature (Fire, Air, Water, and Earth), the number 5 symbolizes the fifth element: Spirit (aether in ancient Greek magic).

Those born under its influence are in contact with the spirit realm and can easily conjure powers from Beyond. This is why they make perfect spiritualists as they are ruled by the fifth element โ€“ the Spirit!

Your Magical Profession:ย Contacting Spiritsย &ย Ancestral Magic

Related: 7 Signs You Have a Spiritual Gift

Number 6.ย The Solar Apprentice

What is a solar apprentice?

Solar apprentice meaning โ€“ it symbolizes the sun and all that comes from our Source of Light. Therefore, you have a strong energy flow inside. Your magical gift comes from the Sun. Hence, it embodies all the blessings of life and their power.

You are a healer and a leader according to solar apprentice astrology. But with great power comes great responsibility. Learn how to use your magnificent power in the most ethical way.

Your Magical Profession according to the solar apprentice numerology: Ritual Magic, all spellcasting &ย Healing

Number 7.ย The Lunar Apprentice

Number 7 symbolizes the Moon and all the magic that comes from the Great Lady of the Night. Your magical gift is pure, the untamed magic of the Moon. It feels very weird for you to follow ritual magic, as you instinctively know what to do.

And usually, you donโ€™t do the same thing twice. You improvise due to your highly active intuition. Moreover, another magical gift of yours is to dream prophetic dreams. If you interpret them correctly and trust them you can achieve miracles!

Your Magical Profession:ย Visionsย &ย Prophetic Dreams

Number 8.ย The traditional Witchย 

This number is considered one of the most magical. Number 8 corresponds to the 8ย Sabbatsย of Witches, the 8 corners of the World.

If your birthday turns out to be 8, then you have a great magical power running through you, yet it will be further activated only if you manage to attune and celebrate theย Sabbats. You have a very accurate inner compass and this is why you can tell right from wrong.

Your Magical Profession:ย Energy Manipulationย &ย Alchemy

Related: 9 Signs You Are A Natural Born Witch

Number 9.ย The Shaman

The last number symbolizes the union of all the above. It is the gate from which everything ends and everything begins again. This is why you see things like no other.

Your magic gift is your artistic and creative nature and you often see situations from a very interesting perspective. This is why you can heal. As the number corresponds to death and rebirth, you have a natural skill to sense ghosts and spirits around but if you learn to use this ability you can even transcend the world as all shamans do.

Your Magical Profession:ย Astral Projectionย &ย Totem Magic

Want to know more about the magic gift you have? Check this video out below!

Originally appeared on Magical Recipes Online
What Magic Gift was given to you according to your Birthday?
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