The Shades of Your Soul: What Color Is Your Shadow Self? – QUIZ


Every person’s inner fire burns brightly, painting their essence in vibrant shades. What color is your shadow self? Blue, red, yellow, black, or green, discover the colors that define you!

In simple terms, the “shadow” refers to the part of ourselves that we keep hidden in our minds. It can contain both positive and negative aspects. Psychologist Carl Jung described it as our darker side, driven by basic instincts.

But don’t worry, it’s not all bad! The shadow also holds creativity and the reasons why we appreciate life and freedom. Sometimes, it shows up in our dreams, giving us hints about what we might be hiding.

Now, this quiz aims to figure out the color of your inner shadow. Colors can affect our emotions and choices. For example, red means a shadow filled with passion and energy, while blue indicates a sensitive and creative side.

Black suggests independence and determination, and purple hints at deep spirituality. Yellow means a cheerful and optimistic shadow.

By exploring the colors you’re drawn to in the quiz images, you can learn more about your hidden self and better understand what’s going on in your subconscious. It’s like a fun way to explore yourself and your feelings!

What Color Is Your Shadow Self? Take This Shadow Self Quiz

Click on the “Let’s Play!” button now to take the shadow self test!

What Color Is Your Shadow Self? QUIZ
what color is your shadow self

You need to take a look at different colorful images and mention the color that attracts you most in each picture. At the end of the quiz, we will reveal your color.

Have fun and enjoy it! Let us know your results in the comments below!

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What Color Is Your Shadow Self – Mind Game
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what color is your shadow self

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