Pick A Crystal: Find Out What It Reveals About Your Life


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Crystals have a deeper meaning than just the beauty we see on the outside. These precious stones are not just beautiful but hold specific energy. Pick a crystal and find out what it says about you! Each crystal has a deep significance and whichever youโ€™re drawn to will uncover your deepest secrets.

Did you know that these spiritual crystals are linked withย specific chakras in our bodies, and they can be used in day to day lives for meditations and self-healing rituals.

So what are you waiting for? This crystal personality test will reveal your innermost thoughts and secrets.

Pick A Crystal Test: This Quiz Will Reveal Your Deepest Secrets

There are 6 types of crystals, which are you drawn to? Donโ€™t choose your favorite color, pick a crystal you are most attracted to at this very moment.

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Scroll down for your result โ€ฆ

Results: Choose A Crystal And Reveal Yourself

1. Opalite

Opalite You seek freedom

You seek freedom, somewhere peaceful to calm your senses and hear your inner voice. Opalite improves communication in your relationships and removes energy blocks in your chakras.

Have you been feeling stressed and disconnected? Do you feel unsure of your path ahead and crave time alone to think? As this cloudy stone suggests, your vision is obscured by the humdrum of daily life and some alone time is called for. Itโ€™s not necessarily that anything is โ€˜wrongโ€™ with your life, but perhaps you feel it is running you rather than the other way around.

Find the time to assess things. You may discover when you think about your goals, you are in fact moving successfully towards them. When we spend quiet moments in contemplation the vibration of our body changes. It allows inspirational thoughts to pop into our head out the blue (this stone is associated with energy and angel communication).

Deep down you sense a connection with the โ€˜other sideโ€™, and they are waiting to talk to you and give you guidance.

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2. Green Malachite

Green Malachite You are to go

If you are attracted to this stone, you are (or are about) to go through a major life transformation. This stone brings healing and positive energy!

This transformation may be practical, changing the way you live and work, but it also goes much deeper. It is about spiritual evolution, energy blockages in your mind and body from past experiences being untangled and released. You are becoming wiser and in the process, learning to truly value yourself.

You may find the process unsettling, initially, you become more aware of what you donโ€™t want, rather than what you do. Thatโ€™s fine. First, we must acknowledge the need for change, only then can we start to look for alternatives. Malachite is the stone of prosperity and abundance when you start to look up, luck and fortune are waiting. It can signify the end of destructive romantic relationships and the dawn of pure love.

By picking this crystal you are unconsciously telling the Universe, โ€˜I am ready for success. I am ready to lose the negativity. I am ready to be passionate about my lifeโ€™.

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3. Sun Stone

Sun Stone You are beginning to feel more

If you are attracted to this stone, you are beginning to feel more optimistic about the future. Sun Stone is known as the stone of leadership that brings you power and freedom!

The power of the sun is energizing your body, enhancing your health and lifting fears and stress. The sunstone is an omen of good luck and signifies events taking a turn for the better. This stone fosters originality and inspiration! Imagine waking in the morning and your first emotion is JOY.

Pure Joy because you have breath in your body and people in your life who love you. Once joy exists at this basic level, you attract more of the same. You are being given the strength to overcome problems. Watch as magical alternatives appear. If youโ€™ve been silently praying for a miracle, this is it. It is time for your day in the sun.

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4. Mahogany Obsidian

Mahogany Obsidian You are ready to break out

This is the stone of closure. If you chose it your unconscious is saying โ€˜I am ready to break out of negative habits and become happyโ€™.

You are becoming grounded. Like a sudden revelation, you can finally see that others are not more fortunate or luckier than you. They have their problems too, although they choose not to show them. You ARE what you feel. Jealousy, bitterness, feeling of being cheated by life, these emotions poison our system and lead to a downward spiral of misery. We only hurt ourselves.

Fortunately, energy blocks in your system are disappearing speedily. At last, you find the willpower to break free of negativity (and perhaps negative situations or people) and embrace peace. Mahogany Obsidian is a protective stone, which means its healing properties remove negative energy. This stone protects against attacks on the aura.

5. Howlite

Howlite You are being intuitively

If you are attracted to this stone you have been receiving messages from the โ€˜other sideโ€™, either in the form of dreams, thoughts out of the blue, visions or seeing repetitive numbers or words. You may receive messages from otherworldly beings or passed relatives and loved ones.

You are being intuitively guided in a certain direction โ€“ acknowledge your intuition and listen to it. It knows without thinking โ€“ it is your short-cut to success. If youโ€™ve had trouble sleeping it may be you are ignoring a gut feeling about someone or some situation. Howlite is used to ease anger and stress, and even help to reduce the problem of insomnia.

By acknowledging and going with the flow, spiritual breakthroughs will occur. You are not alone, you are never alone on this journey. Keep a dream journal and be aware of visions or synchronicity to understand messages that you receive.

If you pick a Howlite crystal, it is a message from the world of spirit that a new spirit guide awaits you. Your guide plans to elevate you to levels beyond your wildest dreams. All they ask is that you believe in them and take their hand.

Additional: Howlite denotes luck to those hoping for a baby, or who are already pregnant. It is an omen of a healthy, strong baby.

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6. Dalmatian Jasper

Dalmatian Jasper Time to bring fun

Time to bring fun and humour back into your life! If you chose this crystal, the little voice within is screaming โ€˜letโ€™s play againโ€™. This is the stone meant to break your walls down and balance your emotions.

Perhaps you have been feeling down, disillusioned, worried or a little cynical. The Dalmatian Jasper cleanses negative energies, reminds us that we are spiritual souls having a physical experience. We only have so many years on this planet before returning to energy form, so letโ€™s enjoy it!!.

Even the worst of situations can be brightened by humor โ€“ if not for your own sake, then for those around you. A sense of humor binds families and friends. It helps us cope with difficulties at the very instant we are laughing. It sends a message to the world, and the Universe, that I will not be fazed and I will win the day.

Which crystal did you pick? Did you learn anything new about yourself?

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