Flowers, Butterfly Or Face? The First Thing You See Reveals Your Dreams About Love


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What do you often dream about โ€“ dating, falling in love, or marriage? Take this butterfly or face optical illusion test to find out your hidden dreams.

Every person in this world is unique. No two people undergo the same experiences in love and relationships, therefore, we all have different visions and dreams about love and romance.ย 

So, here is a personality test based on optical illusion pictures with hidden images created by Oleg Shupliak, to help you know your hidden dreams about love and how far or close it is to your day-to-day reality.ย 

Knowing this will help you figure out what is and is not working in your relationship and how to handle it when your partner doesnโ€™t meet your expectations.ย 

Sky, Flowers, Butterfly Or Face? The First Thing You See Reveals Your Hidden Dream About Love

All you need to do is carefully look at the image below and note what catches your attention first.ย  Once done, read below your most secret dream about love.

butterfly or face optical illusion

1.The Flowers

The Flowers

If flowers catch your attention when you first looked at the image then your secretly hidden dream is that romance never fades.ย 

But, in reality romance is never constant. Some days your partner may be so romantic that you feel like living a reel life, while other days you may miss even basic chivalry.ย 

You canโ€™t always expect your partner to profess his love for you the way your favourite onscreen couples do. Itโ€™s wrong to consider your relationships negative if they donโ€™t shower you with gifts, chocolates and flowers all the time. Rather cherish those beautiful moments when they are very romantic.ย 

2. The Butterflies

The Butterflies

Seeing butterflies, when you first looked at the image, meansย your secret dream about love is that it conquers all.

You fiercely believe that love can conquer all the obstacles in its way, despite past failures in love and parental separations.ย  Being optimistic is always beneficial, but you need to remember the reality.

Your dreams and plans for your relationship may not coalesce with the person you love. And thatโ€™s the case with many married couples as well.ย 

Even if you and your partner have two seperate ways of living, what matters most is spending time together in a loving way.ย 

3. The Womanโ€™s Faceย 

The Womans Face

If this is what you saw first in the image, then your secret dream about love is that it will complete you.

Now, if you donโ€™t feel complete in your current relationship, donโ€™t think of ending it. Just like you canโ€™t clap with a single hand, you canโ€™t strengthen your love life all alone. You and your partner should pour in equal efforts and time, to strengthen your bonding and relationship.ย 

Life is not a fairy tale, no hard work will surely doom the relationship!ย 

4. The Sky

The Sky

If the sky is the first thing you see when looking at the image, your secret dream about love is intimacy in the bedroom all of the time.ย 

No matter how passionate your relationship is, you canโ€™t expect to be wrapped up in your partner 24/7. Lfe gives both roses and thorns, so your physical side of love too will have its high and low periods.ย 

You need not doubt your relationship, because itโ€™s quite normal to experience change or shift in desire from time to time.ย ย 

What did you see first? Tell us in the comments below and if you enjoyed this optical illusion test, share it with your friends ๐Ÿ™‚

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