February 2024 Full Moon Horoscope For Zodiac Signs


Can you sense the tension building up? The February full moon will herald a time when all the pent-up energy will be released, and you’ll be pushed to make some changes.

The February moon will be in the sign of Virgo and it will reach its full illumination at 7:30 A.M. EST on Saturday, February 24, as a minimoon or a micro moon.

Also known as the ​snow moon, the upcoming Full Moon in Virgo​​ brings a time of grounding and practicality, urging all signs to focus on organization, health, and practical matters.

But let’s look into the specific areas of your life that will be impacted most by the February Full Moon and which endeavors are likely to bring you more success, based on your zodiac. 

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February 2024 Full Moon Horoscope For Zodiac Signs

Here’s how the February Snow Moon​ may influence each of the zodiac signs:

Aries (March 21 – April 19):

This full snow moon​ lights up your sector of daily routines and health. It’s time to streamline your life, focusing on efficiency and well-being.

Tackle any tasks you’ve been putting off and establish healthier habits. Embrace this opportunity to fine-tune your life’s mechanics, but remember to be patient with yourself and others during the process.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20):

Your creativity and romance sector is illuminated by the snow moon​. Embrace your artistic side and express your feelings.

If you’re in a relationship, it’s a perfect moment for a romantic gesture. If you’re single, you might find yourself attracted to someone with a shared interest.

This period could also bring a surge of joy from children or youthful energy, reminding you of the importance of play and spontaneity.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20):

The focus is on your home and family. This is a time to nurture your personal space and connections.

You might feel the urge to declutter, redecorate, or address unresolved issues with family members.

Consider this full moon period a chance to solidify your foundation, ensuring you have a safe haven that truly reflects who you are and aspire to be.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22):

Communication is key for you during this​ snow moon. Whether it’s a heartfelt conversation with a loved one or launching a writing project, your words carry power.

It’s also a great time for short trips and reconnecting with siblings or neighbors. Engaging in intellectual discussions or learning something new could also provide unexpected insights into your emotional well-being.

Leo (July 23 – August 22):

Your financial sector is in the spotlight. Reflect on your income, expenses, and overall financial health.

Under the Full Moon in Virgo​​, it’s an opportune time to budget, pay off debts, or consider investments that improve your long-term security.

This financial introspection might also inspire you to explore new avenues for increasing your wealth, possibly through a hobby or creative talent.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22):

This full moon in your sign emphasizes personal growth and self-improvement. Consider how you can align more closely with your goals, values, and beliefs.

It’s a powerful time for a makeover, whether it’s your appearance or a life aspect. Your meticulous attention to detail is your greatest asset now; use it to cultivate a life that is not only efficient but also deeply meaningful.

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Libra (September 23 – October 22):

The full snow moon​ brings attention to your subconscious mind and intuition realms, urging you to rest and recharge.

It’s a period for introspection, letting go of past grievances, and bringing healing. Meditation or a retreat might be particularly beneficial right now.

Solitude can be enriching during this phase; embrace silence as it can bring profound revelations about your path and purpose.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21):

Your social life and friendships are highlighted by the snow moon. Reconnect with your community or network; virtually or physically.

This will help you consider how you contribute to collective goals at large. It’s also an excellent time to reassess your dreams and the people who support them — are they aligned?

This is an ideal time to initiate or lead a community project, leveraging your unique insights for the greater good.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)   :

Professional aspirations are high under the influence of the February snow moon​. During this  February moon, reflect on what career move could take you even further in accomplishing those professional dreams of yours.

Recognition for hard work could show up around this time as well — stay ready! Visibility in your professional sphere may increase so make sure you’re sending out energy that aligns with who you truly are at heart.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19):

This full moon is asking you if you want more from life – expansion and learning before anything else!

Whether it’s through travel, education, or simply being open-minded; take this time to open new doors in our personal lives away from work.

It’s also a prime period to share knowledge with others — what can you teach those around you?

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18):

This full moon will have you focus on your best interests when it comes to issues around intimacy and shared resources.

This is a time to truly transform and let go of what no longer serves you (which we should never be doing by the way).

Embracing vulnerability and addressing disparities in your love life could lead to stronger, healthier bonds as trust and openness are birthed.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20):

Your relationship sector is the focus for Pisces this month! Arguments or lingering tension might have already shown up, but this full moon is here to bring peace back into your life — you just need to choose it!

Negotiations or contracts may also be coming your way soon, remember: balance empathy with assertiveness to ensure fairness and mutual respect.

​February Full Moon Name

The ​snow moon full moon name dates back to the native Americans, Colonial Americans, and early European settlers.

The indigenous people used various names (that are now associated with the monthly full moons) to mark the entire lunar month in which the full moon appeared, not just the full moon itself.

This was traditionally done to mark their seasonal calendar. For instance, the ​name of the full moon in February is directly linked to the heavy snowfall that typically occurs during this time of February.

​Snow Moon Meaning

The spiritual meaning of February’s Snow Moon can be found in those areas of our lives where we feel most dissatisfied, stressed, confused, conflicted, or challenged.

This lunation will urge all of us to address those issues that we are silently dealing with, along with our negative self-talk, self-esteem, and self-image issues.

As per the full moon horoscope for the collective, you might let out repressed feelings, let go of dated beliefs, welcome new and positive changes, make hard choices, and release baggage and blockages that were holding you back.

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