Lunar Personality Type: What the Moon Phase You Were Born In Says About You


Our unique personality traits are governed by the phase of the moon during the time of our birth.

People belonging to the same moon phase at the time of their births usually share some attributes of their personality. The phase of the moon, when you were born in this world, provides valuable information about your personality, life motivation, emotions and behavior.

It can give deep insights about your fundamental drives, the primary purpose of your life, and how youโ€™ll contribute to society over the course of your life. Equipped with such vital knowledge about your life and personality, you will begin to understand yourself much better.

First of all, you need to find your lunar birth phase, which is the moonโ€™s stage at the time of your birth.

moon phase personality

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How can you find the Moon Phase you were born in?

The diagram given above shows the eight different phases of the moon. The lunar phase cycle, i.e., from one new moon to the next new moon, is around 29 days. To an observer on earth, each phase lasts for approximately three and a half days.

Since a lunar cycle lasts for 29 days but a month has 30/31 days, it will be a complicated process to calculate your moon phase from the chart above. Moreover, if your birthdate falls on the day the moon is transitioning from one phase to another, it makes it even more difficult to identify your moon phase.

Find out the moon phase you were born in, by clicking on the below Moon Phase Calculator link and once you know your Moon phase , read how it impacts your personality below:

Moon Phase Calculator

Just click on the link, fill out the details and get the Moon Phase your were born in. You just need to have two things handy:

  • Your full date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy)
  • Your time of birth.

Once youโ€™re done finding out your moon phase, come back here to read about all the interesting information your Moon Phase gives about your overall personality, fundamental traits and course of life.

There are eight personality types corresponding to eight lunar phases:

moon phase personality
  1. New Moon
  2. First/Waxing Crescent
  3. First Quarter (the half-moon in waxing phase)
  4. Waxing Gibbous Moon (a three-fourth stage of the moon, the final stage before the full moon arrives)
  5. Full Moon
  6. Disseminating Moon/Waning Gibbous (the three-fourth stage of the moon just after the full moon)
  7. Last Quarter (the half-moon in the waning phase)
  8. Balsamic Moon/Waning Crescent

Waxing or Waning

The Waxing cycle of the moon, from New Moon to Full Moon, symbolizes growth, development and establishing new things. This is in sync with the changes in the moon during the first half of the cycle, when it grows in size and radiates more light. People born during the Waxing cycle of the moon are usually the ones to establish new ideas and ways of thinking.

The Waning phase of the moon, when the moon changes from full size to New Moon (invisible stage of the moon), is associated with return, renewal and change. Hence people born under this phase act as agents of renewal and change.

Moon Phase Personality Types:

1. New Moon

moon phase personality

Youโ€™re full of energy and excitement and have a childlike attitude. Youโ€™re impulsive and take decisions based on your instincts. Youโ€™ve many hobbies and interests. You start new things with a lot of enthusiasm, but may fail to keep it up. Youโ€™re likely to achieve success at a young age.

People born under the New Moon phase, have a bubbly personality and childish outlook on life- full of wonderment and trill. You are open and communicative, you take decisions and act on the spur of the moment. You have a lively, cheerful demeanor and bring in a lot of energy and enthusiasm in your work life. You feel the best when thereโ€™s a new project at hand that requires your creative skills and fresh ideas; you feel hopeful and excited about the outcome. Your enthusiasm pushes you to work with great intensity and speed, but the fear is that you may get exhausted before you complete your mission.

On the downside, you have a purely subjective perspective of life. Generally, people born under new moon phase achieve success at a young age. But they need to sustain that intensity and mindset throughout their life.

2. First Crescent

moon phase personality

Youโ€™re energetic but focused- you know what you want out of life and direct your energy towards your goals. You have high determination and ambition. Youโ€™re quite creative and interested to explore things in depth. Twenties and thirties are the years when you can achieve exponential growth.

As a person born under the First Crescent moon phase, you have a confident and strong-willed personality, you are ambitious and look at life with curiosity and controlled excitement. Your innate creativity urges you to get a deeper understanding and expand your thinking. It also helps you to comprehend problem situations with a new perspective. This need often results in an internal conflict where youโ€™re torn between tackling something conventionally or in an new and abstract way- a fight between traditional and unorthodox methods. You may also face many restrictions against your life plans. Youโ€™ll need to find solutions to overcome these hurdles and achieve your dreams. Twenties and early thirties is the time span during which your productivity and success will be at itโ€™s peak.

3. The First Quarter

moon phase personality

This moon phase is a critical one in the lunar cycle, hence thereโ€™s some apprehension and nervous energy associated with this phase. Youโ€™re restless, risk-taking, passionate and inquisitive. You like to take up challenges and question the status quo. Thirties and forties are your unstoppable years.

People born under the First Quarter moon phase have a positive and determined personality. You show interest in everything that comes your way, youโ€™re active and communicative. You have an inquisitive, curious mind and the willingness to alter the status quo. The drawback of this is that you are perceived as an argumentative and difficult person. However, when you use your skills in a balanced manner, you can create new solutions to longstanding problems. Youโ€™re a creator. You feel the need to fight against existing social patterns because you know you can bring in something thatโ€™s modern and an advancement on the past in every aspect. Your thirties and forties are your time to shine! Youโ€™ll do some of your best works during this phase of your life.

4. Gibbous Moon

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Youโ€™re compassionate, nurturing and humanitarian, and try to help the society as much as possible. You understand the value of self-development and constantly strive to enhance the quality of your life and relationships. Middle age is the time youโ€™ll thrive and find success.

People born under the Gibbous moon phase have a compassionate and encouraging nature, a soothing influence and a strong need to be helpful to others. You see your work and life as means to contribute to the society and the betterment of the world. Even if you donโ€™t do it consciously, this aim to improve the word can become your โ€œlife missionโ€. In the face of troubles and obstacles, be persistent and keep going- this will make you more matured and also lead to enlightenment and contentment in life. Keep in mind that thereโ€™s no need to follow ideologies blindly in your urge to meet your end goals. Expect your endeavors to be recognized during your middle age.

5. Full Moon

moon phase personality

Youโ€™re likely to lead a fulfilling life with a variety of experiences. You grow and learn through your relationships- whether personal or professional, relationships boost your self-development. Youโ€™re very emotional and intuitive.

People born under the Full moon phase, which is the middle of the cycle, are skilled in bringing things to fruition. Youโ€™re aware of your lifeโ€™s purpose at a young age and spend the rest of your life fulfilling it. You are talented in mixing instinct with logic and creativity within practicality. People born under this moon phase, which acts like a bridge between the past and the present, they are connected to their past but also bring new ideas to the future. The downside is that, in your personal relationships, you may experience unexplained fears and guilt. You are advised to take charge of your emotions, and not seek emotional suggestions from your partnerโ€“ this will ensure that both of you enjoy more fulfilling intimate relationships. Your lifelong efforts will be recognized after you cross middle age.

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6. Disseminating Moon/Waning Gibbous

moon phase personality

Youโ€™re a hopeful person, with a forward-looking view and feel a deep need to give back. You are involved in teaching and spreading important messages in some way or the other. You go on your own way even if thatโ€™s not the conventional route.

People born under the Disseminating moon phase, have the urge to โ€œdisseminateโ€ the seeds of their ideas and wisdom among others so that they can learn from your personal knowledge and experience. You will shine in the fields of communication and teaching. You stand by your ideals. There may be a strain of revolutionary in your personality, but thatโ€™s simply your strong desire to bring positive reformations in the world. You are passionate to improve the lives of people, but you need find the middle ground between your personal vision and the actual needs of the people. In your early fifties, your lifelong efforts will bring a sense of satisfaction and contentment within you.

7. Last Quarter

moon phase personality

You are matured, intuitive and very understanding. Youโ€™re opinionated. Some of you will go through dramatic changes in your mid-life period. Youโ€™re constantly evaluating your life.

People born under the Last Quarter moon phase are matured beyond their years. Their maturity, depth of understanding, empathy and poise ensure that they excel in fields related to advisory and counselling. With your help and guidance, people are able to organize their lives, collect their thoughts together, mitigate their problems and develop more awareness. The downside is that your idealistic mindset may be considered as an inflexibility by many. You are inclined to melancholia and nostalgia, so you should try to focus on the future, leaving the past behind. Later fifties will bring contentment and a sense of fulfilment in your life.

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8. Balsamic Moon

moon phase personality

Youโ€™re a deep thinker and spiritualist. Youโ€™re often in deep contemplation about existential thoughts, and other ideas. The more you are in tune with your spiritual side, the more peaceful you will be. Alone time to reflect is essential for you. Youโ€™re a solitary person who enjoys the company of a few selected people. You may experience short and intense karmic relationships. (Related: Karmic Relationships And Shit: 5 Lessons To Know)

People born under the Balsamic moon phase have a dreamy and meditative personality. This moon phase signifies a transition, where one journeys inwards, contemplates the past, fixes their mistakes, if any, and gets ready for fresh beginnings ahead. People born under this moon phase inherit the introspective and contemplative nature characteristic of this phase. They are blessed with an inborn understanding of the world and a mystical connection with nature. They are intuitive and visionary. You believe in spiritual and intellectual activities rather than physical ones. Your experiences include changes, and coping with endings and passing phases. Your later years will bring more success and happiness compared to your youthful years.

moon phase personality
Lunar Personality Type Moon Phase Were Born You Pin

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