Intuitive Reading: Pick a Symbol to Reveal Your Spirit Message

So many things happen in our lives that we feel are messages from the spiritual world. Pick a symbol (1- 9) and reveal your spirit message.

Symbols can appear in any form, perhaps in a dream that holds specific significance or seeing an animal or number repeatedly that has some hidden meaning.

So what are you waiting for? Try this spirituality quiz and pick a symbol to reveal your spiritual message now!

Pick a Symbol to Reveal Your Spirit Message

Set your intention and then pick, which one symbol (1 โ€“ 9) stands out to you the most. Go with your first instincts.

Intuitive Reading Pick Symbol Reveal Spirit Message

Pick a symbol and see what your spirit message is below:

1. If you picked 1โ€ฆ

Intuitive Reading Pick Symbol Reveal Spirit Message trust universe

Itโ€™s time to just let it all go, and give your trust to the universe.

Instead of trying to fight against what is, simply take a step back and allow yourself to go with the rhythm and flow of life. You are being called on now to stop pushing your way forward and to accept the present moment and what is.

Strength is gently letting go of things.

Your next step will be revealed to you when you are calm, still, and focused on your true intention. Avoid making any hasty decisions, mediate and allow the stillness to guide you.

Read How to Live in the Flow of Life

2. If you picked 2โ€ฆ

Intuitive Reading Pick Symbol Reveal Spirit Message scattered

Boundaries are not a bad thing if they are constructed consciously and with guided intention.

It is time for you to put some of these boundaries in place because too much of you is scattered! By having clear boundaries, you give your life a little structure and guidance which is exactly what you need to focus on right now.

You need to focus on taking responsibility for things that are not going to plan and to stop spreading your time and energy amongst people and situations that are no longer serving your higher purpose.

Its time to take inventory, as daunting as it all sounds, it will be your biggest ally right now. It is also the perfect time to clear out the house to reduce clutter.

3. If you picked 3โ€ฆ

Intuitive Reading Pick Symbol Reveal Spirit Message right path

You are on the right path!

Although things may not always be clear to you, this message is to let you know that everything is going to be ok! You are walking your highest path now and although you may have many questions, the Universe is letting you know that you are guided and looked after.

Paths are made by walking.

Trust that everything will work out perfectly and with divine timing. There is no need for you to worry about the future or the past, simply stay present in each moment and watch the magic of your life unfold! If you have a big decision to make, know the answer to your decision will be delivered today through a synchronistic message.

4. If you picked 4โ€ฆ

Intuitive Reading Pick Symbol Reveal Spirit Message let go

It is time to let go of the past.

Too much of you are stuck on what was rather than looking to the now. While it is important to grieve and allow yourself time to heal, there is no benefit in re-telling the same old stories to yourself again and again.

Leave the past where it is and look forward now. You are being called on to take the present moment into your hands and make of it what you can.

The power is in your hands to change the future and the only way you can do that is by changing your awareness to the present moment. In order to release the past, try writing it down or confiding in a friend, allow yourself one last chance to re-hash the old emotions, and then let it go. You will not be able to move forward until you do.

Read Feeling Stuck? 6 Signs Itโ€™s Time To Move On With Your Life

5. If you picked 5โ€ฆ

Intuitive Reading Pick Symbol Reveal Spirit Message moving fast

Things are moving forward quickly and itโ€™s time to set some new goals and intentions!

Life has been moving at a fast pace and it seems that things are finally gaining momentum, what a perfect time to set some new goals for this new chapter of your life. Start by going within and working out what your hearts desire truly is. Write down the things that make you happy and then go for it!

While results may not be instant, think of your thoughts as a boomerang, shooting straight up into the heavens. While you are waiting for it to return to you, continue setting your positive thoughts and intentions. The message from the Universe is clear- set your intentions now for they will be delivered!

6. If you picked 6โ€ฆ

Intuitive Reading Pick Symbol Reveal Spirit Message deep answers

You are focused too much on the external rather than looking within.

Deep within your heart lies the answers to all your questions but unless you still your mind, how can you hear them? If your head is full of clutter and your mind is confused, clear the thoughts on your plate for just a moment and look within. Meditate, go for a walk, calm your mind and reconnect with the Divine.

Spirit is asking you to look for answers within instead of looking for external clues or signs. The time is now to become in sync with the Universe and all that it holds for you and the only way you can do this is by reflecting within.

Monitor your thoughts today but try not to engage or judge them, get back to your core self, and be conscious of when your ego is at play.

Read 3 Secrets To Living A Longer, Better, And Happier Life

7. If you picked 7โ€ฆ

Intuitive Reading Pick Symbol Reveal Spirit Message enjoy sunshine

You have been working hard and now itโ€™s time for you to play, rest and relax!

Take some time out of your day to enjoy the sunshine and rekindle your inner child. Do something spontaneous, or plan an adventure or overseas trip. You have much to learn from taking time out of your day to do something that is just completely pleasurable.

Just relax. Master the day.

Feel no guilt because this is what life is all about! Reward your body with some clean, organic food, reward your mind with some fun stimulation and reward your heart with the joy of your friends and family.

Often we forget the power of a smile and the power of laughter.ย No matter what your external situation is, remember that finding joy in everything can do a world of good for you and the rest of the world.

8. If you picked 8โ€ฆ

Intuitive Reading Pick Symbol Reveal Spirit Message greater force

It is time to connect. To connect to those around you, to connect to yourself, and to connect to nature.

You are not alone, you are part of the great web of the Universe and you must remember that everyone, everything- plant, animal or otherwise is connected by a greater force.

You can feel it, sometimes you can even see it, but now itโ€™s time to put it to practice. Remove the mask you have been wearing and allow yourself to make a real, true connection.

Start with yourself and then explore outwards. Connect with plants, animals, and then finally, you will be ready to make a real connection with others.

If you are having relationship problems or issues at work, chances are all you need to do is connect. Try seeing things from their point of view. Step out of your ego, into consciousness, and ask, how can I connect to this situation to bring about the highest good?

Read The Connection Between Mindfulness And Recovery Success

9. If you picked 9โ€ฆ

Intuitive Reading Pick Symbol Reveal Spirit Message spreading positivity

This is a sign from the Universe that all you need to do has been done and now you can sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

The Universe wants to thank you for being you and for spreading the message of consciousness to others. You are a true spiritual teacher who has guided many and now it is your turn to be bestowed a gift. Of course, this gift is not materialistic, it is far better than that. It is the gift of knowing.

You are now granted the gift to know that life is beautiful, and everything is here to allow you to grow, teach and love. There is no good and bad or right or wrong, there just is. You have been doing a lot of growing recently and now the time is to pass it on.

Inner peace is the new success.

Reach out to a friend in need, write a blog, plant a tree, communicate your lessons to the world for no other reason other than to help expand conscious awareness.

Read Choose a Symbol โ€“ See What It Means

What is your spirit message? Share in the comments!

Originally appeared on - Forever Conscious
Pick a Symbol to Reveal Your Spirit Message
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