3 Ways to Be Indispensable at Work Without Burning Out


How can you be indispensable at work and yet avoid job burnout and stress?

โ€œI couldnโ€™t have done this without you.โ€ Those words, when they come out of a managerโ€™s mouth, maybe music to ourย eager-to-pleaseย ears. But a desire to be seen as indispensable at work can come with a downside: In our attempt to go theย extra mileย (or 10), we may be sacrificing our ownย well-being.ย 

It turns out, conscientious, highly dedicated employees are at greater risk of emotional exhaustion and conflict between theirย work and family responsibilities, according to a 2016 study from Kingโ€™s College London and the University of Bath in the U.K. And otherย researchย has found that our drive to impress our boss and colleagues at every turn, borne out ofย hustle culture, comes at the high cost ofย burnout.

So how can you make your markย and add tremendous value without compromising your sanity and well-being?

These 3 tips can help:

1. Pause before you say yes

In a quest to be indispensable, some people bite off more than they can chew. If being a โ€œyes to everythingโ€ person is leading you to the brink of burnout, the first step is to understand whatโ€™s causing your inability to set boundaries around your workload, says clinical psychologistย Michelle Golland, Psy.D.ย 

Could it be, for instance, that youโ€™re aย people-pleaser, and you have a long-held belief that saying no will lead to rejection? Or does it come down to aย need to control, and not trusting your colleagues to do a good job if you let them take the lead?

Once youโ€™re clear with yourself about your motivation, you may be more willing to let things go. Spoiler alert: Having too much on your plate can compromise the quality of your work, and thatโ€™s not a good strategy for winning over your boss โ€”ย or anyone else.

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2. Look for the grey areas

Black and white thinking can lead you to take on too much and risk burning out. After all, if โ€œnoโ€ isnโ€™t a realistic option, you might assume your only option is to say โ€œyesโ€. But thereโ€™s usually a grey area or middle ground โ€”ย a way to be aย team playerย and contribute value without doing itย all.

For instance, if a higher-up asks for your involvement on a project and you truly donโ€™t have the bandwidth to take it on, you can still provide support or offer to be a sounding board or a second pair of eyes, Golland suggests.ย 

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3. Train yourself to clock out

For an overachiever, there may beย no end to the workday. But regularly letting work spill into your โ€œoff-hoursโ€ can lead to burnout over time. To prevent this, create your schedule so you have a set number of days per week where working late is simply not an option. And to make sure your most important tasks are getting done on these days, divide yourย to-do listย into two columns: โ€œcriticalโ€ and โ€œcan wait.โ€

Then, prioritize accordingly. At Thrive we call this โ€œrelentless prioritizationโ€ and โ€œgetting comfortable with incompletions.โ€ Ultimately, embracing incompletions allows you to leave the office so you can recharge โ€” and bring your indispensable self to work again the next day.

Written by: Mallory Stratton
Originally appeared on: Thrive Global

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