How Does Someone React When Unhappy In A Relationship, Based On The Chinese Zodiac


Everyoneโ€™s idea of an unhappy relationship is different, and so are their ways of dealing with it. Being in an unhappy and miserable relationship is never easy, but sometimes instead of leaving that relationship, some people tend to act out in other ways. While some might cheat on their partners, some people end up staying in denial about the reality of their relationship.

Chinese astrology and Chinese zodiac signs can say a lot about how you might behave if you are unhappy about the state of your relationship. They can reveal many secrets about you and your personality, which even you might not have realized.

Here Is How You Behave When You Are Unhappy In Your Relationship, Based On Your Chinese Zodiac

1. Rat (2008, 1996, 1984, 1972, 1960)

How Does Someone React When Unhappy-Rat

They cheat.

Rats find it easy to start new relationships but find it very difficult to maintain them. They get very bored, very easily. And rather than just end relationships sometimes they like seeing how much they can get away with and for how long. When this pattern continues what they are failing to realize is itโ€™s not the person who they are dating who is the issue, itโ€™s them.

Related: Chinese Zodiac Love Compatibility: Which Sign Is Your Best Match?

2. Ox (2009, 1997, 1985, 1973, 1961)

How Does Someone React When Unhappy-OX

They fake whatโ€™s really going on because they donโ€™t want to believe it.

The ox is loyal and good at relationships. They gravitate towards relationships that last long and are healthy until the end. But sometimes people change and the relationship doesnโ€™t evolve also. Instead of stating that an Ox will live in denial of whatโ€™s going on and continue to pretend the relationship was as good as it was when it began. Itโ€™s hard to let go but it hurts more holding onto something thatโ€™s not there anymore.

3. Tiger (2010, 1998, 1986, 1974, 1962)

How Does Someone React When Unhappy-Tiger

They overcompensate.

The tiger isnโ€™t one who is too emotional or shows affection well. But when their relationship suddenly isnโ€™t what it used to be they think they have to try too hard. Suddenly something is off in this relationship and they donโ€™t know how to fix it.

4. Rabbit (2011, 1999, 1987, 1975, 1963)

How Does Someone React When Unhappy-Rabbit

They stay busy.

Probably the most likable of all signs, when their relationship begins to fall apart instead of ending it, they try not to think about it. They get themselves consumed in work or projects, charity groups, or sports. They think out of sight out of mind but whenever they come home they are met with an awkward small talk where no one is actually saying anything or saying what they need to.

5. Dragon (2012, 2000, 1988, 1976, 1964)

How Does Someone React When Unhappy-Dragon

They turn to everyone else but their partner to talk about it.

A dragon tends to gossip and cause problems simply because they air their dirty laundry. Soon they find themselves in a relationship triangle because the person they turn to suddenly catches feels, their current partner gets jealous, they say itโ€™s nothing and suddenly there is just so much going on the relationship ends.

The problem whatever it might have been initially morphed into something else and thatโ€™s the recurring theme dragons have in the relationship is not being able to address the problem with the right person.

Related: What Your Chinese Zodiac Sign Reveals About Your Personality?

6. Snake (2013, 2001, 1989, 1977, 1965)

How Does Someone React When Unhappy-Snake

They become workaholics.

When there are problems at home, suddenly they spend more time in the office. They leave longer for trips. While they work hard and love what they do they donโ€™t like coming to terms with the relationship probably failing because of them.

7. Horse (2014, 2002, 1990, 1978, 1966)

How Does Someone React When Unhappy-Horse

They shut down.

The horse is used to being liked, thriving as they are the center of attention. Always the more dominant one in a relationship. So when their partner loses interest they donโ€™t know how to really respond to someone not adoring them anymore. Their confidence comes from others. So when a relationship fails they lose a bit of confidence in themselves thinking they are to blame.

8. Goat (2015, 2003, 1991, 1979, 1967)

How Does Someone React When Unhappy-Goat

They try to fix it.

The goat has a very good sense of being able to tell when something is even slightly off. They have calm and reserved personalities. They will never take out intense emotions on you or channel negativity in your direction. Instead, they just want to fix the problem. Sometimes the problem though isnโ€™t something you can fix. Itโ€™s something you have to walk away from and thatโ€™s tough.

Related: Why Youโ€™re Bad At Relationships Based On Your Chinese Zodiac

9. Monkey (2016, 2004, 1992, 1980, 1968)

How Does Someone React When Unhappy-Monkey

They take everything out on their partner.

As they fail to understand why the relationship is ending instead of realizing they are part of the problem, they project all of the blame onto their partner. They find themselves losing it for reasons that arenโ€™t even related to the relationship. Pointing at someone else takes attention away from the fact they might be the problem.

10. Rooster (2005, 1993, 1981, 1969)

How Does Someone React When Unhappy-Rooster

They try and take control of the situation at hand.

When their relationship is out of control and they donโ€™t know how to fix it they latch onto controlling what they can.

11. Dog (2006, 1994, 1982, 1970)

How Does Someone React When Unhappy-Dog

They keep you in the dark.

The dog is usually the most honest and loyal but when their relationship is failing and being the person they are isnโ€™t working, they suddenly begin to shift into a version of themselves they or their partner donโ€™t recognize and it only makes things worse.

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12. Pig (2007, 1995, 1983, 1971)

How Does Someone React When Unhappy-Pig

They donโ€™t communicate well.

When relationships come to an end the partner doesnโ€™t see it coming. The pig knows it but wonโ€™t admit it as they see things very logically. But they struggle in articulating it. So when they canโ€™t identify the problem they create more. Their partner asks whatโ€™s on their mind and the pig is afraid to admit itโ€™s over.

Written By Kirsten Corley
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The Way You Behave When You're Unhappy In A Relationship Based on Your Chinese Zodiac
How You Behave When Unhappy In A Relationship Based on Your Chinese Zodiac
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