How And Why Opposite Zodiac Signs Attract According To Astrology



Do you know why opposites attract in relationships? If you are getting drawn to someone whoโ€™s the polar opposite, read the following article that talks in-depth about how and why opposite zodiac signs attract.

We are sure youโ€™ve heard the familiar saying โ€œopposites attractโ€ many times growing up. For some of us, this phrase may ring true, while others may find chaos in communicating with an opposite personality.

Have you ever wondered why youโ€™re attracted to someone or something you think may never work? Has it something to do with astrological placements? Yes, it does!

Letโ€™s study the opposite zodiac pairs and the topic of why opposite zodiac signs attract, in order to explain your inevitable attraction toward someone whoโ€™s really different than you.

Related: The Dark Side Of Each Zodiac Sign: Dark Zodiac Signs

The 6 Totally Opposite Zodiac Couples

  • Aries-Libra
  • Taurus-Scorpio
  • Gemini-Sagittarius
  • Cancer-Capricorn
  • Leo-Aquarius
  • Virgo-Pisces

Hereโ€™s a detailed analysis of how and why opposite zodiac signs attract and zodiac couple compatibility:

How And Why Opposite Zodiac Signs Attract According To Astrology

opposite zodiac signs attract

1. The Aries and Libra Couple

Aries is a fire sign, Libra is an air sign, and fire needs air to burn. Aries people are blunt and to the point, making swift decisions, which may not be very well thought out. Libra is ruled by Venus, so they have a harmonious and soothing nature. Since the scales symbolize Libra though, it can take them forever to make up their minds. They think about every little thing from every point of view.

Librans can charm you so easily that you may not even realize what you are agreeing to! They make great lawyers because they can argue a point for hours and wrap anyone around their little finger. This can make an Aries person crazy.

Another possible area of disagreement is that when an Aries person wants something, it can sound like a demand. Are they telling or asking? This attitude can seem rude, pushy, and impulsive. But when these two are under each otherโ€™s spell, the Aries will offer that big, open smile, and the Libran will be won over. When an Aries person gets angry, itโ€™s over fast, like a thunderstorm. They are very forgiving.

Aries people understand that Libransโ€™ decisions are fair and logical, and respect that. Librans hear the word โ€œdecisionโ€ and they get nervous. Aries just dives in, thinks fast, then handles the situation. Libra wants to play it safe, but that can get boring. So Librans will admire the Aries style of just doing what they think should be done and then forgetting about it.

Since Aries is the fire sign, one would probably think they have the most dangerous temper, right? Well, not really. Think about what air does, as in tornadoes, hurricanes, or cyclones. Most people think Venus-ruled Librans are always sweet and calm. And most of the time, they are. Just make sure you do not push them too far. You do not want those scales to tip! Both Aries and Libra Want To Be The Leader.

Another issue here is that both Aries and Libra are cardinal signs of leadership, meaning they both want their own way. Librans just want to win to achieve justice and peace. Aries wants to win just to prove they are right. They have a bit of an ego to protect.

Why do these opposite zodiac signs attract? Most partnerships between Aries and Libra will be a great experience for both. What could be better than having an affair with the one who has all the traits you lack? Libras are free thinkers and act on their thoughts, which will make the Aries person feel more confident than they are (they lack confidence, but I didnโ€™t tell you that).

Libraโ€™s kindness and gentleness will bring out the best in an Aries person. The Aries person is more balanced and tolerant when with a Libran because their individuality is respected.

The Libran may find that they are making more firm decisions, and inspired into higher achievements on a personal level when their Aries love is around. The Aries Ram will try to understand that the Libra needs to conserve energy to maintain balance, they arenโ€™t just lazy. Most people are not as energetic as an Aries, with that Mars rulership.

If Aries truly tries to see both sides of a disagreement, Libra will respond with affection and encouragement. A Libra does not like to be crabby or argumentative, but Aries must learn to fight fair.

Once Aries decides not to be unreasonable in their expectations, they will be rewarded with that famous Libra dimple. The Libran is usually right anyway, and Aries can never carry a grudge for long. What argument? This is how these two opposite zodiac signs attract each other.

2. The Taurus and Scorpio Couple

Just like all opposites but compatible zodiac pairs, Taurus and Scorpio both sense that the other has the missing qualities that would make each feel complete and whole. However, both of these signs are fixed signs, and that means stubborn, my friend.

Scorpios are as sexy, secretive, and psychic as they are rumored to be, but they hide that all very well when they want. They can be snakes if they act on their lower instincts, or eagles if they soar to their highest. They are boiling cauldrons of emotion, and that can be scary.

Scorpios are very sentimental, something that shocks people once they catch on to them. They really know how to hide behind whichever faรงade they are using, and you will know them for years before you see the sentimentality.

Scorpios are surprisingly gentle with those that they love. But they can go from sweet and gentle to cold and intimidating very quickly. A Taurus person has trouble understanding this because they are very straightforward, what you see is what you get.

Taurus is ruled by Earth, and they are sensible, dependable, patient, and determined. They do not have the Scorpioโ€™s regenerative potential, but they do possess the genuine inner calm that a Scorpio longs to have. And Taurus can match Scorpio in the determination department too. But Taurus would love to understand how Scorpio just knows things, in their psychic way.

Both are hard workers, but Scorpio is intuitive and knows when to do what. Why do these opposite zodiac signs attract?

Taurus people are hard workers who want security, and if they knew all the things a Scorpio does, that knowledge could be put to good use as they build their lives. But Scorpio wishes they could weather lifeโ€™s storms as calmly as a Taurus, so they could accomplish more that way.

So when these two come together and share these virtues, they can change many things for the better. This relationship will be many things, but never boring or bland.

Scorpio can be sarcastic when angry, and a Taurus is hurt by that. They think a person can just say what needs to be said, and there is no need to embellish it or try to be mean. Scorpions sting when they are angry though. Taurus just likes to be direct. Although you do not want to upset the Bull too much, they do have a tolerance level that ends at some point.

Both are reserved and will respect each otherโ€™s boundaries.

Taurus people have a great sense of humor, but they can be prone to self-pity. Scorpio has a sense of humor but does not like to let their vulnerability show. Taurus people make them feel safer.

Both of them are reserved people until you get to know them better. Neither speaks much unless they really have something important to say. They prefer it when people mind their own business. Scorpios will go to great lengths to keep their secrets private, even if they have to lie. A Taurus actually will just tell you to โ€œmind your own business.โ€ They do not turn everything into drama as Scorpios do.

Both signs are very loyal, especially if it is to each other. When they fall in love and trust each other, these two can move mountains together. They will be possessive of each other, but itโ€™s all kind of cozy and warm because they know neither will ever let the other go and thatโ€™s how opposites attract in astrology.

3. The Gemini and Sagittarius Couple

Most people think that all Sagittarians are active and outgoing, but there are actually ones that are rather quiet and shy. All of them are honest and speak with candor when asked what they think. They look at the world through a lens of truth.

Now, Gemini is the sign of the twins, so since we know there are two sides to them, and that the Sag can be either the quiet or more talkative one, we realize itโ€™s almost as if there are four people in this relationship instead of two!

A Sagittarian has a gift for just blurting out zingers, they cannot help it. But they are never mean-spirited and normally their observations are correct. These people are wise and witty, honest and youthful in spirit. Gemini natives are very intelligent and mentally active people. A Gemini can persuade a Sagittarian to try to do something that he or she would not normally consider.

A Gemini needs the Sagittarianโ€™s high ideals, warmth, enthusiasm, and sincerity because sometimes a Gemini can be cold, and they like to play head games with people. This can be difficult.

This partnership can go two ways. Each can admire the traits of the other and try to imitate them to grow spiritually. They could also fear and envy the opposite qualities in each other, and keep putting each other down, thus hurting each otherโ€™s pride.

Both parties are daring and do things on a big scale. They are not necessarily dependable or enduring. Both have great minds, but the achievements they accomplish together are not usually ones that last, they are normally more fleeting in nature.

Think of them like two shooting stars! They can accomplish great things in a short time period, but a project of a longer duration may not pan out because they are not wired for patience or the strength to keep on the course for a long time.

Gemini must be careful how they speak to the Sagittarian. They have great compatibility to hang around since Mercury and Jupiterโ€™s natives do like each other. But a sly Gemini may needle or be tactless to the sincere Sagittarian just because thatโ€™s what they do, and the Sagittarian will be very hurt and very angered by this.

A Sag almost always takes the high road, for although they are emotional fire people, they are without guile. They will call you on it if you are getting judgmental or venting and do not really mean the nasty things you are saying.

Clever and glib Geminis like to play mind games and do not understand that this is painful to others. Their minds are always working at a high speed. But their basic nature is sunny, cheerful, and optimistic, just less so than a Sagittarian. The Sagittarians are blunt and do not always have tact, but they are never sarcastic. Sometimes the Sag can even get a quieter Gemini to speak their truth in a better, kinder way.

But these two do not always listen when the other is speaking, they are already thinking of what they want to say next instead! They are always competitive with each other but in a playful spirit. Thatโ€™s one of the reasons these two opposite zodiac signs attract one another.

Why do these opposite zodiac signs attract? They will help each other over tough times, and learn how to better communicate with each other in time. They can reach each other through poetry or art, and they love to dream together.

As far as moods go, both are mostly enthused and excited about something much of the time. They share Jupiterโ€™s luck and Mercuryโ€™s alertness, and together they normally experience a lot of good fortune and help from others around them.

Both like to go out, they love being with other people, and they like to entertain. They enjoy children, pets, and the outdoors, although the Gemini may have allergies.

This can be a great zodiac couple match as long as they learn how to speak nicely to each other and take the time to listen to each other. Really listen, and try to give each one what it is that they need

4. The Cancer and Capricorn Couple

This is another Water/Earth combination, like Taurus and Scorpio. But the dynamic is different, as Cancer and Capricorn are both cardinal signs of leadership.

Both are ambitious achievers, and both are very adaptable to change. Well, Cancer is very adaptable to change, Capricorn will change if there is enough benefit in it.

But they are both conservative when it comes to love and family issues. So these two people can find common ground quite easily. Both have maternal or paternal instincts and will enjoy taking care of each other.

Capricorns are more emotional than you think. Cancer people are emotional and just ooze warmth and kindness, which definitely attracts a Capricorn, who loves to be fussed over but would never admit it. The Capricorn has a serious and practical side that will appeal to Cancer, but Caps have a good sense of humor as well, which is a bonus.

These two will lock eyes across the room and feel their hearts beating faster. They will feel comfortable with each other too, and for some reason do not have to pretend, or put on a show of good behavior in the beginning stages of the relationship. Both are somewhat reserved and shy, and will slowly get to know each other better.

Neither one likes to rush into anything without thought. They are a little old-fashioned, and I am getting a mental picture of two people having tea, with Grandmotherโ€™s best china and silver, just sitting in the parlor, relaxing and talking, loving the ceremonial feel of it.

Cancer and Capricorn like ceremonies, oh, say, like weddings, for instance. Just the fact they continue to see each other means this is serious, these two signs do not like to waste time.

Capricorns are the most ambitious sign, and if they work so much they do not make enough time for the Cancerian, feelings will be hurt. Cancers need lots of love and attention, and they like to go out a lot. They like gifts and little expressions of love and appreciation, as they are more insecure than they admit. Both Cancer and Capricorn people like to be pampered.

Cancers can also be over-emotional, and there will be times when Capricorn will be exasperated with trying to understand Cancerโ€™s moods. When Capricorn works many hours, they may not want so many people coming over to visit and party. But Cancer has a retiring side and likes a quiet day at home as much as anyone.

And speaking of home, they both have a keen interest in real estate, which could very likely be the field one or both work in. Banking and accounting are other choices, as they both are also very careful how they spend their money, and knowledgeable about it. So this pair has a lot going for them.

Capricorn will not enjoy a busy social life as a Cancer, as Cancer craves change and likes to try new things. Capricorns are not as extroverted, even if they try to be. So this can be an issue if the Cancerian gets too bored.

Cancer people secretly like it when people try to take care of them, but not if they overdo it. Itโ€™s a hard act to juggle, because Cancerians may act helpless, but they are very self-sufficient, thank you. Try telling them what they should or should not do one too many times, and you will feel the change in the auric field around you very fast.

Cancer people are psychic water signs, and they are very changeable. Think about the ocean, how itโ€™s always moving, and always has changing shades of blues and greens. Capricorn has to keep up with Cancer, and itโ€™s a tall order. Cancerโ€™s moods change several times in an hour, and they talk about four subjects at a time. What are they talking about? What to have for dinner, or the gift for Saturdayโ€™s party?

Capricorns have more trouble expressing their emotions, but Cancers are sensitive and romantic, so can teach Capricorns a thing or two about romance, to be more expressive in both public and private. Each has traits the opposite astrology sign wants to cultivate.

Capricorns need to know they are appreciated too, but will not say so. They really are so much the same, and sometimes when they have problems good friends can make them see the light. Both are gentle and private people. But they are proud, and if they have a falling out, it can be very difficult for them to get back together again. Once bitten, twice shy, as they say.

Why do these opposite zodiac signs attract? Like all opposites, each has what the other wants. Success in the relationship can have to do with their ages. Since they view life in so much the same way, they can make a very happy life together. The chances of their staying together get better if they are older and have more life experience.

opposite zodiac signs attract

But if they keep breaking up over little things, and move on from each other, they will always remember each other as the love of their life. The timing just wasnโ€™t right. But these two serve as another perfect example of why opposite zodiac signs attract.

5. The Leo and Aquarius Couple

Once again we have two fixed signs, and this combination may be more difficult than the Taurus/Scorpio one. A Leo and Aquarian must learn to blend their opposing forces.

Leos are very graceful, and they command attention when they walk into a room. They are natural leaders and are used to getting their own way without fighting about it.

Aquarians just accept life in all its craziness and feel comfortable being their own independent and interesting selves. So what if people find their ideas unusual or that their purple and orange hair is weird?

Leos are afraid to let their hair down, to let others see their inner warmth and passion. An Aquarian can seem cool and indifferent, but they live largely in their minds and are concerned with the larger mysteries of Life, The Universe, and Everything.

Leos worry too much about what others think of them and let their emotions rule their mind, then regret it later. An Aquarian person wonders if there is more to human contact than intellectual communication.

Once Leo puts a spell on Aquarius, they understand that love is joyous, incredible, and fulfilling. But itโ€™s hard for an Aquarian to be demonstrative or affectionate, and itโ€™s hard for a Leo to stop holding back, afraid of looking undignified.

Leo must learn that there is no loss of self-respect in loving a person in an honest and intimate way. Aquarians do accept life and people effortlessly. Leos want to do that but have too much pride. Aquarians have great freedom of expression, and the ability to be detached and unemotional when it is necessary.

Being a Fire sign, Leoโ€™s passions have a way of ruling them, even though they too can act calm and aloof when that is not the way they really feel. Leos are ruled by the Sun and need to be made to feel like a King or Queen, as they do have that regal bearing. They feel neglected fairly easily and need constant admiration.

Aquarians are Air signs, and will invite Leos into their thoughts, and think that is enough to show how much they really care. Air-ruled Aquarian hints and suggests, but never comes out to say โ€œI love you.โ€ Or maybe it will be said once. Aquarians do not live in the past and are not redundant. They figure saying something once should be enough, that they can express feelings in other ways. Leos express themselves in words, Aquarians more through actions.

opposite zodiac signs attract

Aquarians are not direct and forthcoming as Leos are. Compliments and flattering speeches do not come easily to Aquarians, they feel funny expressing love in words. They would rather write a poem, or draw a picture.

Leo needs to realize that Aquarians are unpredictable and a bit eccentric, but highly intelligent and special people. They do not give their love away easily. Aquarian figures once something is said, it stands until something different is said. They do not feel a need to constantly flatter someone and are not hypocrites, they live by what they believe. Period.

Why do these opposite zodiac signs attract? The Leo learns that they can say they love a certain food, and the next day the Aquarian can cook it for them like a French chef. The Aquarian person will be beside themselves when โ€œSamโ€ dies, and Leo will be shocked to find Sam was a pigeon that their love used to feed every day while eating lunch in the park. Leo is noble and generous, something they both have in common.

Leo has deep fires burning underneath their surface, and the Aquarian should never toy with them. But Leo has to learn that a mate will not be submissive to them, maybe they think they are Kings and Queens, but they are the same as everyone else.

Both Leo and Aquarians are generous to charities. They are efficient organizers, one more thing both signs have in common. Together they can do great work for charities or any cause they both feel is worth their time.

They just have problems organizing their emotional reactions the way they organize and categorize everything else. They love to surprise each other and shower each other with gifts. They are creative and love to travel together. But Aquarians make friends with everyone, and Leos are more selective. Leos are also jealous.

Aquarians have so much going on that they will not always make a Leo the center of their world, a big no-no for Leo. It is best to be the first love of an Aquarian. They will always remember their first love fondly, even if it was a platonic friendship (and Aquarians want their lovers to be their best friends too).

Once Aquarian lives become more filled with causes and charities, a Leo mate will still be important, but may not get the regal treatment they think they deserve from everyone. If Leo is mature enough to understand they are loved but cannot always be at the center of someoneโ€™s life every single minute, this relationship can work.

Nonetheless, these two opposite zodiac signs attract each other like a magnet.

6. The Virgo and Pisces Couple

This combination is another of the Earth and Water variety, and possibly the easier one.

Virgos are very efficient and orderly people, who can locate dates and information on people, problems, worries, situations, frustrations, you name it. They are never late, and their checkbooks are always balanced. They sleep enough, eat properly, and keep their possessions in systematic order.

A Piscean is the opposite of all that nonsense. Their house or apartment will look like a tornado just passed through it. Itโ€™s a charming mess of color and confusion. They know all kinds of stuff is in the nooks and crannies, and donโ€™t even want Virgos poking around there.

Yet there is a mystical feeling of peace and quiet there anyway. How is this possible and why do these opposite zodiac signs attract? Honestly, Pisces people consciously would like to acquire those neat Virgo traits. On some level, they realize that they need less daydreaming and relaxing, less procrastination, and more tidiness.

Both Virgo and Pisces are restless spirits. So, Pisceans are fascinated with Virgos. Both are born under mutable signs, so they get along well, being changeable and easily influenced, despite their differences. Plus they are both shy and reserved with strangers.

Virgo minds are so acute and alert, that it seems they donโ€™t think enough about the unconscious. They look at all their thoughts to be sure they arenโ€™t missing any details.

Pisces has the Neptune talent for daydreaming and wishing, and because they do, often their dreams come true. Pisces can make their wishes true and manifest them into reality just by continually thinking positive thoughts. Their faith in the cosmic mind, the great collective subconscious, allows these great things to happen.

Now, Virgos have patience, but fussing and worrying donโ€™t make dreams come true. Faith does, and Pisceans have it in spades. They may as well be sprinkled with fairy dust.

Pisceans have such colorful auras that they are detected in the astral plane, and there is that old Metaphysical Law about Light attracting darkness. They are sensitive and psychic and can read you like a book. But their energy can be depleted by helping strangers or just by their ability to pick up the vibes of everyoneโ€™s joys and sorrows.

This can be a blessing and a curse, the reason why Pisces is symbolized by two fish, each swimming in different directions. Being sensitive or psychic is always accompanied by being exceptionally creative, and if this gift is not encouraged in childhood, this talent can be brought back in elder years, but only through meditation and other techniques. So Pisceans must be on guard because their strong imaginations may cloud their impressions.

A great romantic combo, Virgos can help Pisceans bring out the bright colors or best of their ideas, and help turn them away from negativity. But now the Virgoโ€™s aura has been affected too, and they will be getting visitors from the astral plane as well!

Before we get to the romantic stuff, both Virgo and Pisces have a fetish for shoes and feet. If you donโ€™t believe it, go look in their closet and count how many pairs of shoes they own. Aha! Anyway, Virgo will be thrilled that a Pisces is interested in listening to talk about shoes. Pisces will also be surprised that someone else cares about such a subject.

Pisceans are so kind about listening to others, they are shocked to find people like to listen to them too, although they are amazing storytellers. They are old souls who have experienced many incarnations. Soon one of them will snuggle closer, and it will be obvious they are interested in more than each otherโ€™s shoes! Virgo will have that lovely sparkle in those beautiful, clear, intelligent eyes, and confide that their feet sometimes get cold.

Pisces will immediately make a move to be sure the Virgo is getting warmed up in a big hug. Now Virgo never has sex on the first night. But the lure of a Pisces is strong and unexpectedly seductive, and pretty soon they will both be wrapped securely in each otherโ€™s hearts.

The sexual attraction between the Virgin and the Fish is terrific, both are natural lovers. They may fight about other things, but never about sex. They both are instinctively unselfish, and gently giving in a way that is fulfilling and peaceful, supported by great affection.

Virgo worries about money, but Pisces worries about the future. Unfortunately, they will not be as good at sharing money. Pisces could not care less, they will give money away. But Virgo is an Earth sign, and not so willing to part with cash. Virgos can be very critical and will harp on it when a Pisces is too generous. The constant nagging is a bad Virgo fault that may begin to bother the Piscean.

A Piscean who begins to be unhappy may begin drinking or taking drugs, stay out late to talk to less critical people or find solace in daydreaming.

A Virgo does have common sense and may realize that this dreamer was the person they fell in love with, and overlook all except the traits that were first loved.

Pisces must understand the Earth person will be very hurt if secrets are kept. Virgos only worry because they care so much. Pisces must realize that a Virgo who really cares about their future together is truly a Godsend.

Pisceans are not very good at looking after themselves. Virgo undergoes great inner anxiety when their relationship has no clear and defined future goals. It would not be a bad thing to let the Virgo lead the way for a while. Once they get safe and secure as a couple, the Virgo will be happy to study Neptuneโ€™s mysteries once again.

These two will travel far together and love to talk to each other because they communicate so well. They can discuss their problems and find solutions. They both find each other magnetically attractive, their love makes them feel so safe and secure in each other. So if they try hard, they can dream together forever. After all, opposite zodiac signs attract!

opposite zodiac signs attract

So, going by the zodiac sign love compatibility, not only do opposite zodiac signs attract one another, opposite zodiac signs are compatible with each other in so many ways. And on that note, we conclude our topic of why opposites attract in relationships according to astrology.

Related: Spirituality

As now you know why opposites attract based on zodiac signs, donโ€™t forget to share your comments on this down below!

How And Why Opposite Zodiac Signs Attract According To Astrology
How and Why Opposites Attract In Relationships
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