What Is The Spiritual Significance Of Eclipses and How They Affect Us



Do you know why eclipses are a spiritually potent time for manifestations of dark powers? Read on to know the spiritual significance of eclipses and how they can affect us!

Most of us know that an eclipse occurs when a celestial body, usually the sun or the moon, moves into the shadow of another. We tend to use the term in relation only to the sun and the moon and the way we can view them from Earth. During an eclipse, all three line up together.

We also know that the solar eclipse occurs when the shadow of the moon falls on the surface of our planet, obstructing the rays of the Sun and the lunar one takes place when the moon itself enters the shadow cast by the Earth.

But what many of us donโ€™t know is that both these celestial events are of immense spiritual importance and can have positive and negative repercussions across the world. So, letโ€™s learn all about the spiritual significance of eclipses.

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The Spiritual Significance of Eclipses

Hereโ€™s all about the spiritual significance of eclipses that very few talk about:

1. Are Eclipses Merely Physical?

Apart from these physical ones, there are also eclipses that are subtle. These occur when demonic entities build a wall of negativity between the subtle Sun, the source of cosmic light in the universe, and the Earth.

The vast majority of eclipses are subtle and only those few who have risen to higher spiritual planes do have the ability to sense these occurrences. Both solar and lunar eclipses trigger an increase in action and passion but also ignorance and inertia.

This increase is higher in the event of a solar eclipse, be it physical or subtle. This is why it is important to be aware of the spiritual significance of eclipses and protect our energy from negative forces.

2. Is The Solar Eclipse More Potent?

The Sun is more essential to our lives than the Moon. By blocking our access to its light and warmth, diabolical beings make us weak and susceptible to their whims. So, yes, the spiritual significance of a solar eclipse is more serious.

A break in the usual day/night cycle, as the path of the Sunโ€™s rays to the Earth, is untimely blocked, has adverse effects on our spiritual lives. This allows negative beings to harness dark energy and make use of it for their own ends.

However, the level of negativity unleashed also depends on whether the eclipse is partial or total. It has a lasting effect that can continue for months after the actual eclipse is over. The impact of an eclipse is greatest in the area where it was most evident visually and the people living in that area bear the brunt of it.

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3. Are We Likely To Be Harmed?

Talking about the spiritual significance of eclipses, the more spiritually evolved among us are at the greatest risk. The evil forces will try their utmost to take away the power of those who are connected to the Divine.

The energy thus procured, through rituals held in the highest circles of hell, is put to use in order to cause hurt and misery in the world. At the individual level, the souls of our family members who have passed away might haunt us and create trouble. The increase in inertia, as well as the black energy radiations, help them in this regard.

We start feeling lethargic, weary, ill, and so on physically. Mentally, our thoughts take a turn for the worse and we become pessimistic, more so when we start thinking about spirituality.

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4. Is The Lunar Eclipse A Time For Change?

Even when there is no eclipse, the moon can have a profound impact on our minds, especially in its fullest form. And when it combines with an eclipse, its power grows even more. The spiritual significance of lunar eclipses can be dire if we are not prepared.

We may become more indecisive or end up making the wrong choices around this time. However, the spiritual meaning of lunar eclipses is not all negative. The spiritual significance of eclipses, especially of the lunar varieties, can also bring about positive changes.

Practicing spiritual rituals like meditation can help to make the black energy around us powerless. If practiced regularly, you can harness your own spiritual energy to make eclipses a time of spiritual growth for you.

When you ready yourself for a lunar eclipse, you will find new roads opening up for you. Think of all the things that you truly desire. No matter how big or small, throw all the weight of your soul into this desire and let the Universe know. Allow the energy of the eclipse to work through you and bring you what you wish for.

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5. What Is The Meaning Of Eclipse In Ancient Beliefs?

In every ancient civilization, there are myths and legends about eclipses. All these stories uphold the symbolic meaning of eclipses, that talks about the negative energy posing a threat to the pure energy forces.

According to the significance of eclipse in Hinduism mythology, a vindictive demonic entity swallows the Sun and the Moon God, but eventually light overpowers the darkness.

Stay With The Light

spiritual significance of eclipses

So, to summarize the spiritual significance of eclipses, beware of the dark forces but donโ€™t lose hope. Reach out to the Universe and ask for what you need because it is only waiting to hear your call.

Thatโ€™s all about the spiritual significance of eclipses and how they affect us. We hope you could derive the spiritual meaning of eclipses from this post. Please share your views on the significance of eclipses by commenting down below!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Does eclipse affect mental health?

According to research, solar eclipses can stimulate psychological tendencies that are good for collective life.

Do eclipses affect humans?

According to many spiritual beliefs, eclipses can have both strong positive and negative repercussions on mankind.

Is eclipse a good omen?

Spiritually speaking, an eclipse is a time when the darkness gets power over light, but light eventually triumphs. So, if your energy is high and protected, it can be a time to affirm your faith, else it is an omen that warns us about the looming dark energies.

As per the spiritual significance of eclipses, these celestial events can have positive and negative repercussions across the world.
As per the spiritual significance of eclipses, these celestial events can have positive and negative repercussions across the world.
Spiritual Significances Of Eclipses they Affect Us
Spiritual Significances Of Eclipses Affect Us pin

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