Your Healing Abilities According To Birth Month


Healing abilities are one of the most beautiful and powerful things you can possess. Anyone who has healing tendencies can do so much good for people and the world. An interesting thing about this is that someoneโ€™s healing abilities can be understood better according to their birth month.

Your birth month can throw light on the extent of your healing abilities, as some people have more of it than others. People born in certain months have more healing capabilities compared to others, and thatโ€™s why they always stand out and are better healers.

Here Are Your Healing Abilities According To Birth Month

1. January

People who are born in the month of January are the best. They are definitely natural healers and they always help others. They empathize with others more than they sympathize. This quality of theirs helps them to understand the pain people around them are going through and.

They are very warm and kind. They are selfless and do not expect anything from others. They do not judge people on the basis of the situation that they are in. They will go out of their way in order to help others even if that creates problems for themselves.

Related: 29 Signs Youโ€™re a Healer

2. February

People who are born in the month of February are also natural healers. They are constantly in search of people who need their help and support. They are sympathetic, warm, and kind human beings who want to make life easier for people who have been wronged in the past. They give people hope and promise them that they will no more have to hide in the dark.

They never stop looking and they never give up hope. This willpower and strength that they have to carry on are remarkable. Such compassion and enthusiasm make them a born natural healer.

3. March

People who are born in March can definitely have the ability to heal themselves naturally thereby taking good care of others. Depending on their state of mind, they can either choose to harm or help others.

They are a bit whimsical and take time to come to a conclusion. But once they have made up their mind, they stick by it. They always try to heal others and free them of their intense pain. They leave no stone unturned. In order to help others in a better way, they themselves go through what other people are going through.

4. April

People who are born in the month of April play a dual aspect in life. They are both destructive and healing in nature. It is an involuntary thing that happens in the heat of the moment. They are very lively people who are full of passion and emotions. They are never afraid to try out new things in life.

People who are born in the month of April can also become very reckless at times. They act immaturely sometimes and their actions can have destructive implications for people. They are naturally very unpredictable and they often like to improvise in their actions.

5. May

If a person had suffered deeply and no one knows about it, by all means, that person should find an accepting, empathetic person to talk to. The person shall feel a wave of pain, followed by ease, lightness, and freedom. After two or three times, those emotional waves will begin to subside. Thatโ€™s the time when a person walks out of the wallow and sees himself as a hero.

Sadly people who are born in the month of May are not the kind of people a person should talk to with the aim of recovering from an emotional wound. They are very good natural teachers but are not capable of fixing emotional damages.

Related: The Oldest Self-healing Method In The World: 10 Minutes A Day To Heal Your Soul

6. June

Dealing with their own physical and emotional pain is difficult, but responding to the pain of others can be overwhelming. People who are born in the month of June do all in their power to help the people they love but sadly they are not natural healers. Witnessing or hearing about physical injury calls attention to vulnerability, and gives a reminder that bodies are not invincible.

But somehow people who are born in June are of no help in such scenarios as they cannot understand the emotional trauma that others are going through. Though broken bones and bloody wounds may unnerve us, people born in June will do all that they can to help them.

7. July

People who are born in the month of July are most definitely not natural healers and they stick only to the right path in order to help others. They are not very judgemental and they hate premature evaluation.

They do not trust others and they also do not take their word for it. They do not believe in coincidence and their judgment only relies on facts and evidence. They cannot be manipulated or be moved by emotions. They will go out of their own way in order to help others even if that means hurting them emotionally for their own good.

8. August

Embarrassment is whatโ€™s known as a self-conscious emotion. While basic emotions such as resentment, anger, surprise, or fear tend to happen automatically, without much cognitive processing, the self-conscious emotions, including shame, guilt, and pride, are much more complex. They require self-reflection and self-evaluation.

People who are born in the month of August are not natural healers. Neither can they understand nor deal with complex emotions. They are always after the truth and want to help people grow into a better life but they sometimes feel uneasy or suffocating among people who have too much of an emotional problem.

9. September

People who are born in the month of September have a good sense of empathy and this makes them a natural healer. Not only do they understand the pain and suffering that other people are going through but also feel it.

They connect to these people on a deeper emotional level. They provide them with a safer atmosphere in order to ease their pain.

Related: 7 Chakra Cleansing Herbs For Empaths and Healers

10. October

People who are born in the month of October are not natural healers but they care deeply for their loved ones. On an emotional level, they are unavailable as it is very difficult for them to comprehend such complex emotions. They still try to help others maintain emotional stability but they become very disturbed when they fail.

11. November

People who are born in the month of November are definitely natural healers. They are also emotionally available when it comes to helping others. They never give up on people.

They try to feel their pain and suffering. They give other people a comforting atmosphere to share their grief and problems.

12. December

People who are born in the month of December are both destructive and healing in nature. It is an involuntary thing that happens in the heat of the moment. They often fight themselves in order to help other people. They are a bit whimsical people and they cannot make up their minds right away.

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Your Healing Abilities According To Birth Month
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