Rat Girl Summer: 5 Must-Follow Tips For Your Most Epic Summer Yet



This summer is going to be a little different, and a whole lot weirder. So say goodbye to hot girl summer (for now) and say hi to Rat Girl Summer.

Created by Lola Kolade, this new mindset encourages women to embrace chaos, snack on little bites and go against the rules in life.

โ€œRat Girl Summerโ€ took the internet by storm as a movement to advocate authenticity and challenge beauty norms. It was all about celebrating imperfections and rebelling against the same old tired standards.

People who jumped on board were all about embracing what makes them unique, flaws and all. Theyโ€™ve let go of caring about whatโ€™s trendy or in fashion, prioritizing comfort instead.

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5 Rat Girl Summer Rules To Follow

rat girl summer

1. Step Outside

Rat girls canโ€™t just stay home all day anymore. No more lounging around, time to get up and do something! Go outside and feel the warmth of the sun on your face. Thereโ€™s only a limited amount of days for relaxation (even Rat Girls need downtime).

2. Donโ€™t Forget To Snack

Starving yourself to fit into that dress is OUT! Gorge on snacks โ€” they make the best meals anyway. Whether itโ€™s pasta salad, potato salad or sandwiches, eat it like itโ€™s your last meal. Mischief-making requires sustenance!

3. Crush โ€œCringeโ€ Feelings

Being embarrassed about things you enjoy is no longer allowed in this world. Be a true rat girl and do whatever makes you happy without caring who sees or thinks about it. Confidence comes from trusting yourself so never hesitate when doing what you want!

4. Keep It Simple

No more overthinking every action you do throughout the day. Just go with the flow babe! Hangout with friends that appreciate clean fun and hold each other accountable for being happy.

5. Find Your Own Fun

Most importantly have fun with whatever weird thing youโ€™re doing this summer! Approach every situation with humor whether it be intentional or not. Lifeโ€™s too short not laugh at everything.

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Being a โ€œrat girlโ€ means embracing whatever choices you make in life instead of following societyโ€™s norms. Trust your gut even if leads you down an unconventional path because thatโ€™s just part of life sometimes.

So why limit this mindset of freedom to one season? Letโ€™s keep the spirit of โ€œRat Girl Summerโ€ all year long and embrace ourselves for who we are. Even in the smallest things in life, thereโ€™s fun to be had, and humor to see.

rat girl summer

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