Are Narcissists Delusional? 7 Signs Of A Delusional Narcissist


Are narcissists delusional? Itโ€™s a question that has intrigued and confused many people out there. You must have come across certain people who seem to be a bit too obsessed with themselves, and who are always seeking admiration and validation from others. But what lies beneath this self-absorbed faรงade?

Are these people simply self-centered beings, or is there something lurking beneath the surface? Today, we are going to take a deep dive into the world of the delusional narcissist, and discuss seven glaring signs of a delusional narcissist.

So, are you ready to have your mind blown as we explore the darker side of narcissism and the tangled path it leads down? First letโ€™s talk a bit about whether narcissists are delusional or not.

Related: The Perils Of Narcissistic Behavior: Why Narcissists Are Dangerous For Us?

Are Narcissists Delusional?

So, hereโ€™s the deal: narcissists can be totally delusional. Iโ€™m talking about those people who are all about themselves, obsessed with their so-called โ€œgreatnessโ€. They live in this parallel universe where they believe theyโ€™re the hottest thing since sliced bread.

They think theyโ€™re better than everyone else and deserve special treatment 24/7. Delusional narcissists will twist the truth, exaggerate their accomplishments and manipulate anyone who threatens to expose their real self-image.

Itโ€™s like they are starring in their own movie where the world revolves only around them!

Are narcissists delusional

Now that we have answered the question โ€œare narcissists delusional?โ€™, letโ€™s now talk about the signs of a delusional narcissist.

7 Glaring Signs Of A Delusional Narcissist

1. The Chameleon Effect

A delusional narcissist is the ultimate shape-shifter. They have the uncanny ability of morphing into whatever they think will impress people, and then mirror their opinions, interests and even their style. Itโ€™s like their alter ego is a chameleon!

Theyโ€™ll become a die-hard sports fan, a yoga guru, or overnight, all in an attempt to win your admiration. But donโ€™t be fooled โ€“ beneath the surface, theyโ€™re still the same self-obsessed person, who is always desperately seeking validation from others.

2. The Blame Game

One of the major signs of a delusional narcissist is the tendency of dodging responsibility. They have an uncanny ability to twist reality and make themselves look like a hapless victim in any situation.

Did they break something? Well, it was your fault for placing it in their way. Did they forget your birthday? Well, you should have reminded them it was your birthday. Such people spin intricate tales to absolve themselves of any wrongdoing, while you remain scratching your head in confusion and disbelief.

3. The One-Upmanship

You know that friend who always has to compete with you and top your stories? Well, meet the delusional narcissist. They canโ€™t resist hijacking your conversations with their own tales of grandeur, and let me tell you, most of the time, these tales are all fake.

If you climbed a mountain, they climbed two. If you got a promotion, they got three. They constantly need to prove theyโ€™re smarter, better, and more successful than anyone else. And if you confront them about this, they will simply deny that they even do this.

Itโ€™s exhausting trying to keep up with their never-ending quest for superiority.

4. The Gaslighting Guru

Are narcissists delusional? Yes, of course, they are! They excel at gaslighting, a psychological manipulation tactic that makes you doubt your own sanity. Theyโ€™ll twist facts, deny things theyโ€™ve said, and make you question your own memory and sanity.

Theyโ€™ll even convince you that up is down and right is left. Itโ€™s like being trapped in a distorted reality, where itโ€™s your sanity and mental peace on line.

Related: How Narcissistic Denial Can Make You Doubt Your Reality

5. The Trophy Collector

Delusional narcissists view people as mere trophies to boost their self-esteem, and they donโ€™t see anything wrong in this. Theyโ€™ll surround themselves with a carefully curated entourage of admirers, collecting them like prized possessions.

Itโ€™s all about quantity over quality for them. They need a constant stream of adoring fans who will validate their sense of self-worth every step of the way.

However, if you stop showering them with praise and compliments, they will discard you like yesterdayโ€™s news.

6. The Intolerance of Criticism

One of the most glaring and obvious signs of a delusional narcissist is that they have skin as thin as tissue paper when it comes to criticism, and even if itโ€™s constructive criticism.

They simply canโ€™t handle anyone questioning their โ€œgreatnessโ€. You give them any hint of disapproval or constructive feedback, you will be met with anger, defensiveness and straight out denial.

Theyโ€™ll go to great lengths to protect their fragile ego, even if it means ignoring valuable insights or hurting those who genuinely care about them. So, are narcissists delusional? This makes the answer obvious.

Are narcissists delusional

7. The Fantasy Architect

Delusional narcissists have an uncanny ability to construct elaborate fantasies about their lives. They are experts are spinning tales of extraordinary achievements, secret talents they have that no one else possesses, and their so-called โ€œfamous friendsโ€ that no one has met till date.

Very often, the line between reality and fiction becomes blurred, as they weave these intricate stories to manipulate and impress others.

Itโ€™s like being trapped in their personal Twilight Zone, where truth is optional and embellishment is the name of the game.

Related: Why Do Narcissists Lie So Much


Navigating the world of delusional narcissists can be a wild ride. Trust me, I have been there, and I still am. These people live in a distorted reality where they are the star of their own show.

Recognizing the signs of a delusional narcissist is the first step in protecting yourself from their manipulative tactics and maintaining your own sanity.

delusional narcissist

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