9 Unusual Workplace Policies That Support A Better Work-Life Balance



Ever considered what causes some businesses to be more successful than others? Well, other than the fact that they have great products or services — it’s often their unique workplace policies for employees!

And we’re not talking about run-of-the-mill HR handbook stuff either. We mean game-changers and flexible workplace policies for better work life balance, that make you go, “Wait, they do what now?”

From unlimited vacation days to bring-your-pet-to-work Fridays, these innovative approaches to the workplace are shaping the future of work culture.

But it’s not just about the perks — it’s about creating better work life balance, where people feel valued, motivated and dare I say … excited to come into work each day.

Flexible Workplace Policies That Support Better Work Life Balance

So today, we’re going on a worldwide tour of unique and flexible workplace policies for employees that are proven strategies for fostering creativity, productivity, and happiness. Who knows … maybe you’ll even implement some of these at your own office soon!

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9 Flexible Workplace Policies That Support Better Work Life Balance

1. Work from Home or Remote Working Culture

The rise of remote work has been staggering. With technology advancements, many businesses now allow their staff to operate from their houses.

Buffer’s State of Remote Work report claims that 98% of remote workers want to continue doing so for the rest of their careers at least some of the time (State). This kind of flexibility not only increases job satisfaction but also raises retention rates and productivity.

2. Four-Day Work Week Culture

Think about having another day off every single week without any cuts in your paycheck. This is a reality for people employed by companies like Microsoft Japan where they practice four-day work weeks which led to 40% increase in productivity (Marisa).

Employees can enjoy better work-life balance by compressing working hours into fewer days and come back to office more refreshed and motivated.

3. Paw-ternity Leave

For pet owners, bringing home a new furry friend is a big event that requires time and attention. BrewDog along with Mars Pet care offer paw-ternity leave which means if you adopt or rescue an animal from one of these companies they will give you some days off for it too!

This allows employees to bond with their new pets without any worry about work duties – promoting supportive and caring workplace culture.

4. Menstrual Leaves

During menstruation women face unique challenges which cannot be ignored or undermined. And employers are responsible for creating safe spaces for everyone regardless of their biological differences.

That’s why companies like Nike and Zomato, introduced menstrual leaves policy. This way female workers have more flexibility around when they take time off.

5. Unhappy Leaves

There are days when one feels overwhelmed or mentally drained. To cater for this, retail tycoon Yu Donglai offered “unhappy leaves” which are nothing else but mental health days off.

This gives employees an opportunity to take a break from work and recharge their batteries while focusing on what matters most – their wellbeing. It is proactive approach towards mental health as it prevents burnouts and creates supportive environment for workers.

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6. Bereavement Leave

Losing someone close is one of life’s hardest trials; hence people should be allowed enough time to mourn properly without any fear of losing their jobs or salary reductions due to absence caused by such tragic events taking place in their lives.

Many firms recognize this fact by granting bereavement leave whenever necessary as part-and-parcel of showing care towards staff welfare during various times (Facebook and Google).

7. Nap Time Allowance

Instead of grabbing another cup of coffee after lunch when feeling drowsy, why not take power nap? Google as well Ben & Jerry’s companies have created special napping rooms or even pods where employees can sleep few minutes during working hours.

Short naps have been proven scientifically to improve alertness therefore productivity levels can go up too if such policy is enforced across organizations because it benefits workers to feel refreshed after getting enough rest.

8. Summer Fridays

Higher temperatures coupled with upcoming holidays motivate many establishments to implement “Summer Fridays.”

This means that throughout summer months employees may leave office earlier than usual or even take whole afternoon off on Fridays thereby giving them more free time under sun which will recharge their energy levels faster thus boosting morale within company ranks (Marisa).

9. Pet-friendly Workplace

A lot of companies have adopted pet-friendly policies because it is known that pets can reduce stress and improve mood.

From Amazon to Etsy, these companies allow furry friends into the office, which creates a more fun and relaxed work environment. Pets do not only boost employee well-being but also foster collaboration and camaraderie among co-workers.

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In conclusion, happier and more productive environments are being created by new workplace policies. Whether they are remote work, mental health initiatives or pet-friendly offices; these policies show commitment towards satisfaction and well-being of employees.

With every passing day the future of work becomes brighter as more companies take up on these forward-thinking practices.

workplace policies

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