7 Practices To Bring Out The Best In Others



It takes a lot of strength and confidence to focus on someone else and motivate them to be the best they can be. And this is why only true leaders have this gift. When you have found your way to success and have the confidence to reach greater heights, only then you can help others reach their true potential.

The truth about bringing out the best in others:

Youโ€™re supposed to bring out the best in others, but what does that mean? How is it measured?

Simple behaviors can be measured because they can be observed.

Itโ€™s frustrating when bringing out the best in others is a goal, not a process.

Bring out the best in others is a set of behaviors.

The truth about development:

In order to develop something, it must be distilled into essential practices.

You donโ€™t know how to do something until you can describe what youโ€™re going to do next.

5 tough questions about performance:

1. Why arenโ€™t people doing what theyโ€™re supposed to do?

2. How might you be proactive instead of reactive about performance? Youโ€™re frustrated that people arenโ€™t bringing their best, but what do you do to bring out their best?

3. What if a lack of performance is a leadership problem?

Recurring frustrations suggest youโ€™re tolerating behaviors you should confront.

How are you modeling performance? Do you ignore nagging issues, arrive late for meetings, or expect others to do things you donโ€™t do?

Hypocrisy in you promotes low performance in others.

4. How are you making expectations clear? Do you say what you want?

5. How are you screening for responsibility during the hiring process?

7 practices that bring out the best in others:

1. Leaders participate. Exemption for higher-ups is NEVER allowed.
2. Expect more from yourself than you expect from others.
3. Treat everyone the same. Favoritism destroys initiative.
4. Walk around. Distance and detachment destroy performance. Notice what people are doing on a regular basis. Noticing lets people know they matter.
5. Always do what you say. Dependability and performance are two sides of the same coin.
6. Apologize when you screw up.
7. Clarify commitments.

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What practices enable leaders to bring out the best in others?

Written By Dan Rockwell
Originally Appeared On Leadership Freak

This post wasย previously publishedย on Leadership Freak and is republished here with aย Creative Commons license.

7 Practices To Bring Out The Best In Others
7 Practices To Bring Out The Best In Others

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