5 Types of Soulmates You’ll Love At Least Once In Life



Discover 5 types of soulmates you’ll love at least once in life.

“A soulmate is the one person whose love is powerful enough to motivate you to meet your soul, to do the emotional work of self-discovery, of awakening.” – Kenny Loggins.

Our terrestrial life is for reaching higher realms of being. The universe conjures up to spiritually connect individuals and we spend our entire life searching for that missing piece of the puzzle that completes us. Soulmate is that key in our lives who aligns with our soul, stirs us up, assists us to transcend to greater heights of conscious awareness. They are a medium for us to reach the epitome of our excellence.

There can be different types of soulmates depending on their purposes in our lives. Some of them serve the sole purpose of teaching us something, some to break us apart to redirect us and some who come for a fleeting moment yet leave an everlasting impression on us.

Each type will help you discover yourself and guide you towards finding the ultimate soulmate. Here are 5 types of soulmates you will love at least once.

1. The Friend Soulmate

Types of Soulmates

Seldom do we find individuals these days we can call our own. Everyone is looking for that one person who would genuinely understand us. A glance at this person relieves us of half of our burdens. You could talk to this person for hours on end and never get bored. They even stay patient with our ranting and never complain about it. We finally feel like they are an extension of ourselves. The bond that you share with this person feels like it’s been for an eternity. These types of soulmates actually know you better than you know yourself, which is why they are extremely important in your life. They have always got your back. Every hurdle in your life seems effortless to cross, with these people by your side.

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2. The Affair Soulmate

Types of Soulmates

Nothing truly lasts forever. We engage in a romantic relationship with these people and their emergence in our lives is for the mere purpose of teaching us the essence of love and loss. Sadly, the bond with these people is often short-lived. Soulmates like this often stay on good terms and remain, friends, after their romantic relationship ends, both realizing and acknowledging how much the other person has contributed to teaching each other crucial life lessons. Therefore that ‘spiritual connectivity’ lasts a lifetime even though the romantic chemistry of the dynamic fades away.

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3. The Stranger Soulmate

Types of Soulmates

Often we accidentally encounter an absolute stranger and this brief confrontation drastically changes the course of our lives. It might be the person you sat next to on a flight for a few hours, someone you met and spend time with one evening at a party, or a brief conversation with a stranger you met on the street. A fleeting moment with these people creates a strong impact on your life.

“That’s the thing about flying: You could talk to someone for hours and never even know his name, share your deepest secrets and then never see them again.”
― Jennifer E. Smith, The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight

Almost always these exchanges are brief but intimate. You do not even hesitate to share your personal information with them because you feel that instant connection. They normally say something that you needed to hear at that point of your life, validate your feelings and guide you to a better path. You know in the depths of your soul that the encounter meant something enlightening even though you never see them again.

4. The Teacher Soulmate

Types of Soulmates

A teacher soulmate is often also known as a karmic soulmate. A karmic relationship is one that surfaces as a repercussion of your actions in your previous life.  A significant other, a friend, a family member, and even an enemy can be a teacher soul. Irrespective of the nature of the relation, it is not bound to last for long. The reason for the estrangement is not the absence of compatibility. Their only role in your life is to teach you a lesson even if that leads to pain.

No matter how desirable this person is or how strong an attraction you feel towards them, teacher souls do not make ideal romantic partners as they will never see you as their equal.

Teacher soulmates bring out the dichotomy in you – the worst and the best. They are around to teach a lesson and what you fail to learn from one karmic soulmate; you will tend to seek from another.

More often than not, teacher souls start as friends and end as near-strangers when their role in your life is over. When that happens, it’s best to accept the wisdom gained from your experience with them and move on. Understanding why they appeared will help you appreciate them for what they were – a lesson and nothing more.

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5. Divine Love Soulmate or the Twin Flame Soulmate

Types of Soulmates

When our own cosmic energy (flame) overflows and grows so huge with bountiful affection that the energy splits into two. One of the two halves is our soul and the other half is our twin flame soulmate. When twin flames unite, they help in the spiritual transcendence of the planet as a whole. The energy of the twin flame soul expands beyond themselves into higher realms of the universe.

Our eternal quest for love and longing ends here. It is not easy to meet one’s divine love soulmate. It might take many lifetimes to unite with your twin flame soulmate before you accomplish your mission together.  Everyone desires to stumble upon these soulmates. And if one is lucky enough, one will meet them and spend the rest of their lives with them.

They encompass all other types of soulmates. The familiarity, the feeling of having known them for an entire lifetime, the intense connection that pervades everything, the deep friendship, and the extraordinary, enchanted, deep-seated love and ethereal connectivity is experienced when one is with this soulmate.

“Our souls speak a language that is beyond human understanding. A connection so rare the universe won’t let us part.”
― Nikki Rowe

Types of Soulmates
5 Types Of Soulmates You’ll Love At Least Once In Life
5 Types of Soulmates You’ll Love At Least Once In Life
5 Types of Soulmates You’ll Love At Least Once In Life

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