5 Small But Important Lessons About Getting Through Tough Times



Life is full of good moments and bad moments, and every person, including you, goes through tough times. It might not be easy, but you will get through all the challenges life throws at you; all you have to do is keep a few small, but important lessons in mind. These lessons will help you overcome every obstacle you face.

โ€œWe are surrounded by adversity but we shall triumph because we have a greater spiritโ€

โ€•ย Lailah Gifty Akita

Here Are 5 Small But Important Lessons About Getting Through Tough Times

1. Someoneโ€™s absence is not always your fault.

We always internalize the behavior of others and immediately think itโ€™s something we have done. Itโ€™s easy to place the blame on ourselves when we donโ€™t see the whole picture. But someoneโ€™s distance from you and their failure to properly communicate usually has nothing to do with you and everything to do with them.

Everyone is caught up in their own little world, and itโ€™s important to really grasp the concept that a personโ€™s absence does not always mean a lack of emotion toward you.

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2. A little bit of sadness is okay.

Toxic positivity exists, and trying to flush out your feelings of sadness all the time can do more harm than good. Itโ€™s actually healthy to sit with your sadness sometimes without any expectation of being happy or the pressure of changing perspectives hanging over your head.

Itโ€™s perfectly okay to just observe your thoughts and find ways to better understand yourself on a deeper level, even if that means being surrounded by emotions that are less than ideal. Our biggest breakthroughs emerge when we are reflective, and itโ€™s not usually happiness that amplifies this.

3. Never underestimate the power of a single friend.

You might feel upset that you donโ€™t have as many friends as you want, or it might have crossed your mind in the past, but quality will always beat quantity. Having a group of 20 friends that you only see at parties will not nourish your soul like one or two friends that have your back forever and always.

Even if you only have a single friend who loves you with everything that they are, you are blessed. Itโ€™s easy to become caught up in a world where image is everything, but by appreciating the close friends you currently have, you will feel less of a need to seek validation elsewhere among people that only like you on a superficial level.

Genuine friends lessons

4. Sometimes you need to run and never look back.

Itโ€™s necessary to leave things behind in some cases, and you will just know when youโ€™ve had enough. You wonโ€™t be the same person you used to be, and there will always be people trying to keep you down to the level you were when they knew you.

You need to leave them behind to achieve what youโ€™ve always dreamed of. You need to do whatโ€™s best for you, even if it means leaving them in the past. And you cannot feel guilty in the slightest for doing whatโ€™s best for you because they would do it in a heartbeat if the shoe was on the other foot.

Related: 10 Life Lessons From The Godfather To Unleash The Gangster Within You

5. Everybody is struggling with something, even if they donโ€™t show it.

Itโ€™s quite simple really; just be kind. The people whom we barely know all have stories. There could be someone at the coffee shop tomorrow with tears swelling in her eyes and we wouldnโ€™t know if someone she loved had passed away or if she had lost her job. But we could also see another woman ordering her coffee with a smile on her face who is dying inside.

We donโ€™t even know 100% of the depth of the struggles of the people we know and hold close, let alone those we donโ€™t. So itโ€™s always important to acknowledge this fact and to let it both humble you and make you more aware of your actions. Being kind and gentle will never go in vain, and itโ€™s important to be patient and understanding towards the people you hold dear in your life, but also toward absolute strangers, for you never know what someone is going through.

Written By Samira Vivette  
Originally Appeared In Thought Catalog
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