45 Funny Science Jokes and Puns



Science is definitely a serious business, from research work, medicine & technology to climate change and a lot more. But what about relaxing once in a while?

No matter how busy our profession is, we all need to unwind and sometimes nothing feels better than laughing at funny science jokes and getting a rush of endorphins.

So what tickles a rational mind, except for Newtonโ€™s Laws? If you have friends and family who enjoy funny jokes and are also science lovers, tell them these funny science jokes from below to give you all a reason to laugh together and make you sound like a genius.

Funny Science Jokes and Puns

1. Q. What do you call the group of people before millennials that love water?

A. Hydro generation X

2. A photon checks into a hotel and is asked if he needs any help with his luggage.

A. He says, โ€œNo, Iโ€™m traveling light.โ€

3. Q: Why did the cloud date the fog?

A: He was so down to earth.


4. Q: Why are chemists so good at solving problems?

A: Theyโ€™re always working with solutions.


5. Q: What did one tectonic plate say when he bumped into another?

A: Sorry! My Fault.

6. Q: What do protons and life coaches have in common?

A: They know how to stay positive

6. Q: Why did the chemist hang up periodic table posters everywhere?

A: It made him feel like he was in his element.

7. Q: What did the helpless T cell say when facing the infection?

A: Is there antibody out there?

8. Q: Why is combining a proton and an electron to make a neutron so popular?

A: Itโ€™s free of charge.

9. Q: What sound does a subatomic duck make?

A: Quark.

10. Q: Where does criminal light end up?

A: In prism.


11. Q: Where did the chemist have his lunch?

A: On a periodic table.

Periodic Table

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12. Q: What do you call a bunch of iron atoms at a carnival?

A: A ferrous wheel.

13. Q: What did the infectious disease say when the bartender refused him service?

A: Well, youโ€™re not a very good host.

14. Q: How did the thermometer insult the graduated cylinder?

A: She said, โ€œYou may have graduated, but I have more degrees.โ€

15. Q: What will never go viral no matter how popular they get?

A: Antibiotics.


16. Q: Why is it so hard to wake up in the morning?

A: Newtonโ€™s First Law: A body at rest wants to stay at rest.

17. Q: Why is the dieting advice to โ€œeat lightโ€ so dangerous?

A: Thatโ€™s how you become a black hole.

18. Q: What did the science book say to the math book?

A: Youโ€™ve got problems.


19. Q: What are the primary elements of a sense of humor?

A: Sulfur, Argon, Calcium, and Samarium. Otherwise known as SArCaSm.

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20. Q: Why did the chemist read the book on helium so fast?

A: He couldnโ€™t put it down.

21. Q: What did the chemist say when he heard oxygen and magnesium were dating?

A: OMg.

22. Q: What do you call acid thatโ€™s a bully?

A: A-mean-olโ€™ acid.

23. Q: Did you hear about the two red blood cells that fell in love?

A: It was all in-vein.

23. Q: How do you throw a party in space?

A: You planet.


24. Q: Why do plants hate algebra?

A: It gives them square roots.

25. Q: Why did the physicist break up with the biologist?

A: There was no chemistry.

26. Q: What did the proton say to the electron to start a fight?

A: Iโ€™m sick of your negativity.

27. Q: Whatโ€™s a pirateโ€™s favorite element?

A: Aaaargon

28. Q: How do geologists ask each other out?

A: They say, โ€œAre you a carbon sample? Because Iโ€™d love to date you.โ€

29. Q: Why couldnโ€™t the geologist think of the joke?

A: It was on the tip of her tungsten!

30. Q: Why were oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon wearing suits and ties?

A: They were a formyl group.

31. Q: What did the scientist say to the chemist whose lab smelled like eggs?

A: Sorry for your sulfering.

32. Q: What do you call it when a biologist takes a photo of herself?

A: A cell-fie.


Related: How To Be Funny: 9 Tips To Increase Your Humor Quotient

33. Q: If the Silver Surfer and Iron Man teamed up, what would that make them?

A: Alloys.

34. Q: Did you hear about the chemist who was arrested after throwing sodium chloride?

A: It was a salt.

35. Q: Why can you never trust atoms?

A: They make up everything.

36. Q: What did the cell say when it bumped its foot during the night?

A: Mitosis!

37. Q: Why donโ€™t geologists like scary movies?

A: Because theyโ€™re petrified.

38. Q: Why did no one buy the arboristโ€™s book?

A: It was a hard cell.

39. Q: What do phlebotomists say before they take your blood?

A: B Positive!

40. Q: Why did the woman break up with the zoologist?

A: He was too cell-fish.

41. Q: Why didnโ€™t we have a bad cold season last year?

A: All the viruses flu away.

42. Q: What do you call it when your science teacher lowers your grade?

A: Bio-degraded.

43. Q: Why do researchers look forward to Fridays?

A: They can wear genes to work.


44. Q: Why do bovine veterinarians like to travel?

A: Theyโ€™re very cultured.

45. Q: What is a physicistโ€™s favorite food?

A: Fission Chips.

Among the list of funny science jokes, did you find the most hilarious one? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.


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