10 Signs She Does Not Love You Anymore: How to Spot if She’s Pretending



It can be hard to tell if someone’s really into you. Uncover 10 unfortunate signs she does not love you anymore and is probably just pretending to be in love.

Relationship dynamics are very unpredictable as they involve a human element and human beings are constantly changing and evolving.

Relationships require a lot of love, hard work, effort, and commitment but even after all the love, effort and commitment, people can just outgrow each other and fall out of love.

signs she does not love you

It can be really painful to see someone you love, falling out of love with you but the best you can do is to accept the situation gracefully and move on.

10 Clear Signs She Does Not Love You Anymore

1. One of the signs she doesn’t love you anymore is her not bothering you anymore.

When a woman stops loving you, she wouldn’t bother about what is going on in her man’s life. Her care and inquisitiveness for her man die off and she stops making any effort to check on you or to find out what’s going on in your life.

She really doesn’t bother about anything that you do anymore.

Related: Why We Fall Out Of Love (And How To Stop The Cycle)

2. She doesn’t find you physically attractive

When a woman is in love, she would not find anyone more attractive and charming than her man.

But one of the signs she is pretending to love you, is that she couldn’t care less about how you look and would not find you physically attractive, no matter how good-looking you are or how hard you try to impress her, you would not be able to pique her interest.

3. She would stop making you feel special

When a woman is in love, she makes effort to make her man feel loved and special. She would compliment you and shower you with her affection. She would do sweet little romantic things for you, just to see a smile on your face.

But one of the signs she does not love you anymore is that she could care less about how you feel and would stop making any efforts to make you feel special.

4. She cuts off communication

Communication is the foundation of any relationship. When your woman has shut out all communication with you, it is one of the obvious signs that she does not love you anymore.

The moments where you poured your heart out to each other and shared a good laugh for hours would die off. She would also not let you in on what’s going on in her life and you might just end up feeling like a complete stranger in her life.

5. She doesn’t put in any efforts to make the relationship work

When a woman is in love and she cares about you, she would go to any lengths to make the relationship work. But if this isn’t the case, she would not put any efforts to show her care or to make the relationship better.

Related: 9 Reasons She’s Going To Leave You For Another Man

6. She stops caring about your feelings

A woman is generally sensitive to her man’s feelings and likes to include him in all things in her life, no matter how big or small.

But when a woman falls out of love, she starts doing everything on her own, without ever stopping to discuss with you or checking in on your feelings, she has grown out of love with you.

7. She doesn’t acknowledge or appreciates your loving gestures

When a woman really loves you, she would acknowledge and appreciate the little things that you do for her and reciprocate your affection.

If she doesn’t love you, she would not be moved by any of your antics or gestures and would completely ignore them.

8. She would never initiate the conversation

When a woman is in love, she would want to talk about everything under the sun with her partner.

But if she has stopped loving you, she would totally lose the zeal to initiate any conversation with you. You would find that you are the only one who would initiate the conversation all the time and she might not even respond to your efforts to communicate.

9. She stops giving you attention and she doesn’t need it from you either

If a woman loves you, she would notice even small things like a new haircut or t-shirt that you sport. She would want to know what’s going on in your life and family but if she has stopped loving you, her attention for you would completely die off.

Forget about inquiring your whereabouts and your life, she would barely even acknowledge your existence.

Once she is out of love, she has lost all interest in giving you attention or getting any attention from you. She would become totally indifferent to you.

10. Physical Intimacy dies off

When a woman falls out of love, along with emotional intimacy, physical intimacy would die off too. She would not be interested in any gestures of displaying affection, be it kissing or hand holding or love making.

Related: 4 Reasons Why The Woman You Love Is About To Leave You

These were some of the unfortunate signs she is pretending to love you. Find out what is making her dissatisfied with the relationship, if you want to work things out!

signs she does not love you anymore
signs she does not love you

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