10 Reasons Why Being A Stay At Home Mom Is The Hardest Job


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Being a stay at home mom doesnโ€™t come with a paycheck, but is often one of the most challenging jobs in the world. Learn 10 reasons why.

Well, raising children and parenting is hard work but even though the responsibilities of stay at home moms may not seem like a lot, it is the most demanding of them all.

To be stay-at-home moms means going through enormous sacrifices as caregivers for the sake of children, from chores, and choices for married life. Before we get into the struggles of a stay at home mom, letโ€™s know what exactly it is to be one.

What is a stay at home mom?

A stay-at-home mom (SAHM) is a parent who remains at home to take care of her children and manage her family.

For most people falsely assume that staying at home with kids is an easy job, but thatโ€™s far from the truth. Stay-at-home moms have their own set of struggles and responsibilities.

Many might ask why is being a stay at home mom so hard? Well, according to a stay at home mom research, despite the false assumptions that cooking, cleaning, and taking care of children is easy, being a mom is the toughest job.

A stay-home mom doesnโ€™t get a vacation from the psychological, mental, and physical energy that is required to raise and take care of children.

Why are stay-at-home parents so stressed out?

Parenting is a difficult job and there is no doubt about that. However, for stay-at-home moms, that job is taken to an entirely different level. Recent studies on stay at home moms say that biologically speaking, they are more stressed-out than those who work outside the home.

Stay-At-Home Moms Have The Hardest Jobs

There is a Gallup poll, that states that stay-at-home moms are more likely to suffer from depression or get angry during the daytime compared to working parents. A majority of stay-at-home parents, 50 percent, said they were stressed the day before, and 26% said they were depressed.

Many people believe that staying at home with your children is the easy way out. They just have to sit at home and be moms. However, being a stay-at-home mom is the most difficult job in the world, and if you donโ€™t believe it, here are ten reasons behind it.

10 Reasons Why Being A Stay At Home Mom Is The Hardest Job

1. A stay-at-home mom doesnโ€™t get sick days.

Stay-at-home moms donโ€™t get to choose whether or not to work when they get sick. Instead, they get up and do their jobs despite fevers or headaches.ย No matter how horrible they feel, they have to prepare meals, clean and look after their family.

2. Being a stay at home mom means no days off.

Stay-at-home moms doesnโ€™t get sick days, and neither do they get any vacation time. They donโ€™t get a lunch break or a weekend off to recharge their batteries. Their duty as full-time moms never ends, and no matter how tired they feel, they must always be accessible for their families.

3. There is almost never an opportunity for alone-time.

When moms say that they want time alone it usually means they want a break. And the only alone time they get is when they put their little ones to bed. One would hardly consider that as quality or leisure time.

4. They are not just mothers, but also cooks, caregivers, housekeepers, and so much more.

The stay-at-home momโ€™s responsibilities arenโ€™t just limited to tending to the kids. It means, as a mother, one has to take care of everything, from cooking and cleaning, being the tutor to helping kids with schoolwork, and driving them to school as well.

5. Being an unappreciated stay at home mom.

No one acknowledges the tireless efforts of stay-at-home moms. She does not receive a certificate for employee of the month or any other kind of acknowledgment. She is expected to do her job and take care of her responsibilities well without falling behind.

6. No breaks and no pay.

A stay-at-home mom never gets breaks, and she never gets rewarded for all of her labor. She doesnโ€™t get promotions or anything in exchange for her services other than the delight of nurturing her babies who adore her.

7. People assume that motherhood or being a mom isnโ€™t a โ€œrealโ€ job.

Most people have a preconceived idea of what they consider a real job, and for the most part, being a stay-at-home mom doesnโ€™t seem to make the cut for many people. They make judgments towards mothers and see their responsibilities as something that is too difficult.

8. Becoming a stay at home mom means saying goodbye to your social life.

A stay-at-home momโ€™s entire social life consists of talking, arguing, and making hostage negotiations with her children. She doesnโ€™t have time for herself, let alone for her friends or spouse.

9. Being a full-time parent has an emotional burden.

According to a new study, the stress of being a mother and raising children around the clock is damaging womenโ€™s mental health and taking a toll on them emotionally.

10. Everyone judges a full-time mom.

Sometimes being a stay-at-home mom is harder than working or doing a 9 to 5 job. And yet people donโ€™t consider it as a job, they have an opinion, scrutinizing everything about the motherโ€™s parenting.

Related: 12 Positive Parenting Phrases To Affirm Good Behavior

Stay at home mom vs working mom: Which one is harder?

The debate about whether working mothers work harder or full-time mothers has been going on since time immemorial. The challenges faced by a stay-home mom and a working mom may differ but any rational adult will agree that for any choice one makes there are some advantages and disadvantages.

While a working mother may need to focus on work and both her family, stay home mums donโ€™t have it any easier. Full-time parenting can be equally tiring.

So before discussing the benefits and struggles of staying at home mothers, one needs to consider the following factors such as finances, social support, partner engagement, and childrenโ€™s requirements.

being a stay at home mom

Pros And Cons Of Being A Stay At Home Mom


  • Spending time with children.
  • Keeping an eye on a childโ€™s school performance.
  • The stay-at-home choice is socially approved.


  • The desire to go back to work or start a career.
  • Facing high levels of anger, sadness, and exhaustion
  • Facing social isolation when spending time mostly with children.

On this International Motherโ€™s Day 2023, whether you are a mom who stays at home or a mom who works outside the home, here are some ways you can rejuvenate and regain your strength.

How To Avoid Burnout If Youโ€™re a Stressed Stay-at-Home Mom This International Motherโ€™s day

  • Take care of your needs and put yourself first once in a while.
  • Spend time connecting with your partner every day.
  • Give yourself some time off and get your partner to look after the kids.
  • You are one person and you canโ€™t do it all. So, learn to say no when you have to.
  • Stop letting your inner critic get the better of you.
  • Get some sleep if youโ€™re not getting enough rest.
  • Let children be independent and responsible by letting them do things for themselves.
  • Take a break and go for a night out with your friends, or a date night with your spouse.

Related: 10 Indulgent Ideas Forย Motherโ€™sย Day

Final Thoughts For Stay-At-Home Moms

being a stay at home mom

Whether youโ€™re a stay-at-home parent or a working mom, motherhood is challengingย and stressful. However, research has debunked the myth that stay-at-home parents have it easy. Regardless, having that time with your children is a blessing. So, stop berating yourself, whether you work from home or have a normal job.

Related: 5 Tips on How to be a Successful Single Mother

Support each other regardless of whether you chose to be a working mom or a full-time stay at home mom. Focus on whatโ€™s best for your family. Happy Mothers day!

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

How to be a stay at home mom?

Being stay-at-home moms means going through enormous sacrifices as caregivers for the sake of children, chores, and choices for married life.

Is being a stay at home mom a job?

Many people donโ€™t consider being stay-at-home moms as a real job. However, being one is the most difficult job in the world,

What are the benefits of a stay at home mom?

Benefits of being a stay-at-home mom:
Spending time with children.
Keeping an eye on a childโ€™s school performance.
The stay-at-home choice is socially approved.

Is being a stay at home mom stressful?

Recent studies on stay at home moms say that biologically speaking, they are more stressed-out than those who work outside the home.

Is staying at home with kids harder than working?

Whether one is a stay-at-home parent or a working mom, motherhood is challenging and stressful.

Why Stay At Home Moms Most Stressful Jobs pin
Reasons Stay At Home Moms Most Stressful Jobs pin
being a stay at home mom

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