The Signs When Happy/Excited ย
Aries: Will smile the biggest smile you have ever seen. bouncy, grip on you ย
Taurus: Heart eyes emoji, wants to hug someone, cutest blush, softest smiles ย
Gemini: Will say something repeatedly to fill the silence, jumpy, hands on hips ย
Cancer: They 100k down smiling or try to show Off, tries to 100k at you in the eyes ย
Leo: Soft hold on you, leans in, bright grin and stares in your eyes, looks away ย
Virgo: Talks casually but their eyes are shining, graceful smile, gentle giggling ย
Libra: Squinted eyes, huge pretty smiles, friendly/excited pokes, Short laughs ย
Scorpio: Half-smiles, pursed lips, loud chuckling, awkward but pretty to watch ย
Sagittarius: Loud laughter, cheeky smiles, watery eyes, squeezed eyes, wide grin ย
Capricorn: Knowing smiles, raised eye brows, acts stoic but is bubbly inside!! ย
Aquarius: Tries to smother laughter, big smiles, face lights up, prettiest thing ever ย
Pisces: Sparkling eyes, softest smiles, gentle laughter, avoids eye-contact cutely
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