The Shell You Choose Reveals The Real You In This True Self Test


Who are you really, deep down? How much do you know yourself, and who are you truly as a person? Well, this true self test might hold the answers to these questions! Imagine peeling back the layers of your personality, like opening up a mysterious shell, to find your true self waiting inside.

This isnโ€™t just another visual test or quiz, itโ€™s a fun and eye-opening journey of self-discovery. Whether you are curious about your hidden strengths, untapped potential, or simply want to understand yourself better, this shell quiz has got you covered!

So, are you ready to meet the real and raw you? Letโ€™s get started and see what this true self test holds for you.

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True Self Test: Find Your True Self Through the Shell That Calls to You

true self test

Shell #1 You need to learn to put yourself first sometimes.

If you look at this shell closely, you will see that the outside is smoother than the inside. It has ridges that look like sunshine beaming out from the shell. And just like this, you are also a person who is nothing short of a ray of sunshine to other people.

However, put yourself first sometimes, rather than burning yourself out doing things for other people all the time. Because after a point, all these sacrifices and compromises will build up a lot of resentment and negativity within you. Be comfortable saying โ€œnoโ€ sometimes, for the sake of your mental health.

However, this does not mean you will become a bad person; prioritizing yourself once in a while doesnโ€™t make you bad, you deserve some of the love too that you lovingly give out to other people.

Another thing about this shell is that itโ€™s really symmetrical, and just like this shell you are someone who likes everything balanced and in order in life. You are a simple person who always has everything figured out, otherwise it leads to a lot of stress and anxiety.

Structure, order, routine and a handful of to-do lists makes life simpler for you, and you feel at peace knowing that you have a plan for everything. But trying to be perfect all the time and having everything planned can stop you from enjoying life.

Itโ€™s important to sometimes go with the flow and take life as it comes. Being too much of a perfectionist can lead to disappointment, and you will constantly feel as if you have not measured up to your potential.

Always remember that you are good enough just the way you are, and instead of perfection, you should chase excellence. Once you do that, everything will automatically fall into place.

Shell #2 You have learned a lot from the tough times life has thrown at you.

When you look at this pretty shell in this true self test, you will see that the outside looks different and the inside is also entirely different. On the outside, it has protruding spikes that aims to protect whatever is on the inside.

The outside is brownish and greyish in color, due to years of plaque build up, thanks to the sea. And if you notice carefully, the inside of the shell is smoother and quite pretty looking.

If this shell caught your eye in the visual test, then you are someone who has been through a lot in your life, and all those experiences have made you stronger and smarter. From the outside, you come across as a no-nonsense, and sharp person, but on the inside, you are still very gentle, soft and sensitive.

You put on an armor so that you can protect yourself from the bad sort of people, hence the hard outer shell. You hate being around toxic and negative people, because they take a toll on your mental and emotional health, be it friends or family members.

You love your alone time and no matter how strong of a person you might be, you need some solitude to feel like yourself. Solitude helps you relax and rejuvenate yourself and it makes you feel like you have got this.

Always remember that your guardian angels are watching over you, and you are never alone. Whatever curveballs life may throw at you, you are strong enough to deal with all of them with a smile on your face.

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Shell #3 You need to let go of all those things that are holding you back.

If this shell caught your eye in this visual test, then try to notice the little things. Can you see how smooth the shell is on the outside, but thereโ€™s a slight crack, which is hardly noticeable to the naked eye? So, how does this shell reveal your true self?

Choosing this shell means itโ€™s high time you let go of the things that are holding you back, and are no longer serving you. If you feel like thereโ€™s nothing you can do to change things, then youโ€™re wrong; you can do anything if you are determined enough.

Only you get to decide how you want your life to be, no one else. No matter how many times life may threaten to suffocate you, never ever give away your power to someone else. When you trust others too much with your life, you give them power they donโ€™t deserve.

If your past is still haunting you and you just canโ€™t seem to let it go, then try to understand what is it thatโ€™s stopping you. Is it your childhood? Is it a past relationship? Whatever the reason might be, itโ€™s important to let go of it and forgive the past.

Thatโ€™s the only way you will ever be happy and live a content and peaceful life. Just like this shell, your cracks donโ€™t define who you are, they are simply there to remind you that you are strong enough to go on, no matter how much pain you might have experienced before.

So, which of these shells resonate with you the most in this shell quiz and true self test? Did any of these shells reveal your true self? Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below!

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