The 6 Zodiac Signs That Find It Hard To Move On



Do you find it hard to move on, after going through a setback? Have you ever thought about whether your zodiac sign might have something to do with it?

If our life was an apartment flat, our past would be the closet where oneโ€™s skeletons are said to be found. Some of us manage to forget about it and go about pretending like it doesnโ€™t exist.

Some others acknowledge it and make peace with it so that if the closet were to open someday, they wouldnโ€™t be inconvenienced by it so much.

And then there are some who just live in that closet in every spare minute and second they can find, refusing to move on. Why is it so hard to move on for some people?

It is in the basic nature of some zodiacs to approach a situation in the way they do. This is why when it comes to dealing with the past and moving on, these signs always take their time to get there.

So, which zodiac signs find it difficult to move on? Letโ€™s find out!

6 Zodiac Signs That Find It Hard To Move On

Here are the star signs for whom moving on is hard:

#1 Cancer (June 21 โ€“ July 22)

Is it really surprising to find this sign here? Cancer is sensitive and thrives on reassurance and intimacy. On good days, this makes them come off as cute, warm, and loveable.

But when it comes to their past, the hard things in life, or the general burdens of the world, these very qualities make it tough for them to move on.

Instead of dealing with their troubles, Cancers tend to magnify their problems and panic about them.

They also find it hard to accept their mistakes or setbacks, making it even harder for them to digest what has come to pass and let it go.ย Indeed, they find itย hard to move on.

Cancer,ย You just have to take a deep breath and admit to yourself that there is nothing you can do about it. Just find a way to acknowledge it and only then you can move on.

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#2 Leo (July 23 โ€“ August 22)

Leos are well-known for their ability to command attention. They get disappointed when the attention shifts away from them, especially if the new person in focus is someone they do not like. They can take time to recover when this happens.

Leos also donโ€™t necessarily hold grudges. When it comes to fall-outs, this means that they will spend an indecent amount of time questioning themselves and looking for what they did wrong. This self-blaming makes them incapable of easily moving on from their past.

Leo, Some things in life just happen no matter what. It is not possible to pin down every outcome as a result of one of your actions. So, stop looking for faults in yourself. Just pick yourself up, brush the dirt off your shoulder, and keep going.

#3 Pisces (February 19 โ€“ March 20)

Pisces comes off as shy at first glance. Like Leos, they too tend to constantly self-depreciate themselves. However, unlike Leos, they tend to do it more often and not just when things look down and bleak.

Pisces thrive on assurance and support, which means that a lack of it can send them spiraling into a well of self-pity and, as a result, make it hard for them to move on from whatever it is that is holding them back.

Pisces,ย You have to let go of your victimizing train of thought. If you keep relieving your tragedies, you will never be able to forget them and it will be always hard to move on with your life.

#4 Taurus (April 20 โ€“ May 20)

As stubborn as they are, it is no wonder that they are stubborn about letting go of their past too. They keep bringing up things from the past and probably end up creating more issues in the present due to this.

Taurus,ย it is necessary to understand that dwelling in the past doesnโ€™t help you grow, it just holds you back while everything else passes you by. It is good to learn from the past, but you have to learn to let it all go once you have.

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#5 Aquarius (January 20 โ€“ February 18)

Unlike its other Air counterparts, Aquarius ranks on this list because of the way they deal with their baggage. Sure, they live their life like a sail full of the wind and when they are knocked down, they seem to pick themselves up quickly.

However, Aquarius tends to deal with their past by shoving it in the back of their head, and eventually, never enabling themselves to deal with it to move on.

Aquarius,ย Instead of looking to move on too quickly, you have to take a moment to get your sense of closure from your troubles.

#6 Scorpio (October 23 โ€“ November 21)

Scorpios are known for their boldness and their crudeness. They easily get jealous which then makes them obsessed with trying to catch up with the one they are jealous of.

Scorpios are immensely possessive and can hold grudges like no other. Which all makes it immensely difficult for them to let go of things, past, grudges, almost everything. Especially if it has hurt them or the people they care about.

Scorpio, to move on, you have to learn to forgive and forget. Only once you do this, you will have room for self-improvement.

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So, those were the zodiac signs who have aย hard time moving on. Everyone has a past, a closet full of scandalous skeletons. Everyone has their own way of dealing with things.

You just have to recognize what it is that is holding you back from growing, and then address it. Only then can you be free of your burden.

If you want to know more about which zodiac signs find it hard to move on, then check out this video below:

Tell us your zodiac sign and whether you find it hard to move on by dropping a comment below!

The 6 Zodiac Signs That Find It Hard To Move On
Hard To Move On

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