Past Life Quiz: What You See First Can Reveal Your Heartbreak Lessons From Another Era


Imagine discovering what a past life quiz could reveal about how you handled heartbreak in another era, namely heartbreak in your past life. This really interesting personality test promises to uncover the lessons you learned from lifeโ€™s ups and downs in a past life.

Picture finding out that your soulโ€™s journey through time has shaped how you deal with heartache today. This heartbreak quiz isnโ€™t just about curiosity; itโ€™s a fun and enlightening way to reflect on your emotional resilience and growth.

So, are you ready to explore the mysteries of your past loves? Are you ready to give this visual illusion a try to know more about the heartbreak in your past life? Letโ€™s get started!

Related: Who Were You In Your Past Life According To What You Saw First? Quiz

Past Life Quiz: What Do You See First In This Visual Illusion?

Okay, now take a look at this visual illusion below. What do you see first? Once you are done, scroll down to see your results. As always, no cheating!

past life quiz

1. The lights

past life quiz

If you saw the lights first, then it shows that in your past life, you were quite a heartbreaker! You were someone who enjoyed attention and admiration, moving from place to place and leaving a trail of broken hearts behind you.

You were a true lothario, charming everyone you met, and people just couldnโ€™t get enough of you. This might explain why you have such a zest for life now. You love indulging in lifeโ€™s pleasures โ€“ whether itโ€™s food, romance, or adventure.

You have a natural charisma and a passion for living life to the fullest. However, this past life also serves as a reminder to be mindful of othersโ€™ feelings. Itโ€™s great to enjoy yourself and savor every moment, but be careful not to hurt those around you in the process.

Being aware of your impact on others can help you build more honest and meaningful relationships while still enjoying all that life has to offer.

2. The photographer

past life quiz

If you saw the photographer first in this past life quiz, then itโ€™s a sign that your previous life was riddled with pain and heartbreak. You have been through the emotional wringer, facing more than you fair share of romantic disappointments and failures.

And itโ€™s because of these painful experiences, you choose to guard your heart a little too closely in this life. One of the most important lessons from heartbreak that you have learned is that to never put down your walls and trust someone easily.

Itโ€™s almost like your soul and heart remembers that past pain and wants to shield you from that. But hereโ€™s the thing: Everyone is worthy of love, including you. Yes, youโ€™ve been hurt before, but that doesnโ€™t mean you should close yourself off entirely.

Love can be a beautiful thing, and youโ€™re strong enough to endure it. Donโ€™t let past sorrows dictate your future. Embrace the possibility of new relationships. Keep loving, keep learning, and most importantly, keep your heart open. You might be surprised at how much love you have yet to experience.

Related: Who Were You In Your Past Life According To Your Memories? โ€“ Mind Game

3. The horizon

past life quiz

If the horizon caught your eye first in this heartbreak quiz, then it suggests that in a past life, you were deeply involved, more like engrossed in scholarly pursuits. You always gave more importance to learning and knowledge over love and romantic relationships.

Chances are, you were very successful as a scholar and intellectual, but this single-minded focus might have left you feeling isolated and lonely at times. Today, in the present, you might find yourself experiencing similar feelings of loneliness or a fear of missing out (FOMO).

Itโ€™s perfectly okay to enjoy your single life and pursue your interests, but itโ€™s also important to remember how priceless true love and connections can be. Learning the art of balancing your intellectual side with your romantic side can add another dimension to your life.

Donโ€™t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try to find real love. True love has the power to bring a kind of happiness and fulfillment that your scholarly achievements can never. Learn to understand that both are equally important for living a happy and content life.

4. The black poles

past life quiz

If you saw the black poles first in this past life quiz, then it might mean that you were in a long-term relationship and your partner was unfaithful. Chances are, you might have been blissfully unaware about this, even though you could feel the growing distance between you two.

This kind of prolonged deceit and betrayal has left deep scars. So, what were your lessons from heartbreak? You learned that you should never trust anyone quickly and always sleep with one eye open.

Today, you might find yourself constantly on guard when it comes to love and dating, always looking for signs of betrayal. Itโ€™s totally understandable to want to protect your heart, but living in constant suspicion isnโ€™t healthy either.

Remember, not everyone is out to hurt you. Try to balance your fear with vulnerability and openness. Try to give other people the benefit of doubt and give them the chance to prove that they can be trustworthy.

Yes, love is a risk, but itโ€™s a risk worth taking. Donโ€™t let past wounds keep you from experiencing the joy of genuine, trusting relationships.

Related: How Did You Die in Your Past Life? โ€“ Fun Quiz

So there you have it! Thatโ€™s all for our past life quiz. What do you see first in this heartbreak quiz? What kind of heartbreak in your past life did you experience? Let us know in the comments down below!

heartbreak in past life

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