Office Personality Test: Leader or a Social Butterfly? Which Role Fits You Best?


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Fun Office Personality Test: Types - Which One Are You?

We devote nearly half of our day in the office – our second home! So, it’s important to understand what personality we possess at this place. Therefore, take this office personality test and discover who you are professionally!

In this workplace personality test your desk is your fortress, and coffee breaks are sacred rituals. But amidst all the busy days, have you ever wondered what kind of office personality you have? Let’s find out which one of these office personality types fits you best!

office personality test
Office Personality Test: Leader Or A Social Butterfly? Which Role Fits You Best?

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Fun Office Personality Test: 10 Types – Which One Are You?

Here a 10 office personality types, check which one you resonate the most with!

1. You Are The Leader If…

office personality test
Office Personality Test: Leader Or A Social Butterfly? Which Role Fits You Best?

In group situations you tend to take charge naturally, often stepping up to guide projects and make decisions. People look to you for direction because they are motivated by your focus on results.

2. You Are The Perfectionist If…

office personality test
Office Personality Test: Leader Or A Social Butterfly? Which Role Fits You Best?

You have an eye for detail and like to do things right. You tend to recheck everything just to ensure that it is perfect.

3. You Are The Innovator If…

office personality test
Office Personality Test: Leader Or A Social Butterfly? Which Role Fits You Best?

New ideas keep coming into your mind; you also love finding creative ways of solving problems. You enjoy thinking differently from others as well as approaching challenges from unique angles.

4. You Are The Social Butterfly If…

office personality test
Office Personality Test: Leader Or A Social Butterfly? Which Role Fits You Best?

You throw fun parties or even act as the office social coordinator and make the office a cheerful place. 

And without such efforts, no team can stay strong. Building relationships is what makes you thrive; connecting with other people energizes you too. 

5. You Are The Workaholic If…

office personality test
Office Personality Test: Leader Or A Social Butterfly? Which Role Fits You Best?

You always drive long hours from your side to complete tasks according to how you want them done. Your strong work ethic is coupled with a deep commitment to work.

6. You Are The Team Player If… 

office personality test
Office Personality Test: Leader Or A Social Butterfly? Which Role Fits You Best?

You find collaborating with your coworkers easy and fun. Being reliable and cooperative has made many people know that they can count on you anytime as you’re always ready to give a helping hand when others need you.

7. You Are The Organizer If…

office personality test
Office Personality Test: Leader Or A Social Butterfly? Which Role Fits You Best?

Keeping things in line comes naturally for someone like you. You thrive on planning, managing calendars, or making sure plans don’t derail.

It gives you immense satisfaction when your plans succeed against all odds.

8. You Are The Problem Solver If…

office personality test
Office Personality Test: Leader Or A Social Butterfly? Which Role Fits You Best?

You see challenges as an opportunity to exercise your brainpower. Analyzing difficulties and discovering effective answers gives pleasure not fear… You love overcoming obstacles faced along the way as it becomes an apparatus for your personal growth.

9. You Are The Optimist If…

office personality test
Office Personality Test: Leader Or A Social Butterfly? Which Role Fits You Best?

You try to brighten everyone’s mood in the office. Life is full of happiness around you, even during tough times, you are positive.

No matter what happens, you never stop hoping because once hope ends so does everything else. So you try uplifting those through a positive attitude whenever possible.

10. You Are The Mentor If…

office personality test
Office Personality Test: Leader Or A Social Butterfly? Which Role Fits You Best?

People come to you for advice, as you have vast knowledge and are probably the most experienced employee in the office. According to this office personality test, guiding or teaching those under your care becomes a privilege.

Related: What Is Your Attachment Style At Work? QUIZ

No matter who we are at work, remember that this place brings out a new personality for each person. Whether you like color coded excel spreadsheets, or find inner peace in your cubicle, never forget to laugh and have good giggle at least once during your 9-to-5!

Share your thoughts about this workplace personality test in the comments below!

office personality test
Office Personality Test: Leader Or A Social Butterfly? Which Role Fits You Best?

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