Never Mess With These 4 Zodiac Signs When They Are Tired


โ€œSleep is an investment in the energy you need to be effective tomorrow.โ€ โ€“ Tom Roth

Now, these zodiac signs have taken this information quite seriously. Letโ€™s find out which zodiac signโ€™s wrath you have to deal with when they are resting. We warned you. Never mess with these people when they are taking a nap.

All of my life Iโ€™ve been known for lots of things โ€” Iโ€™m the sweet girl, the cat lady, the one who tends to stir up a little trouble now and again. Oh, and the one person you should never, EVER wake up. For any reason.

Needless to say, my temper goes from zero to a hundred billion in a matter of seconds when my alarm goes off โ€” or worse, someone makes too much noise in the morning. My dad once poured ice water on me to wake me from my peaceful slumber at 1 P.M. and bolted out the door. He swears it was the only way to get me going. (Iโ€™m sticking with overkill.)

Either way, there are some of us that just canโ€™t handle the fact that we have to leave our giant, soft pillowy beds to face the big bad world. To tell who you should and should not wake up in the morning, you can look to the stars. Astrology can reveal a lot about how people deal with every part of their lives โ€” including small things like napping and sleeping.

Some zodiac signs are those go-getters โ€” the people who wake up at 6 A.M. with a smile on their face, ready to take on the world (looking at you, Capricorn. Youโ€™re always SO put together.)

But the rest of us โ€” well, itโ€™s better if you just let us handle the day on our own.

So to find out if you (or your boo) are one of the zodiac signs you should NEVER wake up or mess with when theyโ€™re tired, keep on reading. Donโ€™t say we didnโ€™t warn you.

Read: How You Behave When Stressed According To Your Zodiac Sign

Aries (March 21 โ€“ April 19)

never mess

Aries is someone who wants comfort at all times, and she tends to be impatient and moody โ€” so when you decide to wake her up earlier than her alarm, sheโ€™s going to throw a fit. Granted, once this girl is up and moving, thereโ€™s no stopping her โ€” sheโ€™s determined to make a day full of productivity, but itโ€™s the getting her up thatโ€™s the really hard part.

If you want to get her up, make sure you either
a) let her know quietly that itโ€™s JUST about time, or
b) let her do her thing.

Sheโ€™s got things under control.

Read: The 5 Zodiac Signs You Should Never Mess With When Theyโ€™re Angry

Leo (July 23 โ€“ August 22)


Obviously, everyone knows that Leo has a desperate need to be the center of attention, BUT, you have to let her have her private time in the morning to get prepared.

That means NO going into her room and rudely waking her up. I mean come on โ€ฆ how would you feel if you โ€” being an inherently lazy person who wants to be treated like a queen โ€” were startled awake for something as silly as school or brunch? Please.

Let this queen be.

Aquarius (January 20 โ€“ February 18)

never mess

An Aquarius girl may be a fun, intellectual humanitarian, but that doesnโ€™t mean she doesnโ€™t appreciate time alone with some uninterrupted, peaceful sleep.

I dare you to wake this girl up without getting an earful. Considering how temperamental she can be, and the fact that she would rather just yell at you over something silly than tell you the REAL reason why she wants to sleep for so long, Iโ€™d keep your distance.

Pisces (February 19 โ€“ March 20)

never mess

A Pisces girl is a conundrum. On one hand, sheโ€™s a sweet, caring girl who will put herself aside any day to help someone else. But on the other, thereโ€™s one thing she values more than her relationships: her ability to escape reality when the going gets tough.

And the easiest way to do so? Well, SLEEP, of course.

Take it from me, when we Pisces hit the hay and drift off into la-la land where we dream about whatever we want, itโ€™s best not to pull us out of it. Set her like 5 alarms and RUN AWAY. Then you should be safe.

Written by: Kayla Cavanagh
Originally appeared on: Yourtango 

Printed with permission

Warning! Never Wake Them Up, When These 4 Zodiac Signs Are Tired
Stay Away From These 4 Zodiac Signs When They Are Tired
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