How To Find The Right Guy: 7 Tips From A Father


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A daughter’s first hero is and always will be her dad. He is the one a daughter always turns to whenever she is stuck, be it a math problem or in life. Finding the right guy one should date or marry is a tough question for many girls, but your dad is here for you to answer.

Go ahead and ask your dad, I certainly did. I was in that palace where most of the girls would find themselves; “Am I making the right decision?”, “Is he the right guy for me?”, “How do I find out?”.

My father told me “You are the greatest gift God has ever given me. All I want for you in life is for you to be happy in your life. I ask nothing more of you than that. Choose the one your heart wants to choose and live your life the way you chose to live. The right guy for you is the one who sticks with you no matter what. But if you really want to know some of the signs, let me tell you……”

Here Is Some Of The Good Advice My Father Gave Me About Finding The Right Guy. Learn Your Father’s Recipe To Find The Right Guy. Take A Look:

1. Date If He Makes You Happy, But Marry Him If He Makes You Laugh

right guy

“A day without laughter is a day wasted.” – Charlie Chaplin

The first piece of advice my dad gave me is to find a guy who has the ability to make his woman laugh. a guy who knows how to cheer you up. Whenever you’re upset, he will know how to make you laugh and change your mood. In the midst of his jokes, you can lighten up and be comfortable around him. Having a sense of humor is what protects the relationship. 

Related: Being a Father Versus Being a Dad: 6 Important Differences

2. Make Sure He Has Scars On The Back Of His Hands

“From every wound there is a scar, and every scar tells a story. A story that says, “I survived”.” — Craig Scott

Date a man who can handle pain. Actual men are not into complaining about what a bitch life is. They have scars, they have thrown punches, they have bruised knuckles and calluses. They are into providing solutions, which is tied to being proactive, taking action. That man has lived and endured pain and still stood up to face the rocks. A man who has a habit of complaining comes across as immature who cannot even take a blister.

3. Before You Say Yes, Get Him Angry. See Him Scared, See Him Wanting, See Him Sick. Stress Changes A Person.

“A drunk mind speaks the sober heart”

Let me ask you a question, do you want you guys to get drunk. No? Well, maybe you should. get him drunk and you’ll learn more about his thoughts and feelings. A drunk guy is more inclined to say something he has bottled up inside, maybe not the truth for everyone but the truth for him.

And baby girl, that’s what you want to know. A person never changes, maybe his perspective changes but you cannot change the way he’s made. Know what his thoughts are for you and for a relationship altogether. If he says something that doesn’t d\satisfy you, know this phrase will not change even after 10 years, at least in his mind. Run sweetheart.

4. Trust Your Instincts.

“Trust your instincts. Intuition doesn’t lie.” — Oprah Winfrey

Not only in finding the guy, but in every phase of your life, trust your instincts. Intuition can play the biggest part in making a decision. If he ever makes you feel uncomfortable and unsafe, just leave, no question asked. You don’t have to rush into things, give yourself and the guy a chance to better connect with each other. Remember, it’s always better to be safe than sorry.

Related: 15 Positively Influential Advices From Fathers In The Words Of Their Children

5. If He Puts Money Before You, He’ll Keep Pushing You To The Bottom Of The Pile Until You Become His Last Priority.

“When you realize you want to spend on somebody, you want to spend the rest of your life with that person”

The open truth is that money plays a major role in relationships. By no means he must be a millionaire but he needs to be financially secure. Find that man who wants to spend it on you, maybe he isn’t able to give you the most expensive gifts but will want to give you the strawberry ice cream, even if he loathes them.

6. How A Man Treats Animals Is A Good Indicator Of How He Treats Children.

“You can tell a lot about people by the way they treat their pets.” ~ Frank Sonnenberg

If a man is disrespectful to other people, what will stop him from being disrespectful to you? Understand that you cannot change such a man. Especially how he behaves with animals and children. Always be watchful of how he interacts with animals when he thinks he doesn’t have to impress. This is the indicator of how patient they will be with children as it’s said that some animals especially dogs behave just like human children do. 

Also, watch out for the signs of how he treats other people. For instance, if you go out on a date, watch how he talks to the waitresses. If he treats them like trash then understand he has little respect for people, and it’s a matter of time before he’s emboldened to show you that.

7. If He Isn’t In Awe Of You, He Doesn’t Deserve You.

“Find a man who respects you like a sea captain respects the sea. A man who looks at you with awe and reverence, but knows you are a force of nature.”

True love heals an aching soul. A man who truly loves you will make you feel beautiful and will practically light up when he sees you. He doesn’t simply adore you, he cherishes things about you.

A man who’s truly in love with you will go into transports of joy whenever they spot you. You don’t have to make an effort just for the purpose of winning praise. But if it comes, then it’s welcome. He should be in awe of you, not just for your beauty, but awe of you as a whole, in ways that you might never have seen yourself.

Related: 10 Things The Right Man Will Never Make a Woman Wonder About

A Father’s Recipe For The Right Guy
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