How To Enjoy The Often Exhausting Role Of Parenthood


Are you exhausted by the role of parenthood?

Have you ever exerted yourself physically to the point where you felt absolutely exhausted afterward? Maybe you were training for a race, or you pushed your body in some other way, and that night when you finally rested, you feltย bone-deep tired. And it feltย good.

There is a deep sense of satisfaction that can come from having pushed oneself physically and been exhausted as a result of it.

Why is it that we never feel that type ofย satisfiedย exhaustion with our children? We just feelโ€ฆ exhausted.

I recently noticed that while I can think of many times when Iโ€™ve felt satisfied from pushing my body physically, I have never ONCE felt satisfied when Iโ€™m exhausted after taking care of my daughter.

Iโ€™ve never said, โ€œWow, I gave it my all today with her. Iโ€™m so satisfied with how tired I feel right now because it means I didnโ€™t leave anything on the table. I loved my daughter and mothered her to the brink today.โ€

Instead, my mind is filled with judgment, shame, and self-criticism thinking, โ€œMaybe I donโ€™t like being a mother the way other women do? Maybe Iโ€™m tired because Iโ€™m not naturally a caregiver type and thatโ€™s a problem. Maybe I should get more help. Maybe thereโ€™s something wrong with me. Maybe Iโ€™m too involved and I should teach her to be more independent.โ€ And on and on my monkey mind goes.

Underneath it all, there is a fundamental belief that there is somethingย wrongย if I feel tired.

Whereas with athletic pursuits, Iโ€™m proud of how tired my body feels afterwards. I take it as a sign that I pushed myself in a good way, with healthy striving.

Iโ€™m not advocating that we should all strive to feel exhausted when weโ€™re with our children and wear that as a badge of honor.

There is a difference betweenย healthy strivingย and perfectionism. Many women I support who feel exhausted and overwhelmed first need to address perfectionism and allow themselves to relax, let go of guilt, find โ€œmeโ€ time, and make choices aligned with what really matters.

Pretty much every woman I know, myself included, needs to learn to give herself permission to do less. A lot less.

That being said, even if you do less and practice healthy striving instead of perfectionism, there are going to be times when youโ€™re just tired at the end of the day.

In these moments, Iโ€™ve noticed there is aย mindset shiftย around exhaustion with role of parenthood that is game-changing.

Related: What Make A Good Parent And Child Relationship

Mindset Shift

This new mindset to enjoy the often exhausting role of parenthood involves embracing our exhaustion as a sign that weโ€™re living a life worth living. Weโ€™re giving it our all.

mindset - role of parenthood

Like an athlete who comes off the field with mud, blood, and grass stains all over her arms, legs and clothes, we, too, are coming off the field of life every day. We work, whether in the home or outside of the home, we want to make a difference, we have good intentions, we love with our whole hearts and we put it all out there. We leave everything on the field of life.

Related 5 Ways To Shift Your Mindset Towards More Optimism

And this is something to be proud of.

What if we felt a deep sense of satisfaction from our fatigue, rather than viewing it as yet another sign of our inherent inadequacy?

I want to feel proud of the effort I make each day with my work, my family and my home, rather than believing thereโ€™s something wrong with me if Iโ€™m exhausted.

So the next time I notice myself collapsing on the couch at the end of the day, instead of feeling like a victim, Iโ€™m going to turn to my husband and say, โ€œwow, I was amazing today. Look how tired I am, I really lived my life to the fullest this day. Yay me!โ€

Written by: Vanessa Loder
Originally appeared on
Republished with permission.

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