Started as a light
White. Pure. Shiny.
Traveled light-years
Crossed galaxies of age, promises, betrayals.
The darkness followed like a demon, my shadow
As fast as me, or as slow “
Darkness, there was, when there was nothing
Not even nothingness”, demons say.
The light is immortal! I hear in a church.
Peels me thread by thread, atom by atom
One pixel at a time.
The light turns black. Like a bleeding warrior.
I pretend to fight. Actually pleading to survive.
I run, I stop, I be. I refuse. I look back.
Endless like a giant wheel.
Chasing my own trails.
The darkness laughs.. hugs the light in its chilling grip.
“Everything that u hated, you are now”
A cold voice whispers, from behind.
- Avinash Singh Tomar
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