When a person tells you that you hurt them
“When a person tells you that you hurt them, you don’t get to decide that you didn’t.” ― Louis C.K. Your thoughts on this ?
Why Do Empaths Freeze Around Fake And Inauthentic People
When an Empath comes across fake people it is common for them to shut down as a form of protection.
Someone Once Asked, ‘If You Could Take It All Back, Would You?’
At the time I didn’t know. Now I do.
6 Things To Remember If Your Partner Is Suffering from Depression
Is your partner suffering from depression? Every relationship is bound to go through an array of challenges, hurdles, and setbacks. You either succeed and sustain the togetherness or you witness the breakdown. However, the challenge gets quite intense when it comes to dating someone who is suffering from depression. The job is not easy at…
10 Universal Problems Old Souls Experience
Old Souls Experience There was something almost mysterious about this woman. Her face had lots of wrinkles. These were the first things to catch your eye, but they didn’t make her look old. Instead, they emphasized a certain youthfulness in her that transcended age. The wrinkles belonged where they were as if they had been…
Stages of Grief from a Psychopathic Relationship
Stages of grief – especially true for victims of psychopathic relationships