12 Zodiac Boyfriends And Their Unique Loving Style


Did you always have a specific type in your mind regarding your ideal boyfriend? According to astrology, your right zodiac boyfriend possesses all the qualities required to keep you happy in a relationship!

Want to know more about the 12 zodiac signs as boyfriends and their loving style? Then keep reading!

Have you ever considered Astrology Boyfriend analysis? Do you think when it comes to having a boyfriend, horoscope matters or not? As it turns out, it does, and big time!

How a person behaves in a relationship reflects their overall personality, attitude, and convictions. And as we all know, our zodiac signs have a heavy influence on our personality, thinking, and behavior.

When two zodiac signs, compatible with each otherโ€™s temperament and quirks come together in a relationship, it can lead to fireworks, passion, romance, and a joyous union. Similarly, if your boyfriendโ€™s zodiac is not compatible with yours, it can cause trouble in paradise in no time!

So, the question here is; what type of boyfriend is each zodiac sign? In case you are looking, knowing how the 12 zodiac signs are as boyfriends, will help you understand your suitors better. And if you are in a committed relationship, the insights will help you discover what kind of boyfriend you have based on his zodiac sign.

Enough chitchat, now letโ€™s get into the interesting part!

Read: Difference Between Need And Want In Love

12 Zodiac Boyfriends And Their Unique Loving Style

Letโ€™s see now how your boyfriend is going to treat you as per zodiac signs!

Zodiac Boyfriends: How do the 12 zodiac signs behave in a romantic relationship?

1. Ariesย  (March 21 โ€“ April 19)

How Boyfriend Treat You aries

An Aries zodiac boyfriend typically expresses his love with a lot of physical touches and caressing. He will be affectionate and doting and you will forget all your pain in his strong and secure embrace. He will:

  • Fulfill your every wish
  • Hug you when youโ€™re sad
  • Play with your hair
  • Kiss your forehead
  • Kiss away your tears

2. Taurus (April 20 โ€“ May 20)

How Boyfriend Treat You taurus

A Taurus boyfriend will be in awe of you. He will admire your every move and kiss the ground you walk on. He will always offer you his support in all your life decisions and listen to everything you say. He will:

  • Be super proud of your accomplishments
  • Will be possessive about you
  • Charm you with their goofy style
  • Share all their problems with you
  • Always prioritize you

3. Gemini (May 21 โ€“ June 20)

How Boyfriend Treat You gemini

A Gemini zodiac boyfriend will be intense but devoted. He will be a peacemaker and help you navigate through life in a calm and organized manner. He will be reserved yet attentive and will show you how much he loves you by little acts of love at the right time. He will:

  • Always be on your team
  • Keep you away from trouble
  • Offer you the last slice of pizza
  • Intensely gaze into your eyes
  • Hold your hand on the subway

4. Cancer (June 21 โ€“ July 22)

How Boyfriend Treat You cancer

A Cancer zodiac boyfriend will be a real sweetheart. He will always check in with you when you two are away from each other. He will be the type of person who unabashedly can show off their love. He will go out of his way to make you feel special. He will:

  • Send you roses on a regular basis
  • Write poems for you
  • Make sacrifices for your happiness
  • Shower you with gifts
  • Do anything to make you smile

5. Leo (July 23 โ€“ August 22)

How Boyfriend Treat You leo

A Leo zodiac boyfriend will be your protector, your lover, and your best friend. He will keep you safe, encourage you to chase your dreams and comfort you when you are sad. He will fight with you a lot but after every tiff, he will be the first one to say sorry. He will:

  • Be your knight in shining armor
  • Have the most dashing personality
  • Be passionate between the sheets
  • Initiate silly arguments to irritate you
  • Never let you feel ignored

6. Virgo (August 23 โ€“ September 22)

How Boyfriend Treat You virgo

A Virgo as a boyfriend will surprise you in unexpected ways. He will show up at your doorstep with flowers and chocolates on a whim. He will make you feel loved and special by the way he interacts with you. He will:

  • Always initiate physical contact
  • Play peek-a-boo with you
  • Run his fingers through your hair when you fall asleep
  • Be chivalrous
  • Hold you close to him when youโ€™re talking
boyfriend astrology

7. Libra (September 23 โ€“ October 22)

How Boyfriend Treat You libra

A Libra boyfriend will go to the ends of the earth to please you. He will take your opinion very seriously and include you in his every plan. He will always make sure that you are heard in your relationship. He will:

  • Your wish will be his command
  • Meet your friends and family to get in their good books
  • Always stand up for you
  • Give you amazing foot rubs
  • Cook your favorite dish when you have a long day

8. Scorpio (October 23 โ€“ November 21)

How Boyfriend Treat You scorpio

A Scorpio zodiac boyfriend will always be loyal to you. He will guide you through life and help you make the right decisions. He might be jealous of your other friends and try to hog all of your time. He will never shy away from displaying his affections to you in front of the world. He will:

  • Pout when you spend time with your friends
  • Kiss you when you get mad
  • Surrender to you during every fight
  • Display his love for you on social media
  • Tell you how much he loves you every dayย 
boyfriend astrology

9. Sagittarius (November 22 โ€“ December 21)

How Boyfriend Treat You sagittarius

A Saggi zodiac boyfriend will motivate you to apply yourself more. He will be your best friend and confidante. He will share his every little secret with you and give you the best advice. Your family will be important to him. He will:

  • Tell you stories of successful people to inspire you
  • Share his goals and dreams with you
  • Irritate you intentionally
  • Take care of your fish when you are on vacation
  • Try to make a good impression on your parents

10. Capricorn (December 22 โ€“ January 19)

How Boyfriend Treat You capricon

A Capri zodiac boyfriend will want you to rely on him and will go to any extreme to honor your faith in him. He will make sure you are safe and provided for. He will be very generous and fulfill your every wish. He will:

  • Make you laugh with his stupid jokes
  • Disclose every detail of his past love life
  • Take you to fancy restaurants
  • Be friends with people who are important to you
  • Fight for you

11. Aquarius (January 20 โ€“ February 18)

How Boyfriend Treat You aquarius

An Aquarius zodiac boyfriend will be caring and protective of you. He will keep you safe and will not hesitate to call on your unhealthy patterns. He will give you the best advice and do everything in his power to keep you happy. He will:

  • Ask you to eat more veggies
  • Always be proud of you
  • Be extra sweet after making you annoyed during a fight
  • Brag about you to his friends
  • Will never leave your side when youโ€™re sad or sick

12. Pisces (February 19 โ€“ March 20)

How Boyfriend Treat You pisces

A Pisces boyfriend will be attracted to you because of your sweet nature. He will talk with you about philosophy, life, and his beliefs regarding humanity.

A Pisces as a boyfriend will not be demanding and will always be calm during heated arguments. He will:

  • Ask you questions about your life
  • Surprise with sudden hugs
  • Kiss your cheeks when youโ€™re sad
  • Spend all his free time with you
  • Never fight with you

How Does Your Boyfriend Treat You?

How your boyfriend treats you is the crux of the matter and if youโ€™re happy in your relationship then please donโ€™t ruin a perfectly good situation by worrying about boyfriend astrology or trying to find a new zodiac boyfriend.

That was all for our topic of zodiac boyfriend. Which one is the best zodiac boyfriend according to you? Do let us know by commenting below about your ideal boyfriend type and if youโ€™re a guy, what kind of boyfriend are you based on your zodiac sign?

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