Which Emotion is Your Subconscious Hiding From You? Find Out With This Quiz


Every person has within them an emotion which their subconscious is hiding. Which emotion do you think your subconscious is hiding from you?

Some people have many repressed emotions, but one type is being hidden more so than the others.

It was the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle who first posited the idea that humans have nine basic categories of emotion. All of these combine and work together to make up the rich tapestry of human feelings which we all experience.

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The first is anger, which is known by everyone and can be very sneaky, popping out of nowhere if you are unable to control it. The second is friendship and the third is fear, which is lacking courage. Fourth is shame, a lack of overall confidence and negative thoughts about thoughts, actions, and choices we have made in the past. Fifth is kindness, or benevolence, which are sincere acts of goodness done to and for others. The sixth is pity, when we feel sorry for others. Seventh is indignation, the feeling of anger we sometimes get when we perceive something to be unfair. Eighth is envy which refers to the feelings of jealousy that people sometimes develop. The ninth and greatest is love, the emotion that ties us all together and keeps us from destroying one another, in light of all the other negative emotions covered above. combination of the above-listed emotions. Love is the incredibly strong feelings of attachment and needs we develop for someone else, especially our family, friends, and significant others.

Reveal your hidden, subconscious emotion by choosing the Tarot cards that catch your attention and speak to your soul!

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Emotion Subconscious Hiding From You

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