78 Zodiac Couples: Ranked From Happiest To The Least


Love is one of the most beautiful things in this world, isnโ€™t it? Finding that one person who is meant for you, loving them, and building a beautiful life and future with them is something everyone secretly wishes to have. And what better way to understand who your perfect partner is than looking at the stars and your zodiac sign?!

Yes, there are some zodiac couples who are meant for each other and feel the happiest with each other, some zodiac couples who if they work hard, are able to build a strong and compatible relationship, and some zodiac couples, who are simply not meant for each other at all.

Here Are All The 78 Zodiac Couples Ranked From The Happiest To The Least

I. THE HAPPIEST Zodiac Couples

1) Cancer + Scorpio

Many believe this is the best match in the entire Zodiac. These two signs understand and complement each other perfectly even though on the surface, they tend to have pretty different personalities. What works here is that each person in the relationship is strong where the other is weak. Theyโ€™re both very interested in having a strong relationship (something theyโ€™re willing to put work into) and they have similar goals in life theyโ€™re going to want to work together to achieve.

2) Pisces + Pisces

This is one of those zodiac couples whose relationship is horrifyingly strong and compatible. They find each other and each feels like they found their soulmate or the missing parts of who they need in another person. The relationship takes off almost instant and thatโ€™s what scares each of them and might drive them away from each other. Itโ€™s finding that person who is perfect for you but the next question they each have to ask themselves is are you ready for that sort of thing yet?

3) Aries + Sagittarius

These signs make a fun-loving couple who are always making each other laugh. They haveย a ton of inside jokesย and prefer to keep things in their lives light and happy. They have a big circle of friends and are always planning fun things for everyone to do.

Related: 6 Zodiac Pairs That Have the Deepest Connection of All

4) Sagittarius + Pisces

Emotionally this combination balances each other out very well. They each are hopeless romantics and wear their hearts on their sleeve and they respect that about each other. They are empathetic and understanding and truly vibe with what each is feeling and trying to be what each person needs in the relationship.

The only problem that occurs in this type of relationship is the level of high intense emotions between the two is sometimes too dramatic, they need someone a little bit different.

5) Virgo + Capricorn

This is a power couple in the making. Both people are ambitious, hard-working, and somewhat conservative when it comes to their personal lives. They will take a while to open up and be vulnerable with each other, but their interests are so inline that once that happens theyโ€™ll be a perfect team.

6) Leo + Libra

Leo and Libra both love the spotlight, but somehow they also arenโ€™t competitive with each other about it. Theyโ€™d rather share it (rare for both signs) and let the light shine on how happy they make each other as a couple.

7) Taurus + Cancer

This has the potential to be one of the best matches in the Zodiac. Taurus and Cancer are similar people with complementary values. They will enjoy building a happy home life together, having an extremely loyal and supportive partner, and spoiling each other with physical touch, comforting meals, and endless affection.

8) Capricorn + Capricorn

This is an ideal match as Capricornโ€™s values are so important to them that having someone with a duplicate set of ideas is their dream. They will understand each otherโ€™s wants and needs so well and work as a team toward their shared goals. They will have unquestioned loyalty and guard their relationship above all else.

9) Gemini + Pisces

Gemini + Pisces balance each other out very well. While a Pisces is very emotional and deep a Gemini is very compassionate and understanding of their needs. A Pisces has no shame in being exactly who they are and following how they feel while a Gemini tends to play the role of what someone needs them to be and makes the choices that seem logical. What each side needs the other seems to be.

10) Sagittarius + Sagittarius

Sagittarius gets along with their own sign really well. There wonโ€™t be anyone there to mother them which can get them into trouble, but they donโ€™t really value having things work out perfectly anyway so itโ€™s not a big loss. Theyโ€™ll have a lot of fun, not fight, and be a laid-back couple that always does exactly what they want to do.

11) Aries + Gemini

Aries and Gemini make an exciting couple that is always out of the house doing something fun together. They are the opposite of the โ€œNetflix + Chillโ€ homebody couple. Their Instagram feed makes most people exhausted, but they love living an active, adventurous life together.

12) Libra + Scorpio

This pair balances each other out so well because while a Scorpio is emotional and very intense a Libra is very lighthearted and carefree. In social settings, each sign can handle t0heir own at a party and donโ€™t rely on each other. While they both do well on their own, they are better together.

Related: The 3 Things That Can Improve Your Relationship Based On Your Zodiacย 

13) Taurus + Pisces

This is a wonderful match pairing a dreamer (Pisces) with a realist (Taurus). They both prefer a laid-back lifestyle and know the other person needs to beย supported and loved. They will have one of the happiest home life and be a couple with an unshakeable bond.

14) Gemini + Libra

These two make great friends and exciting and happy lovers. They are naturally compatible and like to spend their time the same way (around people, having fun). They are a social couple who other couples aspire to be like.

15) Aries + Virgo

This is a natural pairing of two complementary people. The Aries will pick the adventure, and the Virgo will plan it out. They will challenge and balance each other and genuinely make the other personโ€™s life better.

16) Scorpio + Capricorn

This is the relationship youโ€™re lucky to find when youโ€™re ready to settle down. A Scorpio commits later in their life after they have had fun and want something serious and a Capricorn was simply ready for that all along. The needs of a Scorpio are a lot sometimes but if you ask a Capricorn, being understanding, observant, and giving a Scorpio space when they need it is easy.

Scorpioโ€™s personalities change frequently and what makes a Capricorn a good partner is they strive to be what a Scorpio needs all the time feeling much fulfillment and happiness out of playing that role.

17) Taurus + Capricorn

Taurus and Capricorn are natural allies. Both love to indulge in the finer things in life, are ambitious, and like to show off a little bit. They fit together well and can be a very happy โ€œpower coupleโ€.

18) Libra + Pisces

This pair is one of the strongest. Their loyalty to one another is what is so great. They each are really empathetic and would give anyone the shirt off their back. They make such a good team because when one is down the other steps up when they need to and vise versa. This relationship a forever combination if youโ€™re lucky to find such a thing. And together it isnโ€™t so much each person completes each other, who they are is a reflection of the influence they have on each other.

19) Aquarius + Aquarius

Aquarians work well with their own sign as they tend to have pretty high opinions of themselves so being in a relationship with a person who is similar to them is very helpful. Together they will keep each other mentally stimulated and their romantic connection will thrive because of this consistent spark.

20) Scorpio + Pisces

Like the saying opposites attract no truer statement applies more to this pair. A Scorpio is cold and guarded. They struggle in trusting people and letting anyone in. They always want to be the dominant one in a relationship. A Pisces, on the other hand, tends to be passive wearing their heart on their sleeve loving a Scorpio as hard as they possibly can. And while itโ€™s a challenge once they have they have a Scorpioโ€™s trust what this bond so strong is the loyalty to one another.

II. The HAPPY Zodiac Couples

1) Gemini + Sagittarius:ย 

This pair falls very hard on each other. Itโ€™s the love they each remember in their lives. While it starts off as a healthy relationship where everything is balanced and reciprocated, a Sag begins to emotionally rely too heavily on a Gemini that a Gemini ends up resenting them and calling it off. They walk away still with a lot of respect but for a Sagittarius, itโ€™s the hardest heartbreak they will get over in their life.

2) Cancer + Libra

Cancer and Libra will get along well and their biggest fight will just be about whether to stay in or go out with friends. There are no big chemistry fireworks here, but that often just means less drama and more harmoniousness.

3) Scorpio + Sagittarius

Each sign is very stubborn but they never stop fighting for each other. Even though they have strong personalities it seems to work with each other because they make such a good team and really do support each other. Problems occur between this pair when one becomes too stubborn to apologize.

4) Gemini + Gemini

If there was a โ€œmost likely to end up stranded in a foreign countryโ€ superlative for Zodiac couples the Gemini + Gemini pairing would get it. Their relationship will have problems, but all from the outside as they work to navigate the practical world as people who arenโ€™t really detail-oriented. Their actual relationship, however, will be full of happiness and excitement โ€” theyโ€™ll love being unencumbered and totally themselves with someone who (finally) isnโ€™t trying to reign them in.

Related: The Kind Of Man You Fall For Based On Your Zodiac Sign

5) Libra + Aquarius

These two will have a super strong mental connection. Theyโ€™ll love making friends at yoga class and hosting brunch complete with a post-brunch meditation. The relationship will feel light even as they have a serious connection and theyโ€™ll generally get along well.

6) Scorpio + Aquarius

While a Scorpio might take things to heart and read people very closely an Aquarius has the ability to just brush things off. They will give a Scorpio time they need to come back to them. They will never overwhelm them with attention and they donโ€™t need much themselves but the loyalty that comes with being with a Scorpio.

7) Leo + Virgo

Leo and Virgo can have a happy, harmonious relationship if they are emotionally mature and the kind of people who can appreciate someoneโ€™s different strengths and weaknesses rather than expecting their partner to be exactly like them. Virgo will be happy to let Leo be the star and Leo will love how Virgo is totally comfortable being out of the spotlight. Together they balance each other out and truly support each otherโ€™s hopes and dreams.

8) Leo + Sagittarius

This is a fun-loving couple that gets along well and typically has zero drama. They understand and appreciate each otherโ€™s nature and would rather spend time doing than talking. They tend to be a busy couple who donโ€™t spend a lot of time at home.

9) Libra + Sagittarius

This is an outgoing couple with a lot of friends. They will try new things together, do a lot of activities, and generally be a positive presence in each otherโ€™s lives, but the lack of mental and emotional connection will leave Libra feeling a bit lonely.

10) Sagittarius + Aquarius

This is a good match as both signs are curious explorers. They wonโ€™t hold each other back and theyโ€™ll be happy partners exploring ideas and the world together.

11) Cancer + Pisces

Cancer and Pisces will fundamentally understand each other, but theyโ€™re so similar that they will have a hard time functioning in the real world as a couple. Both of these signs work best when theyโ€™re paired with a sturdier person who lives in the real world โ€” not another dreamer. This point aside, they will be perfectly happy together and will create a beautiful, creative world where everyone is nice to each other and the world is made up of art.

12) Leo + Capricorn

An unlikely pairing, but one that can create a really strong couple. Leo and Capricorn both appreciate being respected and appreciated by their peers and will work together to guard their privacy and make sure their reputations are what they desire. Neither is too wild and while Capricorns can be prudish that generally ends behind closed doors which is all that matters to Leo.

13) Libra + Libra

Libra is one sign that gets along with its own sign very well. Since their values are so important to them, having someone with similar ones is half the battle. Together they will have a very happy, balanced, healthy relationship where they support each other emotionally, are super loyal, and build each other up in social settings.

14) Capricorn + Pisces

This pair is one that probably started off as friends first. Each wondering who was gonna make the first move and when. Any relationship that starts as a friendship you know will be one thatโ€™s loyal and long-lasting. Itโ€™s the relationship that comes into one anotherโ€™s lives when everyone is tired of getting hurt and played. Itโ€™s the relationship that makes them feel safe and secure.

15) Cancer + Capricorn

It will be a bit of a struggle for these two to align their values, but theyโ€™re not totally incompatible. Capricorn will seem a bit shallow to the Cancer until they explain that they like nice things because it creates a relaxing home environment (among other things). Thatโ€™s a goal they are happy to work toward together and the Capricorn will appreciate how loyal the Cancer and both will prize the relationship above all else.

16) Taurus + Virgo

What most people describe as โ€œboringโ€ this couple will describe as โ€œidealโ€. They are on the same page about many things in life from finances to where they want to be in 5 years. They will support each other and make each other feel fully confident in the relationship.

Related: What You Want Versus What You Need in a Relationship Based On Your Zodiac Sign

17) Virgo + Pisces

This combination is the relationship every parent wants their kids to be in. Itโ€™s a practical relationship, down to earth and productive duo. While it might not be that love story that keeps you up at night, they are the love you know will be loyal and someone who will keep their vows if ever you choose each other.

18) Gemini + Leo

Gemini and Leo are the couples you know who have the most fun together. They are always making big plans and making each other laugh. The little things will fall through the cracks as neither person in this pairing is great at โ€œadultingโ€, but theyโ€™ll be having too much fun to notice.

19) Aries + Aquarius

These two will get lost in conversation with each other a lot, they have nights where they stay up until the sunrise talking long into their relationship. Theyโ€™re on the same mental level and they both have a lot of interests and things that excite them. Theyโ€™ll be able to build a solid foundation of friendship to build a relationship.

20) Virgo + Aquarius

A Virgo is going to think an Aquarius is a bit crazy at first, but in time they will find out they arenโ€™t so incompatible after all. Aquarius, for all their wacky ideas, isnโ€™t a total mess like a Gemini and can take care of themselves. Theyโ€™ll be a little spark here as both people are somewhat foreign and exotic to the other.

21) Taurus + Taurus

More than most other signs, Taurusโ€™ values are very important to them. Having someone with the same values (loyalty, consistency, comfort) already starts this relationship off on a good foot. These two people know how to take care of each other and they have a super solid foundation knowing how trustworthy the person they love is.

22) Aries + Aries

Aries and Aries will have a solid foundation of fun and friendship. They will challenge each other and know how to keep the other one interested, but theyโ€™ll lack the balance and depth of being paired with someone who complements then rather than replicating them.

23) Leo + Aquarius

Leo and Aquarius get along best in the bedroom where they are drawn to an exciting, non-vanilla relationship. Outside the bedroom, they have less in common, but if they put work into really getting to know each other, they can form a strong bond as a couple.

24) Virgo + Sagittarius

This can be a good opposite to attract relationships as the strengths and weaknesses of the two are complementary, and they arenโ€™t so opposite that they will drive each other crazy. A Sag will force a Virgo to have fun, and the Virgo will make sure the Sag doesnโ€™t fall off a cliff somewhere.

25) Aries + Leo

Aries and Leo are natural allies and make great friends. They love to try new things together, go on adventures, be silly, and challenge themselves. As a couple, theyโ€™d have the most jealousy-inducing Instagram of all time.

26) Gemini + Aquarius

These two make better friends than lovers, but they get along swimmingly. They are both exciting people who love to explore new ideas. They have non-stop conversations and keep each other interested in what can be a very passionate relationship.

27) Virgo + Scorpio

This isnโ€™t the best combination there is. But it also isnโ€™t the worst. Together the strong parts of the relationships come out in the form of support. They each work hard and are motivated and driven. They each care a lot about being successful. The relationship isnโ€™t either of their number one priority but they respect that. While itโ€™s a healthy relationship itโ€™s not the one that sends you head over heels.

28) Cancer + Cancer

Cancer + Cancer is a heavy match. The two will get along amazingly and are capable of having one of the deepest relationships in the Zodiac because they understand each other so well. The only problem with this relationship is that there are times where it might feel *too* deep, with no one to lighten up the intensity, both partners will feel like they need to come up for air at times.

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29) Aries + Libra

This is a relationship of two Alphas which can make it pretty challenging, but when it works they are a force to be reckoned with. They will be a power couple with a lively (and large) group of friends they adore.

30) Cancer + Virgo

Thereโ€™s a lot of potential for harmony in a Cancer + Virgo as both signs seek to avoid conflict and take great pains to make sure their partner feels happy and supported. What they lack in natural chemistry, they more than make up for in effort โ€” this pairing is one of two active, communicative people who will put their relationship first.

31) Virgo + Libra

Virgo and Libra can be a stable couple that makes each other perfectly happy. It might not all be vacations and fireworks, but they support each other and donโ€™t piss each other off. They both value harmony and donโ€™t like conflict for the sake of conflict, theyโ€™ll be very good at communicating with each other and checking in to make sure they are both happy.

32) Taurus + Libra

Thereโ€™s a lot of potential for jealousy in this relationship, but it can work if the Libra babies the Taurus a big and always makes it known that they are their #1 priority. Initially, the Taurus will think the Libra is too flashy, but as soon as they are exposed to their softer side they will be won over. Similarly, Libra will love the sturdy foundation the Taurus provides.

33) Leo + Pisces

In this relationship, Leo has to be a strong and stable one. Pisces are very needy in relationships. Because everything is a Pisces life is based on how they feel they need a partner who understands and can nurture that. Where a Pisces might lack confidence, a Leo always is the confident one. Where a Pisces might crumble a Leo has no problem being their strength.

This couple is good together when each person understands the role they play but problems occur most of the time when being the strong one becomes too much for a Leo.

34) Cancer + Leo

Cancer wonโ€™t immediately enjoy playing second fiddle to Leo, not because they crave the spotlight for themselves but because they view Leoโ€™s vain ways as inauthentic or even shallow. This is a small problem in the grand scheme of life and relationships and one thatโ€™s easily gotten over once you know someone well. Thereโ€™s potential for real balance here, as the signs are different enough that they can truly support and complement each other.

35) Cancer + Sagittarius

Itโ€™s hard to see why these two signs would get together as they donโ€™t have similar values or personalities โ€” but they also are both laid back and like to avoid conflict, so they donโ€™t fight a lot as a couple. With the right two people, this could be an easy relationship celebrating the lighter side of Cancer and the deeper side of Sag.

36) Virgo + Virgo

Virgo gets along well with another Virgo, but theyโ€™d do better with someone who complements them. With another Virgo, they tend to stick in their conservative little life instead of exploring the world or trying anything new. In the end, they may feel they have settled.

37) Gemini + Capricorn:

This couple can make it work even though they arenโ€™t naturally compatible. Gemini can draw Capricorn out of their conservative shell, and Capricorn can provide the structure Gemini needs in order to truly thrive. As long as they are patient with each other and their differences, they can make a great couple.

38) Leo + Scorpio

In a relationship, Leo needs to be in the spotlight and the Scorpio does let them have it. While a Scorpio knows when to fight their battles and chooses them wisely, the biggest issue this pair has is a fight for power in the relationship.

III. The Not So Happy Zodiac Couples

1. Scorpio + Scorpio:

Almost more than any other sign in the Zodiac, Scorpio needs someone to complement them โ€” not replicate them. Thereโ€™s a reason you never hear a Scorpio say โ€œI married my best friend!โ€ Another Scorpio will put Scorpio on the defensive and they wonโ€™t be able to feel comfortable enough to open up and do any of the โ€œlovingโ€ aspects of a relationship.

2. Taurus + Gemini

A Taurus prizes loyalty and stability above all else, which feels stifling to any Gemini they date. Similarly, a Taurus finds Geminiโ€™s was chaotic and unpredictable. These signs stress each other out!

Related: What Itโ€™s Like To Date Her Based On Her Zodiac Sign

3. Cancer + Aquarius

On paper, this pairing should do well, but it often feels like something here wonโ€™t โ€œclickโ€. The two people understand each otherโ€™s needs, but they donโ€™t move naturally together. The Aquarius will seem too removed from their body and emotions to the Cancer, and the Cancer will seem too needy and emotional for the Aquarius.

4. Gemini + Scorpio:

This pair is almost too alike that they donโ€™t work. They each can be really stubborn and cold. They never think they are wrong and struggle in owning up to it when they are. Their fights are always very intense. While they each have an acid tongue they tend to say things they later regret.

5. Leo + Leo

The biggest problem for a Leo dating another Leo is that they both want to be the star. It will be hard for them to find balance as a couple and make sure both peopleโ€™s needs are being met.

6. Aries + Pisces

This combination isnโ€™t the strongest as they struggle in communication. A Pisces might drop hints about what they want and need but they will never straight up say it. An Aries needs that clarity which they donโ€™t get. In a relationship with a Pisces, one has to be able to read people very well but with an Aries, they seem to overlook that. This couple fails because each person just canโ€™t figure out or fake being what the other person needs.

7. Aquarius + Pisces

This combination is never one that is boring. This couple goes from one extreme to the other and they struggle to find a normal balance together. A Pisces constantly seeking love while an Aquarius is naturally distant. And sometimes that works but other times a Pisces struggle with trust issues and thatโ€™s when the two fight. When youโ€™re constantly doubting someone itโ€™s never going to work out.

8. Aries + Taurus

An Aries will be annoyed that homebody Taurus likes to relax more than adventure out into the world, and the Taurus will be annoyed that they arenโ€™t in control of the relationship. These two have both different values and different personalities, so itโ€™s hard for them to get too close and feel like they have a real connection.

9. Libra + Capricorn

Capricorn is a sign that can balance out a lot of signs like Gemini, Sag, Aries, and Leo but they can also bring out the worst in other signs like Taurus and Libra who are a bit prone to materialism, to begin with. The relationship will be perfectly harmonious and they wonโ€™t fight, itโ€™s just that as a partner they donโ€™t make each other better people.

10. Taurus + Leo

Jealousy will be a big problem in this relationship, as a Taurus will never be comfortable with Leoโ€™s need for attention. The Taurus will never feel like they are able to relax and the Leo will feel like they are constantly walking on eggshells.

11. Aries + Capricorn

Thereโ€™s not a lot that Aries and Capricorn have in common, and both types arenโ€™t the kind of people to slow their roll for someone else. Capricorn is more conservative and wants to protect what they put out into the world more than Aries look-before-you-leap nature allows them to. Ariesโ€™ least favorite thing in the world is feeling like someone is holding them back, so theyโ€™ll struggle with Capricorn trying to control them.

12. Taurus + Aquarius

This is an unlikely pairing of people and one of those zodiac couples who see the world very differently. Aquarians wacky ideas can feel exhausting for the Taurus, while the Taurus can feel too boring for the Aquarius.

13. Capricorn + Aquarius

This is a hard relationship to get going as they donโ€™t live very similar lifestyles. The one thing that could make it work is Capricorn and Aquariusโ€™ shared interests in classic ideas โ€” philosophy and art. If they can build a solid foundation of friendship based on common interests, they might begin to understand and meet each otherโ€™s needs.

14. Gemini + Cancer

Cancers primarily value their home life and the foundation of support they build with their partner while Geminis thrive on *not* needing a foundation (which means theyโ€™d be stuck in one place for way too long). This sets up an uphill battle for couples because they arenโ€™t a natural pairing โ€” HOWEVER โ€” this can make it all the more special when it *does* work.

15. Aries + Cancer

This is a difficult relationship as the Aries will always feel slowed down by their Cancer and the Cancer will always feel like they canโ€™t relax around the Aries. They have different values and different dispositions โ€” and not necessarily in a complementary way.

However, with the right people, this relationship can work โ€” the Aries will inject excitement into the Cancerโ€™s life and draw them out of their shell and the Cancer will help the Aries venture into their own minds and get in touch with their emotional needs.

Related: Zodiac Signs You Should Avoid Dating at All Costs ย 

16. Taurus + Sagittarius

These signs make great friends as they can appreciate fun and indulgence together, but they donโ€™t often make great couples. People born under Taurus tend to want to settle down while Sagittarians tend to want to drift around. They arenโ€™t naturally suited to complement each other.

17. Aries + Scorpio

This is a toxic combination. Each hothead. Each gets angry very quickly. And each is very competitive. They each strive to be the dominant ones in relationships and fight for power. They each come across as overly confident and a little too blunt sometimes so the things that do come out of their mouth when fighting arenโ€™t nice.

18. Sagittarius + Capricorn

These signs are not alike in what they value or in personality type. They truly do not like fundamental things about who the other person is or what they want and will quickly grow resentful of each other and bicker a lot.

19. Gemini + Virgo

These two will drive each other CRAZY. The Gemini will feel like a child to the Virgo and the Virgo will feel like an overbearing parent to the Gemini. Their friendship and romantic compatibility are almost zero.

20. Taurus + Scorpio

This is arguably the worst combination of any two signs. This pair just seems to bring out the absolute worse in each other. Like a tornado coming into each otherโ€™s lives and just ruining everything about the other person. There are some people who just shouldnโ€™t be together and this duo is toxic.

Written By Kirsten Corley
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Ranking All 144 Zodiac Couples By Which Ones End Up The Happiest
144 Zodiac Couples RANKED From The Happiest To Not so Happy Together
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