I lost myself by putting my dreams and goals on the highest shelf where no one would see.
I lost myself by forgetting my desires and wishes for what I longed to be.
I lost myself by pleasing everyone around me and purposely forgetting about me.
I lost myself by building a world I did not belong in, by holding onto the strings of what I once knew.
I lost myself by not being me.
I found myself when the charade ended and I was left with just me.
I found myself when I let go of what was and started looking to what will be.
I found myself by gathering my dreams and goals and held them in my hands.
I found myself by one step at a time in the right direction.
I found myself by being broken.
I found myself by starting over with just me..
I found myself through the eyes of Love and Acceptance.
I found myself to be happy and free.
I found myself by just being me..
– Charitz Schultz
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