If 16 Famous Writers Wrote Valentine’s Day Cards For You


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Why settle for less when Kim Namjoon said, “It’s a long way from I to U.
F–, JKLMN-O-PQRST. I crossed all the letters and I reached you
.” Expression of love is perhaps the greatest asset of poetry and what better time to make dad jokes about it than Valentine’s Day!

Cheese is best served with food. However, Valentine’s Day is one exception. Because it’s the one day we go all out to celebrate the love we feel, the love we have, or don’t. Now imagine if your favorite authors took part in this festival of love. What would they write on the Valentine’s Day cards? Or which pick-up line would you love to hear from them?

Famous Authors Pick-Up Lines For Valentine’s Day Cards

You’ve read countless love quotes. You’ve tolerated endless dad jokes. What happens when you mix the two?

Hurray! You’ve just unlocked a trove of terrible literary puns for Valentine’s Day!

Lewis Caroll: Two tickets to Wonderland. One for me, one for my wonder woman.

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J.K Rowling: Accio, your heart! Memories of you can summon my patronus.

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Emily Dickinson: Hi there – you dashing fellow –

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Oscar Wilde: The picture of you in my heart never gets old.

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Shakespeare: You’re my midsummer night’s dream come true.

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Shakespeare:  My Love’s Labour is never Lost on you.

Walt Whitman: O Captain! My Captain! I’ll never let our ship sink.

James Joyce: You bring joyce to my heart.

William Wordsworth: Your words are worth all the trouble.

Immanuel Kant: I absolutely Kant live with you.

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Franz Kafka: We should be more than Franz.

Edgar Allan Poe: Quoth the raven, you and I have the poe-tential to be forever more.

George R.R. Martin: Will You be the Mother of my dragons?

Herman Melville: Whale you go out on a date with me?

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T.S. Eliot: Do you wanna see my cat?

Jane Austen: Willoughby my valentine?

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Count Dracula said it was love at first bite. But let’s stop here for the sake of your lungs.

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Hope you dodge all the bullets of heartbreaks this year because clearly, you couldn’t dodge these unserious literature puns that either made or broke your day of love. LOL.

Happy Valentine’s Day to those celebrating! Happy Reading to those not!

valentine's day

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