Bride Lost A 7 Year Friendship Because One Of Her Guests Did Not Follow Her ‘Rules’ At Her Wedding


Weddings are often considered to be one of the most important days in a person’s life. However, a bride lost a 7 year friendship, after her friend got offended by one of the most important rules she had implemented on the day of the wedding. 

As reported by YourTango, Cora Breilein, took the importance of her wedding to a whole new level by setting out strict rules for her guests to adhere to.

These rules proved to be quite controversial and some guests did not respond well to them, which is why the bride lost a 7 year friendship because of one such rule she made!

Let’s find out what rules the bride made, and why the bride lost her friend forever. 

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Bride Lost A 7 Year Friendship Because Of This Rule She Made

Breilein shared a slideshow on TikTok, where she discussed the rules she had in place for her wedding and whether or not people followed them. And how because of one such rule, the bride lost a 7-year friendship for good. 

One of the rules was that guests were required to arrive at the venue by 3:15 pm and latecomers would not be allowed entry. Breilein revealed that she had even hired security to enforce this rule. She also recommended that guests should park in groups as parking at the venue was extremely limited.

She was also pretty clear about her policy regarding children at the wedding. She asked that parents be mindful of their children’s noise levels and take them to the bridal suite if they got cranky.

She also requested that children sit in the back two rows during the ceremony so that they could have quick access to quieter accommodations. Breilein explained that she had to tell a couple of people that their children were not invited to the wedding.

Another strict rule that Breilein had in place was regarding plus-ones. She explained that the wedding would be intimate and that she was not extending plus-ones at that time. If a guest’s partner was invited, their name would be included on the Save the Date and Formal Invitation.

Now this is where things get tricky. The bride lost her friend of 7+ years over not inviting a boyfriend she had never met. She believed that her wedding felt special and intimate knowing that everyone there was someone important to her. Even though the bride lost her friend, she doesn’t regret making this rule. 

In her TikTok post, Breilein also expressed her frustration with people who text the bride during the week leading up to the wedding. She emphasized that weddings can be a time of high stress and that guests should respect the bride’s boundaries during this time.

Bride lost a 7 year friendship

Is She Right Or Should She Have Been A Bit More Flexible With Her Rules?

Weddings are a time of celebration, but they can also be a source of stress and tension. For some couples, the wedding day is a deeply personal and intimate event that they want to share with only a few select people.

In such cases, it is understandable that the couple would want to set strict rules for their wedding in order to ensure that the day remains special and intimate.

However, it is also important to consider the feelings of guests who may have been excluded from the guest list or not allowed to bring a plus-one. Weddings are a time of joy and celebration, and guests want to be a part of that celebration.

For some guests, not being invited to a wedding or not being allowed to bring a plus-one can be hurtful and can cause tension in relationships.

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This can be done by communicating clearly with guests about the expectations and rules for the wedding, and by considering the feelings of those who may have been excluded or not allowed to bring a plus-one.

Overall, Breilein’s strict rules for her wedding may have caused some controversy, but they also highlight the importance of communication and setting clear expectations for guests. Weddings are personal and intimate events, and it is up to the couple to decide how they want to celebrate their special day.

What is your opinion about this? Would you feel offended by a rule like this, or would you be alright with it? Do you think the reason why the bride lost a 7 year friendship is justified? Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below!

bride lost her friend

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