7 Timeless Romance Books For The Romantic In You



You know the feeling those classic love stories give you when you feel all mushy, romantic, and adventurous, all at the same time? Thatโ€™s the thing about timeless romance books; they sweep you off your feet, every time you read them.

Yes, no matter how our lives have been, be it full of romance or bruised by heartbreaks, we all have a thing for eternal love stories and romance books, penned down by writers who have become immortal through their gripping storylines and personable characters.

We grew up reading these good romance books and perhaps even now we get butterflies in our stomachs thinking about Mr. Darcy or Juliet. Classics like these have restored our faith in romance, and in life.

While there are thousands of romance writers and love stories, some classic novels have become timeless romance books. Valentineโ€™s day is near and if you are planning to read a lovey-dovey romantic book during valentines week or gift the best romance book to your partner or date, then you will find this valentine special post helpful.

Here Are 7 Best Romance Books That Will Sweep You Off Your Feet

1. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Timeless Romance Novels


Charles Bingley comes to town and settles down with his sisters in their estate. Mr. Darcy, his close friend is considered the most eligible bachelor because of his looks and money but his snobby nature is a big turn-off for others. Then there is this beautiful and intelligent neighbor, Elizabeth Bennet who gets repulsed by his ego. The novel is an engrossing read about this couple and how they learn to live with one another.

Romantic quote:

โ€œYou are too generous to trifle with me. If your feelings are still what they were last April, tell me so at once. My affections and wishes are unchanged, but one word from you will silence me on this subject forever.โ€

Related: 16 Soulful Love Quotes From Atticus To Give You Life

2. A Midsummerโ€™s Nightโ€™s Dream by William Shakespeare

Timeless Romance Novels


In Athens, Duke Theseus hosts a grand festival for his marriage while his daughter, refusing to marry her fiance runs away into the woods because she is in love with Lysander. Now the woods are the home to fairies who become friends with the couple. What happens next is a love triangle, a tale of magic, with an ending that leaves us spellbound!

Romantic Quote:

โ€œAy me, for aught that I could ever read,

Could ever hear by tale or history,

The course of true love never did run smoothโ€ฆโ€

3. Love Story by Erich Segal

Timeless Romance Novels


Itโ€™s a love story between Jennifer Cavilleri, daughter of a baker, and Oliver Barrett IV, heir to the Barrett fortune and a popular Harvard jock. They are instantly drawn to each other after they meet in the unlikeliest of ways, and with time their love deepens and they stand by each other despite all odds and adversities.

One of the best-selling classic romance books of all time, this is a story of true, unflinching love that has inspired generations and after generations, and still never fails to bring a tear or two to the eyes of the reader.

Romantic Quote:

โ€œLove means never having to say youโ€™re sorry.โ€

Related: Quotes That Will Make You Rethink What โ€œLoveโ€ Really Means

4. The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks

Timeless Romance Novels


Noah and Allie are a couple who have grown old together. Battling third-stage cancer and other diseases, Noah narrates their tale from his notebook to Allie who is suffering from Alzheimerโ€™s.

One of the raging classic romance books for adults, The Notebook is about how the two central characters cope with their ailments to stay strong and remain lovers till their last breath.

Romantic Quote:

โ€œSo itโ€™s not gonna be easy. Itโ€™s going to be really hard; weโ€™re gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, every day. You and meโ€ฆ every day.โ€

5. A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini

Timeless Romance Novels


Set in Afghanistan in the early 1960s, when war made children orphans, the story revolves around childhood lovers Laila and Tariq.

While Tariqโ€™s parents move to Pakistan and Laila stays back, pregnant with his child, she is forced to marry Rasheed after she loses her parents in a bomb blast.

Rasheed gives her the false news of Tariqโ€™s demise and while Laila settles down in her home with Rasheedโ€™s wife, Mariam, and bears him a child, Tariq comes back. Now itโ€™s up to them to stand up against the abuse and conspiracies in order to unite.

Romantic Quote:

โ€œOf all the hardships a person had to face, none was more punishing than the simple act of waiting.โ€

6. Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy

romance books


Set in a very elite society of Russia, the novel revolves around Anna Karenina who visits her brother Stiva in Moscow to save his marriage.

There, she falls in love with Count Vronsky but is denied a divorce by her husband. Now itโ€™s completely on Anna to deal with this complicated situation where her heart is bruised and broken.

Romantic Quote:

โ€œHe stepped down, trying not to look long at her as if she were the sun, yet he saw her, like the sun, even without looking.โ€

7. Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare

romance books


This is one of the most popular romance books of all time. Romeo and Juliet are torn apart by their family feud, but their undying love for one another unites them in a tragic twist of fate.

Although their story ends in a tragedy, they will live on in the hearts of generations yet to come.

Romantic Quote:

โ€œMy bounty is as boundless as the sea,

My love as deep; the more I give to thee,

The more I have, for both are infinite.โ€

Now, since we are already talking about love, just like itโ€™s important to know when someone loves, itโ€™s equally important to know when someone DOES NOT. What happens when love becomes toxic? When the person you love and trust turns on you and has only one goal: to destroy you? What happens then?

In situations like this, itโ€™s crucial to know how to protect yourself from such toxic people and relationships and how to build the right sort of boundaries.

Toxic Love Disorder

romance books

Toxic Love Disorder, our latest creation is out now on Amazon that talks in detail about everything related to abuse and abusive relationships. Itโ€™s the perfect handbook for anyone who is struggling to get out of a toxic and manipulative relationship. And not just them, itโ€™s a goldmine of information for anyone that is in a romantic relationship.

Love sure is intoxicating and how! Order your now copy now and open the doors to empowerment!

What Are Your Favorite Romance Books Of All-Time?

Did you find your favorite romance books mentioned in our article? If not do let us know which classic novels should get honorable mentions in our collection of timeless romance books.

How many of these timeless classic novels have you read? What novel tops your list of all-time favorite romance books?

Go ahead and let us know in the comments below.

Have a happy valentineโ€™s day!!!

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